Wow!!! The Fantasy had THE RIDE last night!!!


Active Member
Oh man! Where are you seeing this stuff, Cindy! I wanna see, too!!!! All those people over on that other site are screamin' about 60' waves but none of the buoy reports that we've been able to find say that. At least one person over there acknowledged that the rolling & pitching often made it look like waves towering over the ship when in reality they were looking down into the waves as they pitched.

Yep. I had to stop reading over there because it's absurd. That's where WDWMagic will always be my "home". People here just aren't wound up that tight. Sheesh!

Yep. Totally agreed. It was a no-win all the way around. I'm glad you made it over here with me in May, Cindy, because you're definitely a perfect fit with our bunch. Now to just find a way to stow you away with us on the Girls Cruise next September... ;)

Not sure if I can post a link to that report of the Carnival Dream...if I can, I will. Otherwise just look up "Just off Dream...our "8 Day Hurricane..."

As for that thread, you would like post #492 (around page 33, I believe).

I still have my booking in place for that sailing! Not sure it will remain, but I'm not moving it until I figure out our plans. :D


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I can post a link to that report of the Carnival Dream...if I can, I will. Otherwise just look up "Just off Dream...our "8 Day Hurricane..."

As for that thread, you would like post #492 (around page 33, I believe).

I still have my booking in place for that sailing! Not sure it will remain, but I'm not moving it until I figure out our plans. :D

Just read that post. Excellent post.

Also, apparently the Dream is going to make it to Castaway Cay on Wednesday this week, so they were quick at cleaning it up too!


Well-Known Member
Whew, finally made it back on (darn you Real Life for getting in the way! o_O). I will say, the last day/night (especially the night) was not fun. However, I had complete faith in the captain (and I hate that people are complaining so bad- he did the best he could).

Joanna! We've been missing you! So glad you're back and don't seem to be among the extremely traumatized! I hope the rest of your trip was wonderful!


Well-Known Member
Also, while on the subject...any idea of when the 2014 itineraries will come out?

Haha! That's the million dollar question. I thought for sure it would be the week of the 18th as it was the past two years. Since it didn't, it really threw me for a loop. My gut says soon, but really it could be any time between now and January.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Yeah, Cindy, as awful as it was for all the passengers onboard and I totally understand what they're feeling (seriously, I do), it was going to be a miserable experience no matter what. Hurricanes are not pleasant from any angle.

I guess it's human nature to need somewhere to lay blame when something so awful happens to people. I mean, hey, it was said that Katrina was something George W did. o_O On other forums people (both passengers who were there and those who are reading the tales of it) are absolutely certain that the captain sailed knowingly into the storm disregarding safety to keep to the schedule. That confuses me. Whatever decisions the captain made were the best that he could. Thankfully, the majority of people will never know what it's like to be in a position where you literally have the lives of others in your hands 100%. It's difficult. When weather gets involved, especially hurricanes, things are impossible to predict with total accuracy. There's no textbook that dictates what hurricanes will or won't do. It seems the ship sailed into conditions they weren't anticipating otherwise there would've been more prep done by the crew before everything went crashing about causing damage. I've seen hurricanes do some strange things. In 2008, Ike hit Galveston as a strong category 2 but pushed a storm surge that was more akin to a category 5. Even with Sandy, my first look at and I was like "What's the big deal? It's a cat.1." Well, the effects won't be what a cat. 1 normally would be because of other systems interacting with it. There's no way of really knowing exactly what it will be like. Again, there's no textbook that says THIS is what's going to happen. Mother Nature has a way of keeping us in check and reminding us that we are at her mercy always. So I'm sorta perplexed as to why people point fingers and say "The captain knew and sailed into it anyway." I think ship captains may be similar to 911/communications officers in that people expect them to know everything 100% of the time but when weather comes into play that's just not possible. Oftentimes what we anticipate, in spite of all the data, knowledge, experience, and historical information, isn't what actually happens.

Again, my heart truly goes out to those who went thru all that. I realize it was terrifying and have no doubt people were scared to death. I hate they had that experience at all. That's so sad...when a Disney cruise is usually so awesome.

Kelly, I hear ya and and I appreciate what you're saying... right now, we're riding out Category 1 in NYC and the wind is downright frightening here in the suburbs. 25 years ago, I was on a cruise on my honeymoon and encountered a storm at sea that tossed around a huge boat. Didn't bother me, I was at the window/balcony, but my hubby was yelling at me to "get away from the window", and we could hear the crew above us on the bridge, trying to deal with the experience.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Whew, finally made it back on (darn you Real Life for getting in the way! o_O). I will say, the last day/night (especially the night) was not fun. However, I had complete faith in the captain (and I hate that people are complaining so bad- he did the best he could).

Joanna!!! I've been really worried about you!!! I thought for sure you were hiding out somewhere totally shell-shocked...and to top that awfulness we'd lose you on the girls cruise! I'm so glad you're back (totally understand about life getting in the way) and that you're okay. Definitely sounds like our WDWMagic peeps kept a much more level head thru all the craziness...and after... LOL! Welcome home! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Kelly, I hear ya and and I appreciate what you're saying... right now, we're riding out Category 1 in NYC and the wind is downright frightening here in the suburbs. 25 years ago, I was on a cruise on my honeymoon and encountered a storm at sea that tossed around a huge boat. Didn't bother me, I was at the window/balcony, but my hubby was yelling at me to "get away from the window", and we could hear the crew above us on the bridge, trying to deal with the experience.

Yeah, but I think your cat 1 in NYC is going to be a little more than the typical cat 1 with the other systems interacting with it. Normally cat 1's are the storms we stay home for then go outside to check out. LOL! Wow! You've done a cruise in a storm, too. I know you all think I'm insane but I'm so jealous! Maybe if I keep sailing during hurricane season.... You know, I wonder if there's any tour operators like the tornado chasers that we could get hooked up with. Yeah, I guess we are sorta "off", huh? :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Not sure if I can post a link to that report of the Carnival Dream...if I can, I will. Otherwise just look up "Just off Dream...our "8 Day Hurricane..."

As for that thread, you would like post #492 (around page 33, I believe).

I still have my booking in place for that sailing! Not sure it will remain, but I'm not moving it until I figure out our plans. :D

I'm off to go look! Thanks, Cindy! I hope you don't end up moving your booking. ;)


Well-Known Member
Received an infraction from the "other" message boards. A poster was complaining about how DCL wasted 3 days of her life. I simply replied by asking her if she was still alive, and that if she was not then DCL would have done the wrong thing. The guests on that cruise should be thankful they are still here, and not complaining! Anyways, being on a cruise ship during a hurricane looks like a once in a lifetime experience :)


Well-Known Member
Received an infraction from the "other" message boards. A poster was complaining about how DCL wasted 3 days of her life. I simply replied by asking her if she was still alive, and that if she was not then DCL would have done the wrong thing. The guests on that cruise should be thankful they are still here, and not complaining! Anyways, being on a cruise ship during a hurricane looks like a once in a lifetime experience :)

An infraction! Shame on you, lol!
I jumped briefly into the fray when someone posted an incredibly rude and inappropriate photo slandering Captain Tom. All posts referencing it and the photo itself were deleted.

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