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  • Hmm, I haven't heard of those dishes. I'll look them up on Google Images and see what comes up! At home, we typically buy sauce, but sometimes relatives make their own sauce, which is equally delicious. They're opening up an Italian food store near us soon...hmm...:)

    Well, we were driving south on the highway looking for somewhere to eat. In the Keys, there's not a whole lot of anything except forest (it isn't as touristy as one would think), and we came across a place (after a long drive) called Boardwalk Pizza. The outside was adorned with Garden State Parkway and NJ Turnpike signs, and the interior, although small, was filled with Jersey relics. They even had a poster of Jersey Boys (the ones that are hanging up inside the theater) that said "Warning: Weapons and Authentic Jersey Vocabulary are used in this production". Nothing too exciting, but I was glad to see a fellow Jersey-an in no man's land. And the pizza wasn't half-bad, either.
    Starburst with liquid center? I don't think I'd try that. What will they think of next?

    I'm going to have to go with open them when he gets home. That way, they'll be excited all day. :)

    Gotta agree on the pizza there. We eat Domino's occasionally, and even with the new (tasty) crust, I'd choose any of the dozen pizza places (no exaggeration) within five minute's driving distance over the brand kind. Did I tell you about the pizza place I saw in the Florida Keys?

    I'd have to say it's Italian, though not anything that's overly cheesey. It's flavorful, and that's what I like. Have you ever had Greek food?
    Sleep? What is that! LOL I can't sleep starting about a week out....maybe 6 hours a night. By the night before - maybe 3 or 4 and then the long drive down! lol Which is why when arriving at 4 or 5 in the afternoon...we swim and take it easy Saturday night. That way we are all rested up and ready to rumble EARLY Sunday morning...the start of our 1 park per day, adr's and longggg days LMAO!
    From what I understand, *real* Italian food is indeed seafood, at least in Italy. But homemade Italian cooking simply cannot be beat. I guess as you get farther from the NY area, the "authentic" Italian food taste declines, but maybe I'm just being snooty (snotty?) about my food LOL. One of my favorite jokes is the typical Jerseyan's reaction to the opening credits of the Sopranos: "Been there . . . been there . . . drove past that . . . shopped there once"

    Here's to hoping that your husband is home for Christmas!

    Favorite candy? It may have to be Crunch bars. But there are a few others I like, like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, or Butterfingers, but I'm not a fan of the sweet/sour sugary fruity candies. I look on in horror as I see kids down one of those "Pixie Sticks" freaks me out!
    I agree with the memories..pretty much why I don't store photos and stuff on the computer. I put all the photos on discs BUT I also do my photo albums and tell my story of our trip thru the pictures we've taken - think I told you about that.

    Now if I can only get her as Disney'd as I am...she will get that way but heck I'm a dork all year...she doesn't hit dorkiness till we are in the car on the way LOL Maybe it's a tween thing - maybe it's just a her thing and maybe she only gets dorky cause I do LOL who knows but I don't care because WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!! lmao!

    OH I wish election night was over..I am SOOO tired of all the phones messages on our machine...we get at least 5 a day and they have been going on for a week now..ugh! lol
    He has to work on Thanksgiving!? Well, I guess there's a job that someone has to do. I'm sorry to hear you won't be spending Thanksgiving with your husband. I hope you and your kids find somewhere great to go, however! Our Thanksgiving traditions vary...a divorce in the family kind of put a wedge between people and such. Sometimes we go up to visit relatives in North Jersey, sometimes they all come to our house. That side of the family is Italian, so it is great to have guaranteed good eats.

    What is Calloway Gardens? I looked it up online and it seems to be some sort of resort/botanical gardes.
    100,000 Bars? I've never heard of them! But I'll look for them next time I'm out grocery shopping.

    I've only seen one episode of Running Wilde, but it wasn't AD-funny, pretty disappointing. AD wasn't unconventional, but it was VERY funny. It seems every line of the show had a joke built-into it, and the beauty was that everybody could take something from it find new things in every episode. But I struggled to find that genius in RW. It followed a traditional sitcom model and only has a few jokes per episode, at least from what I saw.
    I've found Publix/Kroger makes a great turkey! You just have to place your order about a week ahead of time-they do the turkey, stuffing potatos but it's pretty darn good if you don't feel like cooking!

    holiday pay is usually pretty darned good so can't turn that down! LOL

    speaking of disney gift cards, i get a $200 one with my package. So i keep trying to get them to understand - can I have 1 card for $150 & 1 card for $50, this way I can stick the $50 one in Lindsay's tin. NO! You get ONE gift card with $200 on it! I'm like ok ok don't bite my head off it's not like I'm trying to get more money so anyways, I'll just go to the Disney store the day before we leave & get her one

    The Buzz t sounds hysterical. I think I've actually seen that one before. I'm just super psyched right now because I'm at 17 & counting - I printed my maps, did touring plans (but I keep looking at them like I want to change them) & have started digging thru the disney boxes at!
    OH I know what you mean about Jack!!! There is one guy down there that is a dead ringer for Johnny Depp LOL I mean dead on...I have photos of him in our album - yummy is a word that comes to mind! LOL

    I also read or heard about the HM themed rooms but I have no clue which resort will get them...wait, the new animation suites at POP maybe? I think so! Will have to research but I think that is where they are going....

    Why does Lee have to work Thanksgiving?? How non American! LOL You could always just cook for you and the kids...that way when Lee gets home he could have a nice warm meal (albeit probably nuked ha ha!) and the kids will be good to visit with while watching corny Thanksgiving classics on TV and the bestest most importantist! (LMAO!) LEFTOVERS FOR TURKEY SANDWICHES - YUMYUM! LOL
    One of the best things about Warburton is that he's always's always refreshing to see a familiar face like his. Same with Jeffrey Tambor (George Bluth from Arrested Development), who's in a lot of things, I believe his most recent appearance was in The Hangover, where he played the fiancee's father I believe. ("What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...") By the way, we're introducing some family to AD today...let's hope it goes okay!

    Same here on sleep...I got maybe 6.5 hours. I already ate four mini-candy bars, so I think I'm out for tonight. What's your favorite candy?
    I try to "share" my Disney dorkiness that's why the gifts but at having to buy about 20 of them...that's why so inexpensive BUT they always go over well so that is good! Plus I usually get Sandy and Rick something for Christmas while I'm there. He loves Jack Sparrow - she loves Figment. OH and she loves Jack too but who doesn't LOL If I had my own place I'd have a whole Disney room but alas...

    Well Sandy, Rick and Linds hopefully are flying to Laguardia right now. There whole trip has been a mess. Took 2 days to get there. They were supposed to fly Boston to ATL but not luck. Overbooked and they are on buddy passes. So they are going to LaGuardia..then flying to ATL. Should land around 9pm -going to be 1 tired kid for school tomorrow! lol

    No sleep tonight missy - trick or treating only remember??? LOL
    That's right. I think you mentioned you were going to wait to request the move to another department. Hey - you are working though and that's great!!

    Not impatient at all! I am just dorky excited at this point...and it will gradually get worse. Everyone at work is starting to make fun of my dorkiness as it it becoming heightened LOL Actually they love when I go because I usually bring back goodies for the admin group (I used to be in admin but now I'm in NDT as a coordinator) - anyways 2 years ago it was the big huge mickey lolly pops...last year while at Epcot in Mexico I hit pay dirt (lol) tons of different types of hand made change purses for a buck each! They LOVED those! This year I'll find something but I never know what I'm going to find till I get there ha ha

    The flight is supposed to land at 410 tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingies crossed it takes off on time and lands on time after their 2 days of trying to get there :-)
    It's interesting how some people respond to lack of sleep. Some like yourself get grumpy, others start acting very loopy, and others like myself are indifferent except that at around 2pm my eyes can't stay open. Here's to hoping for more sleep for the both of us!

    That's an awesome costume idea! I've heard of some kids that dress up as Mario and Luigi, then get the rest of their friends to be Princess Peach and Bowser and such. It's a hoot!

    When I went in August, I never realized that it was Higgins, but once I read that was him, it all makes sense, especially the voice. My personal favorite is Patrick Warburton (Puddy) at Soarin'. There's always laughs when his face comes up the whole crowd starts laughing.
    By the way, you know Wayne Jarvis, the prosecutor from Arrested Development? He's the guy in the Test Track safety video. ;)
    Welcome back! I'm glad his party went well. Excellent Motown choices! It seems so...simplistic. I don't know a better word to describe it.

    Myself, I've been better and worse. I've hardly had enough time for sleep lately, but that kind of gets shoved farther down on the "to-do" list. Sounds like your life has been busy! Are you enjoying it, though? Has everything else been okay? LOL What are your sons being for Halloween? I think we need to go out and buy some candy.
    I'm sorry - do I know you??? LMAO!!! Hi stranger! I've been so used to talking to you pretty much every day so when you "disappear" I get lonely LOL

    21 days from tomorrow - woohooo (hey you asked!!! ha ha) - getting revved and even happier now that I'm just a little out of service LOL Have started dragging out the boxes to go through so working on what to bring and such.

    Linds is in Boston with Sandy for that wedding. Now I'm freaking out because they have to fly back Sunday and all that terrorist crap is going on again with the UPS cargo planes and such. I'm sure they will be ok but dang with the poopy timing LOL

    Obviously work is keeping you more then busy. Sort of insane. How many hours do they have you on a week? Did you get moved out of childrens yet?
    Hey Tomi - they must be running you ragged at work again this week! LOL Just wanted to let you know, had the colonoscopy today - didn't see anything major so that is awesome. But it appears I have diverticulitis (?) you know what I mean LOL It's when you get air pockets inside your colon from not enough fiber...these air pockets become irritated and inflamed (hence most of my symptoms) - you never get rid of it but you learn to tame it...back to my 2 fiber pills a day (had stopped taking them about 3 months ago) and more fiber rich foods and then have some foods to stay away from so I'm happy!

    Hope all is well on your end!
    No problem! I'm sure your son will have a great birthday. Hopefully you get a nice break soon with all of the work you're putting in...these kinds of things are always very stressful.

    The Horizons ride that Mission: Space replaced always sounded very cool; it seemed to have something for everyone. I never got a chance to ride it. I totally agree on the Dinoland points...Dinosaur is nice but the rest of the place needs to go. Australia would be great, but it would need some sort of distinctive architecture/weenie, and you can't exactly make a huge Ayers Rock LOL.

    I've been meaning to put some Dean Martin on my iPod. I've been listening to some Motown lately...good stuff!
    Kids sail free does stop at 10 but heck that's not what is stopping us - it's the price LOL $3500 for the same time frame as Carnival and Carnivals is only $1700 WITH what they called a Jr. tub Room (250 SF with a bath and a half AND oceanview) - so that's what I'm working on...I love Disney and all but Carnival has definitely stepped up their game so here we come! LOL

    trip is extremely close! Have my procedure this monday so whatever happens is going to have to wait till we get back!!! lol Hopefully just something stupid if the colonoscopy can finds it...if it doesn't dont' know the next step but doc will tell me.

    So I'm psyched -30 days and counting till fun fun fun.

    OH linds doesn't treat or trick anymore...but she is going to boston for a wedding (with her aunt) it's a wedding at midnight Halloween (lol) she's going to be a vamp LOL
    Hey there you are! figured you've been slammed at work. You had mentioned they were working you silly. I have Lindsay's conference tomorrow - gets me out of work a bit early! I know she is doing good because I check Pinnacle weekly - Now that she has hit middle school she knows what she needs to do so that is good! I'm glad your kids are doing well!

    Not much else new other then that. Decided Hawaii won't happen next year ($1100 for ONE plane ticket - yikes!!!) And not a Disney cruise either ($3500 for the 2 of us TGiving week - NOPE) so I opted for the next best thing to work on...I can get a 7 night deluxe oceanview room on a "camp carnival" Carnival cruise ship to the exact same itinerary as Disney's for on ly $1700!!!!!!!!!! Same trip and over half the price! Plus the cruise is geared to the 12-14 yr old kid - I get dancing, bars and gambling LOL she gets her "own" dances (no adults! ha ha) game rooms, daily activities - she'll love it!
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