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    Magic Kingdom set to break attendance records next week? 7am to 3am operating hours!

    Refurbs.....? The past few years.. 1. HM 2. SM (soon) D.L. space (love it) 3. Pirates 4. SSE (i love it now) 5. Uof Energy 6. Matterhorn (D.L.) And more that i know im forgetting... and as for the "imagineer" i dont care who he is or WAS, you keep missing the point. The point is...
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    Magic Kingdom set to break attendance records next week? 7am to 3am operating hours!

    Can you say...negativity overdose. Again, one disagrees with me, so im "not worth it" :rolleyes: Grow up.
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    Magic Kingdom set to break attendance records next week? 7am to 3am operating hours!

    I think you might consider that alot of folks LIKE the above mentioned. This is ALL in the eye of the beholder as i already stated. You like, i dislike, you dislike, i like. Got it? Its my belief that WDW and D.L. is better now than before. Isnt that a shame? I actually think its BETTER...
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    Height requirements?

    The measurement is done with shoes on, period. If the shoes get him on, he's on!
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    Height requirements?

    ooh, i disagree.... I have seen quite often kids just under the "bar" make it on. The best thing to do is use shoes that give a bit of height. Our son was just under the requirement for space. However, we found a pair of newbalance kids shoes that added quite abit of height. Obviously, if...
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    Things that gross you out in WDW.

    Yeah, they are mighty tough to look at in the water parks....;)
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    Vacation Review- the Good, Bad & the Ugly

    I am a huge fan of the Land pavillion. The boat ride and soarin and with the circle of life redo....i'll like it even more. I think the boat ride is a "underrated GEM" of Epcot.
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    Things that gross you out in WDW.

    LOL, EXACTLY that i mean. Why would you? And what was this person thinking? The only thing worse is when shorts are included....and EVEN worse, in the wave pool at T.L.:eek: And, for breast feeding, my wife DID that for our kids, both of them. She had enough decency to do it in private, where...
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    Magic Kingdom set to break attendance records next week? 7am to 3am operating hours!

    110% disagree. I have been going to one of Disneys destinations as an adult since 1989. Went many times before with my family w/the first being in 1973 (age 3) Considering all the expanding that has occured both at WDW and DLR, i consider the level of satisfaction to better than ever. Some...
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    Park Ticket Discounts??

    There really isnt any significant "deals" on tickets anywhere. We just buy em from Disney, YES, you can save a few bucks at undercover tourist (the cheapest anywhere) but it isnt more than just that...a few bucks. We buy from WDW when we get there and have the park MYW tickets placed on our...
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    'Quarter' family going to Disney World

    This whats it all about. Classic anything it takes attitude. Im proud of them. And, even in this "bad economy" folks are choosing not to participate in the recession. This story is a good lesson for everyone. Hope they have a GREAT time in the "world".
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    sell your favorite resort to me...

    For us, its All Star Music. 1. VERY clean 2. updated 3. GREAT pool. 4. Less "busy" than the rest of the values 5. Big bang for the buck, hotel wise. Now, if we have the extra cash, we LOVE CSR. But, usually..we like the xtra monies for shopping at the outlet mall nearby or whatever, We...
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    Things that gross you out in WDW.

    People that are WAAY to overweight for the SMALL amount of clothes. "excess body fat hanging out" Especially in the water parks. USE the mirror provided, look then think "do i look ok in this" Skinny folks should also dress appropriate, this goes for everyone.
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    Help: Cant pay online

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    Magic Kingdom set to break attendance records next week? 7am to 3am operating hours!

    LOL, so true. And, we have been to D.L. and WDW when more than one atrraction was closed....we went when Space, H.M. and The Matterhorn was all closed at D.L. but crowds were fine and we had a GREAT time. Everything is gonna be just fine when S.M. goes down and the world will keep on turning...
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    Park hopper vs base tickets

    Yep, thats one of those.....SHHH! they arent supposed to know about that loophole. :) I have to amend my previous post, i was basing that opinion on a single ticket with say 9 days on it. (it can be used for ONE park per day.) But YES, you CAN get that ONE ticket broken up into say, 9 tickets...
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    Do you feel more safe on Disney rides?

    I have NEVER felt unsafe on ANY Disney ride. Also, i feel VERY safe on any major theme park ride.
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    Intresting Universal Trip Report

    I agree, i DO like universal, but only for the thrill rides and "different pace' I cant EVER choose it over WDW though, not even in the same galaxy as far as guest experience is concerned.
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    Analysts project 10 pct attendance decline at Disney's U.S. parks

    Debate one in the arena of ideas, dont try to discredit someone just because you disagree. you know, i have been honest about myself 110%, are you? I though we were "buds" but, if i disagree with someone, i'll debate them based on facts not insults, personal thought and intellect, not...
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