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  1. StarMichael

    HM Holiday Makeover is here!

    Eating HM Eating starts on the second day of christmas. Everyone is invited! :xmas: Better start booking your flights to FINLAND!:lol:
  2. StarMichael

    HM Holiday Makeover is here!

    Because Disney don´t seem to make it happen, I had to make it myself Hyvää Joulua Kaikille! Merry Christmas to everyone!
  3. StarMichael

    Straight Lines

    Straight Lines vs. Curves Curves in the parks and all over WDW are simply there because people tend to cut corners. Do you rather walk an exact 90 degree turn or a curve. Walt himself used to watch people wherever he went. Some books say that it was Walt´s idea to make walkways curve. I...
  4. StarMichael

    legend of the lion king video?

    Lion King Video I downloaded a good video of the show from Clickmagique a while ago. It seems that they have put it offline. I still have it and I´m willing to share it, but it´s 119Mb so I simply can´t mail it. Do you have messenger? PM me
  5. StarMichael

    Another castle makeover?

    Tomorrow is the day! Castle is going to go! Does anyone have any good ideas how to select the first one to taka a bite? Competition or something?
  6. StarMichael

    Another castle makeover?

    ImaginEAR; Sure you can have a piece of it. :slurp: Just come to visit us! :animwink:
  7. StarMichael

    Another castle makeover?

    Figment; Are you thinking that I couldn´t eat it all by myself? We have about a dozen people coming over. Gregory; It took a day and a half to make. (and thanks for correcting my post)
  8. StarMichael

    Another castle makeover?

    Now that I have your attention, I just want to wish you all Very Merry Cristmas! In case you are wondering: It´s 78cm (2ft 7inches) tall and weights over 3kg (6,6pounds). It has 131 separately baked parts. Rooftops are made out of blue marzipan.
  9. StarMichael

    Other Countries Wdw Fans?

    I think there are a lot of us Europeans here on board. We are just from the quiet side, because most of us (like you and me) don´t English as our native language. It´s still very nice to hear from you. I´m 32 of age and come from Finland. I´ve been four times to Disney World and once to...
  10. StarMichael

    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea question

    There is no actual Nemo ride in DLP. It´s a walktrough attraction and the visible Nautilus in the lagoon is made out of concrete. It´s at least twice the size of the vehicles of 20000 Leagues
  11. StarMichael

    MISSION SPACE page viewing problems

    Directory Listing Denied This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed. I have XP home and Netscape 7.01. My ISP is SONERA (I´m from Finland) I get the same response also with IE 6 BUT this happens only when trying through the main page link. I can access that info...
  12. StarMichael

    EuroDisney's Newest Attraction

    You can find some info from about this rumour from the rumour pages of DLP Guidebook:
  13. StarMichael

    Cheap place to stay?

    I´ve been planning on our trip (maybe december -03) too. I found this homepage, you might want to check out. I´ve never stayed in Condo Lodge. So maybe someone else might have more info about it. I´ve been 4 times to Orlando and you should have no...
  14. StarMichael

    Do you think WDW should have.......

    If you mean an observation tower with the observation platform being the elevator taking viewers up, I´m quite sure they will NOT do that. First of all it would ruin the magic by revealing the backstage in the middle of your day in one of the parks. Not a very good show. Secondly it is a...
  15. StarMichael

    WDW DVD in the UK???????

    You can order WDW Planning DVD from Disney´s UK Net site.... I live in Finland and put my order in just yesterday. They are not suppose to mail it if you are not UK resident, but I just have to wait and see. :rolleyes:
  16. StarMichael

    Timekeeper... Gone??

    Wasn´t there a rumour of Disneyland Paris getting a new Circlevision film? After all Timekeeper was copied from Paris to WDW. Maybe they´ll put the new film in Timekeeper too....
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