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  1. LewZealand

    Practical joke ideas, anyone ?

    I got a million of them just like that one. Some even involve Walt's defrosted corpse.
  2. LewZealand

    Practical joke ideas, anyone ?

    I thought that the poster said the family had a warped sense of humor?
  3. LewZealand

    Practical joke ideas, anyone ?

    Right before you go into the parks for the first time. Have someone call your cell and tell him that you got tragic family news and the trip is cancelled. The look on his face will be priceless. HAHAHAHA!
  4. LewZealand

    Practical joke ideas, anyone ?

    he would have to go all the way to DisneyQuest! Only place on property that sells Pepsi.
  5. LewZealand

    Roger and Jessica Rabbit

    I should emphasize the words "dead (at least for now)". I guess a better phrase would eb a franchise in hibernation. We probably haven't seen the last of Roger, but considering the current business climate between the owning parties, he probably won't be seen on the big screen anytime soon...
  6. LewZealand

    Roger and Jessica Rabbit

    You will all be judged in the eyes of God.
  7. LewZealand

    Roger and Jessica Rabbit

    Sure...who says girls can't be pervs?
  8. LewZealand

    Roger and Jessica Rabbit

    You are all still a bunch of pervs. On another note I feel the need to mention that probably the biggest reason you don't see that much Roger anymore is because Disney pretty much considers the franchise dead (for now at least) The cost of producing a sequel would be astronomical if they wanted...
  9. LewZealand

    Roger and Jessica Rabbit

    The characters of Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit are in fact still owed by their creator Gark K. Wolf. However, their likenesses as they appear in the movie are owned jointly by Amblin and Disney. I would assume that the diaapearance of Roger in recent years is due to bad relations between...
  10. LewZealand

    Have you seen this character missing? A special message from Figment & Co.

    Hmm...that's something to consider Grizz. If Kodak actually did kidnapp him, his beard would be much longer and scraggly by now. Maybe the milk carton picture needs some digital enhancements to show aging.
  11. LewZealand

    Have you seen this character missing? A special message from Figment & Co.

    Its the fake beard that creeps me out. If it was a guy with a real beard, that would be a lot better. Also, if they did bring him back, I'd like to see him re-imagined slightly Maybe more absent minded...not as sharp dressed. It would make him a bit more approachable then some 30 year old with...
  12. LewZealand

    Have you seen this character missing? A special message from Figment & Co.

    I'm very familiar with Dreamfinder. I can understand your desire to have him back, but you have to admit he looks pretty damn creepy especially in that pic.
  13. LewZealand

    Splash Mountain Walkthrough

    Don't be scared. Just put that rap music you listen to on your CD player at full blast, and then just kick it old school through the briar patch!
  14. LewZealand

    Have you seen this character missing? A special message from Figment & Co.

    I say keep him away. He looks like some kind of creepy child molestor! The guy should be on posters at the post office not milk cartons!
  15. LewZealand

    Who Pulled Roger Rabbit?

    Once Eisner is gone, we might (MIGHT!) see the return of George Lucas, Steven Speilberg, Steve Jobs, and many more.
  16. LewZealand

    Who Pulled Roger Rabbit?

    Roger is a joint venture. To clear things up. Roger Rabbit and all his buddies are JOINTY owned by Amblin and Disney. So, in order for any new ride or movie to be produced that involves Roger, an agreement must be reached betweeen the speilberg and Disney camps. Lately, that hasn't beeen...
  17. LewZealand

    Favorite Disney Napkins

    Does anyone have favorite Napkin designs from over the years at WDW. I fond memories of the 20th Anniversary napkins from when I was a kid. Does anyone have pics. Feel free to post pics of your favorite napkins here.
  18. LewZealand

    Can you help me identify these characters?

    The Hunchback sequel had most (if not all) the original voice talent. Most chapquels do a pretty good job getting the cast back. The movies make Disney so much money that they can afford to bring back most of the actors.
  19. LewZealand

    Stitch's Great Escape (Video Download Site)

    Keep your hands and arms inside you post at all times and hold onto your hats. 'Cause this is the wildest thread in the wilderness!
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