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  1. wyattkelly

    "Haunted Mansion" trailer!

    WHat is wrong with you people??? I'm sorry, but the movie is gonna suck on so many levels...It's got great special effects, great story..and they throw Eddie Murphy into it! God, it was horrible. Like watching a 40s movie where the 'black' character exclaims, "Ghost! We don't be wantin'...
  2. wyattkelly

    Ride Opinion: Great Movie Ride

    I posted a while back about this, but the Great Movie Ride needs an update. They need to toss in some different films, past John Wayne and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Though I doubt they could ever do Matrix, but what about Tombstone or Gladiator? Some great possibilities there.I wish all the...
  3. wyattkelly

    Muppet Question The best curmudgeons in the known universe!
  4. wyattkelly

    Walt Disney World

    Hmmm...I thought there was going to be another celebration this year, for the 75th anniversary of Mickey Mouse? Wow...75 years. Generations raised on a rodent. Go Walt!
  5. wyattkelly

    GRRRRRRR!!!!!! Haunted Manison News

    Hmmm...changing Haunted mansion to reflect an upcoming movie, eh? Well, I'm all for Disney going back into old attractions and revamping and cleaning them up. I'd love to see Pirates of the Caribbean get a rehab, new characters and audio-animatronics. Walt himself would have looked at it...
  6. wyattkelly

    Disney "Urban Legends"

    Yeah, Snopes is great...I love the fact that they track back all the information, and check to make sure it's true or not. Heck, they were the one that pointed out the nude woman in Rescuers! Can't get that anymore. Stupid body-hating busybodies.... If anyone wants screen caps of the...
  7. wyattkelly

    Which country would you want next in World Showcase?

    I think Russia would be cool. It's a portion of the world that's not represented well in The World Showcase yet, and has a rich and varied history. I'd like to see more about the times before communism, including the czars and such. I remember about ten years ago when I was in high school...
  8. wyattkelly

    Could anyone imagine a world without Disney?

    The only way Walt Disney World will ever fall is if a nuclear bomb drops. and if that happens...well, I'll be hiding in the utilidors, fighting off mutant alligators. Anyone want to join me?
  9. wyattkelly

    The MK tunnel system!

    Utilidors. Ugh. I remember these monstrosities. they consistently smelled like . Trust me, it's nothing worth seeing.
  10. wyattkelly

    Why waist your time at Epcot?!?!?

    Why waste my time at Epcot? one word: Pastries! French and Norwegian pastries! Yum! The best food is at Epcot.:) But I'm an old fart.
  11. wyattkelly

    Ever get picked to be onstage?

    Times I was involved in The audience Participation... I was sound effects and the voice of Martin Short in the MOnster sound Show (I was consistently late) I got to die on stage at the Indy Stunt Spectacular, Yay! I got dunked in water at the Backstage tour as the woeful ship captain...
  12. wyattkelly

    All Things Pirates of the Caribbean

    Yeah...Pirates has always been one of my favorite rides at WDW (With the coolest gift shop, too!), and I have high hopes for the Movie. Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, directed by Gore Verbenski? I'm THERE! HOwever, the Haunted mansion with Eddie Murphy? No. It's just not gonna work. it's gonna...
  13. wyattkelly

    20k lagoon rehab possibilities

    Only trouble I see with building an extension of The Magic Kingdom off from 20,000 leagues lagoon is this: It would plow right through the employee entrance, the costuming department, the cafeteria, etc. in other words, it'd be a load of trouble trying to figure out the logistics of another...
  14. wyattkelly

    How often do you dream of disney?

    The strange thing is, I normally don't dream about the parks themselves. What I dream about is driving around in the Florida everglades that surround the parks, moving through the cypress trees. STill, if everything goes to plan, I'll end up back at Disney soon, and will stage my take over of...
  15. wyattkelly

    How will Disney React to Jeffrey Jones' arrest?

    Yeah, he's the voice of the robot pilot. His name escapes me at the moment.
  16. wyattkelly

    How will Disney React to Jeffrey Jones' arrest?

    Well, Disney didn't re-record the dialogue from Star Tours when Paul Reubens was busted for *ahem* pleasuring himself in a Sarasota adult theater. I don't think that they'll re-do anything on Alien Encounter, besides take his name off the credits.
  17. wyattkelly

    Animatronics Show? (The American Adventure)

    "American Adventure" At the American Pavillion is worth seeing. If you're like me and get choked up by the stupid little stuff, you'll love this journey through American history. If you're like my dad, you'll appreciate the air-conditioning and catch a short nap before you hit the asphalt again...
  18. wyattkelly

    Disney Smells

    Mmmm...the smell of Disney World...Me, after working there, I like the smell of the backstage. Not the tunnels. 'cause they smelled like really rank @$$, but the swampy, wonderful smell when you get on the bus and ride back to the main bus terminal. I loved that smell. meant I was going home...
  19. wyattkelly

    Guns At Disney

    I'm gonna weigh in on this gun controversy, and probably sound like a total doing it, but... Guns are only as dangerous as the people who own them. I have two pistols myself, that I use for plinking at the local range, and waiting in my sock drawer in case some poor ______________ is...
  20. wyattkelly

    Kingdom Hearts: Mini-review

    Well, finally beat the was really damn cool. I wish I could say more, but since I don't know anyone else that has beaten it and I don't want to ruin me, neat stuff! :sohappy:
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