Use of Metal Detectors to be Randomized


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Apparently, the test of metal detectors coming up will involve a system no where all guests are sent through the detectors, but where guests are sent through at random (like, every 10th guests). This system would be meant to deter any guests from creating problems due to the uncertainty, but not raise wait times to enter the parks dramatically.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ISTCNavigator57
Apparently, the test of metal detectors coming up will involve a system no where all guests are sent through the detectors, but where guests are sent through at random (like, every 10th guests). This system would be meant to deter any guests from creating problems due to the uncertainty, but not raise wait times to enter the parks dramatically. things sounds a little more rational...although it does lend itself to racial profiling....however I guess its effective and I guess it win-win....



Well-Known Member
I don't think its will lead itself to that much of racial profiling. I mean its there but I think they might just use a system that some airports have with there random searches. I was in a line once at the airport for what my family calls "super check" I was the only black guy in a line full of white people.
This place is going downhill fast. What's next? Cavity searches with Mickey and Minnie? The terrorists win! We are running around like fradie cats! Take down the detectors and the tents and let me enjoy the park like a free American! I refuse to live in fear. In all the years prior to bag checks, was anyone ever shot, stabbed, drugged, etc. Not that I know of.


New Member
Originally posted by ISTCNavigator57
The easiest system is to just say they will check every 10th person or something like that.

Bingo. It is a well known fact that most terrorists can not count to 10 and will not be able to create the necessary spacing.

As for the 'profiling', I had this done at a local carnival and it didn't look a thing like me. My head was like all big on this little tiny body.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Don't blame Disney for this. This is in response to guest complaints. Look around these forums--countless threads saying how worthless the bag searching is. People complained to Disney so they are spending a lot of money to integrate these metal detectors. They are doing this for us, and by only grabbing a select few individuals to run through the detector, they hope to deter people from trying anything. The system will most likely change every day, even throughout the day, but it will have be a numerical system (every ____th guest). If someone really wants to blow up the parks, they will. This is meant to deter stupid stuff like people sneaking knives and guns into the parks.


Well-Known Member
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Originally posted by OnWithTheShow

Yes to your question.

You are referring to the shootings, stabbings, and druggings, and not the cavity searches with Mickey and Minnie, I hope? lol


Well-Known Member
Safety and the illusion of safety are two different things...I guess this randomized check, gives a higher sense of the illusion of safety, while not really making it incovenient for most...I could live with that sort of system....

You know all this talk about terrorist and freedom and stuff its made me wonder...if the media (television, radio and internet) did not run stories on terrorist attacks and gave these lunatics their fifteen minutes of fame, I'd bet that the rate that these attacks occur and the numbers would go down quickly....Because if nobody is watching (to see the terrible message) whats the point of blowing yourself up...

Again I think this is a smart way to go about these detectors...if someone looks suspicious make them go through the machine....

But on the same line of thought...will CMs go through similar security about at Resorts, what will be done for security there....kinda brings us back to safety/security and the illusion of safety/security.....



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ISTCNavigator57
Apparently, the test of metal detectors coming up will involve a system no where all guests are sent through the detectors, but where guests are sent through at random (like, every 10th guests). This system would be meant to deter any guests from creating problems due to the uncertainty, but not raise wait times to enter the parks dramatically.

... Apparently people dont know what theyre talking about. Cite a source. Mine say otherwise - FEASIBILITY TESTING After hours.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by objr
Safety and the illusion of safety are two different things...I guess this randomized check, gives a higher sense of the illusion of safety


Well after many years of trial and error in its war against terror, UK security forces found that ultra high levels of security could not be maintained, cost time inconvenience drop in observation by checkers etc so that is exactly what was implemented. Random checks IMHO put that element of doubt in the mind, a constant check becomes a procedure and a procedure can then be circumvented. However random checks should be that. I have watched check points use the numbers as described, car colour, etc as if a terrorist couldnt spot those patterns.

one way to be guaranteed to be stopped be an attractive female especially blonde pulled every time. Must have been some sort of profiling:animwink:


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Re: Re: Use of Metal Detectors to be Randomized

Originally posted by PhotoDave219
... Apparently people dont know what theyre talking about. Cite a source. Mine say otherwise - FEASIBILITY TESTING After hours.

Check a variety of website on the internet, including mouseplanet. Could you be any more obnoxious? You don't need to capitalize words for me to be able to read them. I tend to trust Mouseplanet's sources over the sources of a person who can't use proper punctuation.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

From Screamscape, we have:
Resort News - (4/19/04) The Orlando Sentinel reports that Disney will test out a few metal detectors at their parks to decide if they should start a random screening program. If approved, they will be installed at the main entrance of every one of the Orlando parks and random guests would be directed to pass through them. This would be an additional mesure to the current set of bag checks guests already pass through before going into the parks.

from Mouseplanet, we have:
Metal detector tests underway at Magic Kingdom
This week, Walt Disney World will be testing metal detectors at the entrance to all theme parks after the parks have been cleared. If tests are successful, Disney is expected to install the metal detectors at each park entrance. It is unknown whether the devices would be rolled out to other Disney parks in the U.S. or abroad. Apparently, the screenings would be conducted at random on guests selected as they entered. It has not been disclosed what would happen to guests setting off the detectors, though they could be searched or checked using a hand-held wand.

The tests will attempt to determine where the devices should be located, whether they could be appropriately themed, and would work. Many factors could affect the metal detectors, including passing monorails, which could cause responses both from the magnetic field created by the electric current used, as well as the fact that they are huge metallic objects passing within fairly close proximity.

The new measure would be used in conjunction with the existing bag checks, the effectiveness of which is widely debated on Internet discussion boards. Disney is trying to walk a fine line between providing safety and trying not to cause undue hardship to its guests.

The metal detectors are reportedly not in response to any specific threat, but are part of the resort's comprehensive security program. Representatives of unions representing cast members were in favor of the devices.


Well-Known Member
Well after many years of trial and error in its war against terror, UK security forces found that ultra high levels of security could not be maintained, cost time inconvenience drop in observation by checkers etc so that is exactly what was implemented. Random checks IMHO put that element of doubt in the mind, a constant check becomes a procedure and a procedure can then be circumvented. However random checks should be that. I have watched check points use the numbers as described, car colour, etc as if a terrorist couldnt spot those patterns.

Very good point. This stuff is put into place to make us feel better more than anything else.


Account Suspended
Re: sources

Originally posted by ISTCNavigator57
From Screamscape, we have:
Resort News - (4/19/04) The Orlando Sentinel reports that Disney will test out a few metal detectors at their parks to decide if they should start a random screening program. If approved, they will be installed at the main entrance of every one of the Orlando parks and random guests would be directed to pass through them. This would be an additional mesure to the current set of bag checks guests already pass through before going into the parks.

from Mouseplanet, we have:
Metal detector tests underway at Magic Kingdom
This week, Walt Disney World will be testing metal detectors at the entrance to all theme parks after the parks have been cleared. If tests are successful, Disney is expected to install the metal detectors at each park entrance. It is unknown whether the devices would be rolled out to other Disney parks in the U.S. or abroad. Apparently, the screenings would be conducted at random on guests selected as they entered. It has not been disclosed what would happen to guests setting off the detectors, though they could be searched or checked using a hand-held wand.

The tests will attempt to determine where the devices should be located, whether they could be appropriately themed, and would work. Many factors could affect the metal detectors, including passing monorails, which could cause responses both from the magnetic field created by the electric current used, as well as the fact that they are huge metallic objects passing within fairly close proximity.

The new measure would be used in conjunction with the existing bag checks, the effectiveness of which is widely debated on Internet discussion boards. Disney is trying to walk a fine line between providing safety and trying not to cause undue hardship to its guests.

The metal detectors are reportedly not in response to any specific threat, but are part of the resort's comprehensive security program. Representatives of unions representing cast members were in favor of the devices.

Personally, I don't trust either source...
lol. Though I guess Al isn't at MousePlanet anymore. lol
Screamscape reports everything though...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by ISTCNavigator57
Don't blame Disney for this. This is in response to guest complaints. Look around these forums--countless threads saying how worthless the bag searching is. People complained to Disney so they are spending a lot of money to integrate these metal detectors. They are doing this for us, and by only grabbing a select few individuals to run through the detector, they hope to deter people from trying anything. The system will most likely change every day, even throughout the day, but it will have be a numerical system (every ____th guest). If someone really wants to blow up the parks, they will. This is meant to deter stupid stuff like people sneaking knives and guns into the parks.

Thats right Kyle..

Now the security can find pieces of metal, like watches, and belts..

Another big jump for disney...


New Member

So is having a system based on a numerical count (such as every 10th person, etc) is so much better than nothing at all?

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