Will an Indy Adventure ever come to Disney???

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Park History nut
Premium Member
I agree. Both could co exist (remember the LucasLand story) - how many first time guests come each year to the parks? Or those who may only see the show once every 5 years or so (like me?)

Originally the studios were to have 2 stage based stunt shows - one action, one slapstick comedy - so the powers that be wouldn`t be adverse to this. Hey, they`d even save on demolition costs! You hear that Mike?


Well-Known Member
So then what does that do to Dinosaur? Dinosaur is an exact clone of the Indy ride system and track layout at Disneyland, except Dinosaur turned out pretty bad and Indy is one of the best rides Disney has done in the last 15 years. Even the Dinosaur station and loading area is a duplicate of Indy, except with dramatically different theme and show elements.

Why would they plop down another clone of the clone they already tried to do for Animal Kingdom? I think what really needs to happen is they go back into the Dinosaur ride and redo it until it comes up to the high standards of Disneyland's Indy. I would be amazed if they spend 125 Million dollars to build another version of Dinosaur at WDW. It just doesn't seem like good business sense.


New Member
I think that mgm should get a clone of the indiana jones adv. in tokyo, and animal kingdom should get raging spirits. The only problem with ak getting raging spirits is that it has nothing to do with animals. That can change though. E:E even deals with animals because it has an abominable snowman. AK also needs a boat ride or dark ride but they should be about animated movies like lion king or tarzan which coincidenaly are allready in the park. Thats the only trouble with ak. The animal theme isnt broad enough and the theming is too similar to adventureland.

I think that ak needs a new land so that it can keep adding rides and attractions that will fit. Imagineering can come up with many attractions that fit the atmosphere and location, but not too much that is strilty about animals. It is really unlikely for now, but I think wdi should build that mythological animals land that was supposed to go where camp minnie mickey is.


Well-Known Member
actually the animal themeing is very much broad enough and the last thing it needs is more movie-themed rides and Tarzan actually belongs to Adventureland more than AK as does Raging Spirits. The problem with AK is that it was built incomplete. (Remember that dragon in the middle of the AK logo?)

Brick Tamland

New Member
I hav'nt even been on the Indy ride at DL but i would love for a thrill ride to come to MiGuM(MGM). MiGuM's 2 thrill rides are all in one small part of the park, to make MiGuM more profitable they should spread the thrill rides out.


New Member
What are yall tallking about,Dinosaur is one of my favorite rides.Everyone that I know loves that ride.Maybe its not as good as Indy but its still a fantastic ride.


New Member
JayDarkKnight25 said:
:animwink: I wonder will they ever get an Indy Adventure in the near future for MGM Studios Park for Walt Disney World. I heard on Screamscape that anything's possible with Disney.

Good news!

The Indiana Jones Adventure has come to Disney! In fact it's been at Disneyland since 1995, and Tokyo DisneySea since 2001. So it's come to Disney twice now!

I'm so glad to be the one to share this happy news with you!


New Member
Austin1 said:
If we get it I want the Tokyo version but im kinda getting tired of all the clones...owell

Have you been on the Tokyo version?

Because it's really not as good as the California version.


Well-Known Member
I heard Tokyo's was better, but I haven't been on either.

I'd really like to see Indy come. I know people are sick of clones, but if the attraction is good enough, I'd really like to see it come, because I'm never going to Disneyland....

And BTW, what's wrong with Dinosaur..? IMO, it's the best ride at AK, and one of the best overall. Only problem is, I wonder how I'll fit E:E, Dino, and Kili right in the morning, before the crowds... And the same if they add Indy to the Studios...

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
stitchcastle said:
A little off topic but The Indy Stunt Show and Lights, Motors, Action! can co-exist since The Indy stunt show is about stunts with people while the Motors Action show is about stunts with cars. They both fit perfectly together

Well, not really. Motors isn't just about cars. There are human stunts too likea guy falling off of a motorcycle into a flaming inferno, a guy shot at the top of a building and falling to his death, ect. I have seen a video of it and its not just cars. I can't wait for this show! It should be awesome. I think its time for indy to go becauseonce motors opens, all the crowds will be at that show and not Indy. I do hope that they open some sort of Indiana Jones Adventure! :sohappy:


New Member
Montu said:
Good news!

The Indiana Jones Adventure has come to Disney! In fact it's been at Disneyland since 1995, and Tokyo DisneySea since 2001. So it's come to Disney twice now!

I'm so glad to be the one to share this happy news with you!

What the heck are you talking about? :lol:

Anyway, it seems likely that the main problem with the prospect of Indy being built at WDW is NOT that Indy would not be as popular because of Dinosaur, but, since Indy is surperior, that there would be more reason for people to skip AK or at least spend even less time in AK. Dinosaur is still a huge draw for AK, and thus Indy could make AK less worth-visiting.

On the other hand, the two rides are SO different that besides the ride system itself they're different experiances altogether, so they could coexist as well as Splash Mountain and Pirates do, or Haunted Mansion and Spaceship Earth (and Horizons). On the other hand, part of the experiance is the novel idea of the "bumpy vehicle," so two "bumpy vehicle" rides may still be very similar in the eyes of most guests.

At least that my best analysis of the situation.

Gee, thinking of it, I sure wish Dinosaur hadn't been built at AK, because we may never see Indy at WDW as a result.

BY THE WAY, who here agrees with me that Indy would go better at MK, especially since MK could really use a new high-tech e-ticket. And I'd rather see a version of Stormrider (from Tokyo Disneysea) replace Star Tours at MGM.

For those of you who don't know much about Stromrider, here's MousePlanet's review:



Naturally Grumpy
Let me put in my vote for Dinosaur as well. I think it's a terrific ride and while the system is a clone, the story and layout are totally different.

As for an Indy ride replacing the stuntshow, my uneducated guess is that yes, an E ticket will be planned to replace Indy once Motors is up and running, but it may be something totally different.

I thought that Lucas was currently kind of cool with Disney. Existing attractions can stay, but no future development at this time? So with that, I think the opportunity to pursue an entirely different theme is a real possibility IMHO.


Well-Known Member
ClemsonTigger said:
Let me put in my vote for Dinosaur as well. I think it's a terrific ride and while the system is a clone, the story and layout are totally different.
Nope, layout is exactly the same. Only the theme and story are different.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I don't think that Indy would hurt Dinosaur and AK at all. People will not realize the ride layouts are the same, because the experiences are 150% different. It would be like IASW and POTC having the same layout and saying that the two couldn't co-exist. If Indy is built, it will in no way hurt Dinosaur.


New Member
Indy in paris and California

I tink they should but the Indiana jones ride from Paris "the Indiana Jones the temple of peril the Roller coaster mine cart and the version from the one in California I have seen concept art of this rides combined it would be awesome but really expensive!

May the Adventure live on!

Kevin77crash :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :eek: :eek:


Premium Member
imagineer boy said:
Well, not really. Motors isn't just about cars. There are human stunts too likea guy falling off of a motorcycle into a flaming inferno, a guy shot at the top of a building and falling to his death, ect.

True it isnt all about cars, but its 99% about cars and bikes! ;) I think the lasting impression people will have will be of all the car stunts they see.


New Member
Original Poster
If an Indy Adventure Thrill Ride will debut at Disney Studios in the near future the only chance location for it to go is behind the Indy Stunt show or replace the Indy Stunt Show. I don't see how much longer the Indy Stunt show will stand in the future don't you guys agree???? The Indy Ride will be a whole lot different than AK's DINOSAUR anyway's because we know they're still both Jeep-type ride's but Indy Jeep ride moves around alot more while Ak's ride is half thrill/half simulator. Indy's ride is like the adventure itself no simulation just free adventure roaming around. I want this ride to come to Disney's Studios no matter what.:animwink:


New Member
If they do an Indy thme attraction at MGM, which I think well eventually happen. With the new interest that will rise with the release of the 4th Jones film, I don't see a reason why this would happen. Well, other then a contract dispute between Disney and Lucas, which could happen, but that is a topic for another thread. I would like to see a darkride/coaster mix similar to Mummy.

Now before every starts jumping up in arms, the reason I would like to see this done with an Indy theme is because, Indy is probably the only adventure franchise that you can use and make a marketable attraction similar to Mummy with. Unless they go out and purchuse another franchise, which isn't totally out of the question, but unlikely.
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