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  1. T

    News New security measures

    Fixed, yes. Can't be mistaken for real weapons? Really? But the bubble guns can be? LOL! Whole thing is silly. December 2015 might have been my last trip. I haven't flown in 10'years because I have rejected the tyranny. Haven't carried a bag into a park in almost 15 years. Think I'll...
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    News New security measures

    So....what is the fate of the Frontierland Shootin' Gallery? Discuss!!!!!
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    News New security measures

    Sad day for America. Thought this was the land of the free and the home of the brave. I think it's ironic that we have attractions (Hall of Presidents and American Adventure) that showcase America fighting to rid itself of the type of tyranny that Disney now has at its gates. These...
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    New Holiday Items at the Contemporary?

    I got a cookie! I bought one. Wanna guess what they are going for? Try $10. for ONE COOKIE. I bought it (after several drinks at the California Grill). I still don't know why. $10 for a cookie! Are they serious? Drunken people from the Outer Rim are the only people who are going to...
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    Woman Tried To Bring Loaded Gun, Knife Into Disney's Magic Kingdom

    I bet those folks in Omaha who were walking around the mall had been packing when that crazy shooter went off. It's I have a right to protect myself and my family.
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    It's official: Wand is GONE !!!!

    Nope...sorry. It made me uncomfortable when it went up and there is no scale or gauge in the world that can measure my happiness right now. There is only one Disney thing that could top this (bringing back Horizons) and that's never going to happen! Goodbye wand! I will be there on Oct...
  7. T

    All WDW Resort Hotels non-smoking effective June 1st!

    It's probably near the section about "my right to breathe clear air". Oh wait, there's nothing about that either! I love a nice cigar from time to time. I'm not some drug addicted junkie, as smokers are often portrayed. Fresh cut grass affects my allergies. My eyes start to tear up and I...
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    All WDW Resort Hotels non-smoking effective June 1st!

    Terrible news It's a shame really. I smoke cigars and we always look forward to a drink and a nice smoke out of the balcony at Boardwalk. I mean, come on, making the rooms smoke free isn't enough? Smokers rights are not being considered. People are so touchy about this issue. People smoked...
  9. T

    EPCOT's Future World to become Discoveryland on October 1??

    Didn't we go through this a few years ago? I hate when old rumors "resurface"'s just so boring. What was determined with that whole Project Gemini thing? Was it an actual idea that got scrapped, or just a "figment of someone's imagination"?
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    Disney's Golden Celebration MOUSE EARS!

    Got My Pair! My uncle was just out in CA on business and went to Disneyland for the day and he bought me a pair. Very nice! I am not usually one who strays from the traditional, but they are great. Even personalized!
  11. T

    What do you do at home to keep you in touch with the magic?

    I have hundreds and hundreds of Disney MP3's. I have almost 48 hours worth of audio. I watch my "A Dream Called Walt Disney World" video which I converted to DVD with my Mac (iMovie and iDVD rule!). I watch the EPCOT 1982 video (also converted to DVD), and the Walt Disney World: A Dream Come...
  12. T

    Disney Testing Metal Detectors, Screening Devices

    Strange though....don't they still have bombings???? So, I go to Israel, get searched and poked and prodded, and still get bombed. Like I said, if someone wants to do something evil, they will find away. I would rather die at the age of 22 and live my life freely than be subjected to all of...
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    Disney Testing Metal Detectors, Screening Devices

    Brilliant. I don't think I could have said it better myself!
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    Disney Testing Metal Detectors, Screening Devices

    Is Disney LOOKING for a way to hurt attendance? If those things go up, I am out! No way. I refuse to live in fear. I will take my chances, so long as I can live like a free human being!
  15. T

    Use of Metal Detectors to be Randomized

    This place is going downhill fast. What's next? Cavity searches with Mickey and Minnie? The terrorists win! We are running around like fradie cats! Take down the detectors and the tents and let me enjoy the park like a free American! I refuse to live in fear. In all the years prior to bag...
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    EPCOT Update: AT&T & Pure and Simple Gone, and What's Left of Food Rocks

    Eeeew....eeew...eeew. How about Apple sponsoring the ride?
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    Smoking in the parks

    It's not like anyone forced him. He made a choice.
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    is project gemini dead

    I certainly hope it is dead. There should be a movement to restore EPCOT to it's original futuristic glory! Leave my Spaceship Earth alone and bring back Horizons, World of Motion, and the original Journey Into Imagination!!!
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    Smoking in the parks

    I do long for the old days when a person could just light one up and not get dirty stares.
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    Smoking in the parks

    I own a 2003 Toyota Prius, if that means anything. I LOVE it too. So's my EPCOT car!!! LOL!
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