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  • I always thought dining with Jesus would be awesome, just to get some sort of perspective to apply to my own life. When I was in school, I did a project on Sir Thomas More...I think he was the head of the Catholic church in England at the time of Henry the Eighth, from what I remember he was a good, pious man who stood up to the king of England. For some strange reason, I still remember that after all of this time. I never knew my Uncle Ronnie, but as I was growing up I always heard references to him, and how he had the same sense of humor that I have (and my father has); he just seemed like a great guy. I forgot to mention another close family member of mine, John. He died on 9/11 and our family was close in that respect so it was hard on all of us. I'd like to spend some time with him.
    Mine are just pollen, I believe. And cats, but you don't generally find them falling from trees and plants. What's your son allergic to?

    I believe one of my family members went to one of those tank engine festivals, too. They're very big with trains up there; I remember visiting Lancaster (an hour or so outside Philly, I believe) a few years ago and there were tons of cool museums and exhibits.

    Hmm....those are very interesting choices! How have they impacted your life? Mine are hardly as profound :lol:, but I'd have to choose Jesus, Sir Thomas More, my Uncle Ronnie, David and Jerry Zucker, and Joe Pesci. I bet there's a few more I can name, but those are just off the top of my head.
    Welcome home! I'm glad you enjoyed your time in our area and got to visit your father, I bet he really appreciated seeing you guys come down! Have you vacationed with him before?

    My week...certainly uneventful. I thought I was coming down with a cold or something but as it turns out it's just terrible allergies (still!). Thank goodness for meds. :cool:
    51 and counting baby! LOL Yeah getting revved up and antsy but that's ok - keeps it exciting! I have found SO much stuff on ebay for Lindsay's goodie bag and all under $5 each...some of it a couple bucks LOL I have a tinker bell necklace coming from China ($1.29!!! ha ha!), got her a gameboy game for $5, a couple movies for the dvd car player ($5 each), pads, disney pens....i have a pair of mickey mouse dangle earrings enroute ($2!!! gotta love that China stuff LMAO!) - by the time I'm done her goodie bag will be filled to the brim and I still have to get the gift cards! I'm actually enjoying doing the bag - it keeps me away from over-planning which I'd be doing right now if I wasn't concentrating on the bag lol
    That's great your kids got freebies! bump me all day for those free tickets LOL 70's birthday - not old - YOUNG! My folks are 81 now that is old! LOL Glad you were there to share that with him and what a blast you will all have at the World together. I do read some horror stories only because of the age thing meaning you are 40 something....he is going to ________ out way before you so most of what I have read states do a little each day with parent(s), then let them go back to the resorts while you party hearty! LMAO! That's what a bunch of boards say but he may out run you guys altogether - I don't know :-) !!And it is wonderful your kids will get to enjoy that also - welcome home!
    Just wondering if you got back home safely and how the trip went...send a note when you get a chance ok? Not much new on this is swamped and the weather has sucked for 2 days now LOL Welcome Back I think! LOL
    Tomi - that is just so AWESOME! I'm so happy for you!!! And the Children's Dept - how perfect is that. OH hopefully you get a 10% (or more lol) employee discount. That would be great because of the boys! YEAH! I know you are psyched. You wanted this pretty bad so yeah you! LOL :)

    You guys have a blast in Jersey! If you can't get on I totally understand. It's not like we are married ya know LMAO!!! However it does help to have somebody around to bounce stuff off occasionally. Like I said though...go relax and hopefully have some fun. Get ramped up and get ready for the new job! I know hubby is probably happy also !!
    Live in WDW? I'm not sure. Perhaps five-ten minutes away from WDW, but I don't think I'd be able to wake up in a Disney park every day for the rest of my life LOL. In a perfect world I'd move to Anaheim or Orlando and live there for a stint of time and visit every day of the year, but life gets in the way, as usual.

    Again, congrats! :D
    I was amidst responding to your post when I found your new one. Congratulations! :sohappy: :sohappy: You totally deserve it. We'll keep you and your family in prayer...have safe travels to Philadelphia, and be sure to check out the tiny garden state to the east of it. :D
    yikes you're a mess!!! LMAO!!! JK - A job is a job so go get them and get that job tomi! I know you'll do I'm rooting for you so you are bound to get it! LOL

    And you are SOOO ancient huh! lol Nah never too old to be the pushy perfume girl but am glad that is NOT a position you are interested in lol
    Those issues seem relatively minor, thankfully. It's great that you guys stepped up and said something about it when you left, though. The other guests must really appreciate it. :D

    :lol: That makes tons of sense. I'd like to think I'm pretty accustomed to change right now, but once you get in the swing of things, BAM life throws something out there.

    In retrospect, I miss the AKL more and more every day. It truly was a great place (despite me getting lost in the hotel basement...that was scary, but an interesting story to tell at parties.) We've only stayed on the Beach side of Y&B, but the only difference is the theme, I think. They're both outstanding and the pools are to die for. No exaggeration.
    Look at it this way...the stock on ebay changes by the minute so what you don't see today will probably be there tomorrow for Tristan LOL That's what I love about ebay...they just keep it coming and coming and coming! LOL

    6 p.m. is a late interview. But I know Malls are usually open till 9 or 10 so from that standpoint, it makes perfect sense. Is this for a FT job or PT holiday help only. If it's PT holiday help only...sometimes those can lead into FT jobs which would be a good thing. As long as you aren't the perfume sprayer girl that I have to kick in the shins for spritzing without asking - you are safe LMAO! Gotta love em! (and yep I'm kidding but they do get perfume aggressive! LOL)
    She actually has 2 boys from a previous marriage...6 and 8. This is his first marriage so I know he is looking for baby makes 3 LOL Just not sure when though...I think she said they were going to wait about a year or so...whatever makes them happy!

    Lindsay is doing well in school. She had (the week before progress reports came out) all A's and 1 D - I was like WTH? LOL Of course the D was in math but by the time all was said and done...she wound up with all A's and 1 C (math yep lol) So I was happy. But I told her all A's and B's and she gets money...which she knows from last year...that one C killed any funds so now she can work a bit harder...she always starts off slow and ends up with a bang!

    I am SURE you'll do awesome at your interview! Knowing a bit about Macy's always help because it shows you did your homework ha ha ! You'll be fine. Just relax and think of it as an adventure :-)
    WDW is nowhere near Six Flags quality, fortunately. That's not to say they don't have flaws but it's not anything noticeable, you should just focus on enjoying your much-needed vacation. :D
    You know, I love it when they are power washing or painting something, because it shows that progress is being made. Disney goes out of their way to make sure that it doesn't interrupt the Guest experience, which is also a big plus. But I love progress!

    We all loved the AKL. Watching the animals from the balcony is something you can't put a pricetag on. The pool, restaurants, and theming were impeccable. It's so lush and green, you forget you're in Central Florida. Our only gripes were there distance from the other parks and how far our guest room was from everything, which was pretty minor. Did you have any gripes about the GF?
    We're back! It was beautiful. A church over on Ben King (Kennesaw United Methodist) ceremony was beautiful. reception was in the events room (which appeared to be a huge gym but carpeted?) .red white & black were the colors...I was picked as the cake cutter about 3 months ago -I was getting ready to leave so I said my goodbyes & Marianne says wait - I have something for you ...silly girl gave me a $25 american express gift card as a thank you for cutting the cake!!! Sweet! but I didn't think you were supposed to do stuff like that LOL Marianne is an admin, I'm an NDT coordinator and her hubby Derrick is one of my techs if that makes sense LOL

    I think I got the start a new thread thing now...thanks because for the life of me I couldn't figure it out!

    OH--.Lindsay looked so grown up! Beautiful midnight blue spaghetti strap flowy dress with small silver heels, silver earrings & necklace...she looked stunning so I'm scared! for what I know will come as she gets older...wahh LOL
    LOL Plus you have to leave some things for chance...which at Disney World, are always good (mostly). :lol:

    I'm sure you have a great chance of getting picked! That's great how Disney would create a panel like that; I could see it being very helpful for families and first-timers.

    I don't think the economy is affecting the things I've been complaining about...they've been that way for the past ten years. WDW is still clean, don't get me wrong, but when you look at the parks like I do, you start to notice a lot of things. (Good and bad.)

    :ROFLOL: My avatar is another one of those's a self portrait of the painter Ducreux from the 1700's I believe. Someone found the picture and started labelling it with captions and it proved to be quite a hit!
    by the way, and you'll think me crazy - how do I actually START a thread by asking a question or whatever if I wanted to? I have no clue! LOL

    Going to a wedding today - should be fun. Linds is my date. Leaving around 4 and home by 9 am sure!
    Ohhh not sure what it is with me and shopping. Hate clothes shopping for myself and Lindsay hates clothes shopping for herself with me lol Don't mind grocery shopping at all. Find it kind of relaxing - weird huh!

    Laura won't get chosen because she says she doesn't have that time of commit to the Moms Panel. Not sure why but that's her excuse! LOL She is one of those people that is always moving, always on the go or always on the's like a constant. I think the woman only sleeps about 4 hours a night. She's pretty funny.

    Regarding ebay...I usually buy stuff as "buy it nows" so I don't have to wait for auctions to end...however I did bid on my gps that I won but I found myself checking to see if I was the highest bidder at all times of the day and night LMAO! I got kind of about it>
    Woohoo! How are you guys prepping for your last 365 days?

    Good luck on the Mom's Panel! What exactly is it? I've heard much about it but I don't really know what exactly it is.
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