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  1. E

    disney water pageant music?

    Hello, Where at WDW can you buy the audio for the water pageant outside the hotels at night? I cant seem to find it online, and we have friends on property who are willing to get it for us. Does anybody know a specific CD it is on or where to find it? Thanks!
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    Rumor Or Not: "Hidden" Jack added to HM

    Sorry for the confusion, i meant Jack Skellington. The person who does the HM holiday overlay was one of the ones working on this, which is why she did it... allegedly. I'm off to look at the link now.
  3. E

    Rumor Or Not: "Hidden" Jack added to HM

    Does anybody know if this is true, or have seen it, and if so can tell me specifically where... Today a cast member told me one of the imagineers who worked on the HM refurb/update also worked on DLs HM overlay, and has hid a jack doll in the attack "near the bride". She said it will help if...
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    Disney VOD Travel Channel

    This is on Cablevision Channel 650 now!
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    How to win the Year of a Million Dreams

    So I wonder how the people who are entering via postal mail are even having a chance. Doesnt really make sence how they can win.
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    Mickey's Magic Show at the Disney Studios

    Can you give me m ore details? What is this show? Where was it playing. Was it for all guests? And will it be there Spetember 13-16th? Thanks, Eric:)
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    Pleasure Island changes with confirmed dates

    God forbid they see gay people! OH NO!!!!! Get a life, stop being so ignorant.
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    Tomorrowland in "Meet the Robinsons"!!!

    Yea but its "Todayland" but you can see SSE in the background.
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    See, now the media wont stop until Mission Space is closed forever....

    Do you really think that Orlandos newspaper isnt "influenced" by Disney? The last thing that will happen in that state is a smear campaign of Disney by any local media outlet. Unfortunetly, outside of FL it doesnt make the news. Oh, and since Disney own ABC...dont look for the story on any of...
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    Anybody know how to email Joe Rhode?

    ...well don't forget his endless financial resources backing him up. I think we could all do anything with that much money behind us. :lol: But yes he is awesome. Many people have spoken with him at Adventures Club on PI. I hear he is there a lot.
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    Mount Everest Expedition Special

    Us fans know its called Expadition Everest. :lol:
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    REALLY weird question for management of hotels

    Sounds hysterical! I say do it, and then post the pics here. I wanna see! People are gonna have a problem with it. But as long as your not loud and roudy, i saw go for it. I think a group of 500+ could get very out of hand very quick. But if you say your all responcable i have no reason...
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    I gave her nearly an INCH!

    Actually the inch is a big deal. Not gonna bash you for it, or waste my time explaining why. Maybe you should take some time away from trying to scam your way onto things to educate yourself on the reasons these height implications were put into place. I guess your daughters life isn’t that...
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    Yeti spoilers. A sarcastic thanks.

    Id probibly tell you to get off the boards where its gonna be discussed. Oh and while were here, is there any other way us members can cater to you? :lol:
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    Minor rehab: Grand Floridian Pool closed

    And STARTING at 500 a night they have every right to!:lol:
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    Narnia Attraction

    Ok not to be Debbie Downer here... but.... What really saddens me is how CS Lewis always said he never wanted his books made into a movie. It was part of the magic of his stories (the mental images you got from reading) But it figures one day somebody would saldy disrespect his wishes for a...
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    Epcot Update 11/26/2005 scare me... You can’t say lets respect each others, while telling us to believe what you believe. You don’t want me imposing my wishes on you, do the same. B/c I could say how more wars are fought over this catholic religion. Or how it is a faith that preaches hate, a faith that is...
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    Holiday Wishes CD Now on Sale

    My exact same thought. "Its really not so scary...doddle doddle doo..."
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    Reality Check for Parade Tape-ee's!

    I thought the "extras" were AP holders only. Therefore we are not gettign anything. Also I have gone to 2 tapeings, you are able to leave whenever you want.
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    Congrats~ THe 10th is our one year anniversary from making it offical. And ofcourse you know where we honeymooned...
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