I tend to be skeptical about the accuracy of reports like this that state busses came hourly throughout the trip or bus service at one resort is better/worse than others. Here's why I state that.
We've been to WDW 6 times in the past two and a half years and have stayed at 5 different resorts (POP, Coronado, POR, WLV and SSR). We've stayed a total of 45 nights on property and have taken busses to the parks or DD every single one of those days. We've experienced situations such as:
- Walking out of our resort or a park and walking on to a waiting bus.
- Waiting 20-30 min. for a bus and
- Watching, for example, 3 DD busses go past while waiting for our Epcot bus
I would state quite confidently that the AVERAGE wait time of all the bus rides, from all those resorts for those trips was 15 min...no more than 20 min. for sure! I understand that if the busses arrive
about every 20 min. that the wait should never be more than 20 min., even if you just missed one. In reality, I doubt that the wait typically is more than 20 min.
So why the trip reports like this one? I think they are, in general, a result of 2 things I've
consistently noticed about human nature in my work.
- Many people tend to easily forget the 'good' and dwell on the 'bad'. Guests can take 20 bus rides during a trip and they'll remember the 3 that took 20-30 min. to come and forget about the 5 min. waits, etc.
Many people have an inaccurate concept of time. I see this everyday with presentations, meetings, etc. During every trip, while at a bus stop, I've heard someone state that they've been waiting 20-25 min. for a bus, when it's been more like 15 min. or so.
I'm sorry if you had an experience that you didn't enjoy, but I would expect the number of true 1 hour bus waits during a 7 day trip to WDW to be extremely rare. Unless you were always leaving and arriving at the absolute worst times, the law of averages suggests that during the week you would have had some long waits, some short waits and a bunch in between. That's always been our experience.