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  1. E

    New Maleficent Parks Costume

    I'm really in the minority here but u say keep her as she is, a cartoony villain with an overly-green face and massive chin. There are enough realistic baddies in real life.
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    captain eo closing ?

    HISTA never really floated my boat and while I did enjoy Captain EO (I do accept that it's very dated) I'd love to see a Phineas and Ferb 4D show. My DD would be even more happy!
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    Rides you always get stuck on

    The very first time I'd managed to persuade my daughter to give EE a go we got stuck near the top of the larger hill climb. She turned to me and said, 'is this supposed to happen?'. I told her it was and then every rider sat there, in complete silence, for what felt like an eternity. (It...
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    Has anyone else noticed an upswing in CM friendliness?

    The vast majority of CMs we've met have been excellent although, like any profession, not everyone is a good match for their position. I think the worst CM experienced I had was at the Crystal Palace when wed had a problem and politely asked the Waitress if we could speak to a manager. She...
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    Your Disney Misconceptions?

    As a kid I though EPCOT was inside 'the great big ball'. In fact, I held on to that belief until i first visited The World - I was 36....:)
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    UK Guest Purchasing Alcohol

    Unfortunately the days of me requiring ID for alcohol are long gone...I don't think there could be any confusion that i'm old enough to partake. I do agree with you though, I wouldn't take my passport around a park with me. It'd probably end up on the floor of Space Mountain along with a...
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    Imagination! Being Replaced w. Dr. Doof?

    I really struggle with the Figment attraction, I just don't get it (I obviously lack imagination!) There's an awful lot of space taken up by the ride that I feel could be better used for something else (with or without figment) Just imagine how a major crowd puller could help control the masses...
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    "Larger Sized Guest" Worry -Help..

    I didn't have a problem fitting on anything at Disney when I was at my largest (that was 70lbs ago). Unfortunately, because I managed to fit on everything there I thought It'd be the same over at Universal and didn't bother with any of the testers seat...what a mistake! I didn't fit in a normal...
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    OKW bus route

    Thank you.
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    OKW bus route

    Are there any studios close to Turtle Pond?
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    What ride/attraction would go altogether and you wouldn't miss it

    I've had a long think about this and while there are rides I'm not particularly keen on - primeval whirl and SGE for example - I still ride them ever time I'm in The World. There's only one ride/attraction i tend to avoid, so that can go to be replaced with trees...<puts flak jacket...
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    Florida Liquid Sunshine!

    We were there during the tropical storm Fay onslaught, so it was more like a hot bath...a VERY long hot bath! We never let it stop us though and carried on like any other Disney day.
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    You'll Never Look at the Haunted Mansion the same way again....

    Fabulous video. I told my DD it was real who swiftly announced that she wouldn't ride it again. Thankfully the making of video has convinced her otherwise.
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    Journey into Imagination, I want answers

    My family love the ride, me less so. I can't help think that there's something not right/missing from the attraction and my DD and DW can't convince me otherwise (none of us ever rode the original version) Just imagine if Disney plussed the attraction to the point where people really wanted to...
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    Winnie the Pooh: Great attraction or classic attraction killer?

    For me it's just a 'fine attraction'. Having said that I was never fortunate enough to ride what it's replaced. Maybe I'd think differently if I'd rode Mr. Toad?
  16. E

    Embarassing WDW pics!

    This was taken outside of DHS during tropical storm Fay. Oh dear, at least I looked happy to have the photo taken... And to think, I actually created an account on this site (after lurking for a while) just to show this photo off!
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