Wow, so the lower your income the worse your behavior?
Interesting theory. Doesn't really hold up though. I live in a very ritzy , well-known summer community (I'm one of the few year-round residents, and I live on the *other* side of the tracks, LOL), and can tell you that money doesn't buy class, friend. The trashiest people can be filthy rich, and some of the kindest, most compassionate people are dirt poor. In fact, if you really want to split hairs I'd dare say many people with higher incomes have an "entitlement" factor and are the ones who cause a lot of problems at WDW ("But I am staying in a $400 a night hotel! I should get a fastpass for everything!").
I'm sorry, but I don't know how anyone could not take offense at your comments. >>>>>>>>>>
I am so glad you posted that. I started to reply but just couldn't get it to say what I meant. You did a much better job saying what I was thinking.