I'm self employed and have been for over 20 years. I'm a home remodeling contractor and i can tell you first hand people are afraid to spend money right now. My business is off by some 70% from a year ago. I'M not the only one many of my friends who own their own businesses are experiencing the same issues. They have a wide range of businesses from,Painting,flooring,plumbers,insurance,mail boxes etc., auto repair.
I do feel that yes we are in a bad way for many reasons but i think the news media feeds the fire and keeps it going. They spread fear among the masses. With all the 24 hour news outlets they need to talk about something. People get tired of hearing about "octo mom" 'Tot mom" " Was it a Fax paw that Mrs. Obama touched the queen"
It's just like the "storm of the century" warnings they love to give out. People panic and run out empty the local super markets because "a storm is on the way" then we end up with just a few snow flakes. They need to keep you watching somehow.
I don't find it hard to believe that Disney is forecasting a 10% drop in attendance. I would think it would be more. However that being said i have been to the parks 5 or 6 different times this year and it ALWAYS seems crowded. I'm not just talking about wait times for rides but over all number of guests in the park.
Also I have noticed that the people with the little touch screen surveys have been very interested in what I'm spending and where I'm eating recently. Normally they are more interested in how many times i have been to the park or where i come from. That alone must tell you what their thought process is at.
On the matter of the affordability of Disney. I'm glad Disney has a bit of a higher price all you have to do is look at the guest's that come to many of the lower priced parks. I have gone to many,many amusement parks around the country over the years and the cheaper ones have lots of unruly packs of kids and for that matter adults. The higher pricing i feel helps keep the undesirables out.
That's just my humble opinion!