Will an Indy Adventure ever come to Disney???

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Ok then a similar clone because I still want to see the Jeep Concept. And what is a reliable source for Roller Coasters and Theme Parks???????


New Member
JayDarkKnight25 said:
Ok then a similar clone because I still want to see the Jeep Concept. And what is a reliable source for Roller Coasters and Theme Parks???????

There really isn't one. All the sites are rumors to satisfy our thirst and love of Theme/Amusment/Coaster enjoyment. Some of the things stated are true, some are fun exaggeration of the truth. In most cases it is like going to see a psychic. I for one enjoy screamscape and if you read some of the past rumors writen, you will find out that a lot of things have been true, others have been completely wrong, and some pretty darn close.

IJA is a great attraction, I am not it. But just because it is a great attraction doesn't mean I want it at WDW. I don't want to experience an attraction that already exists. I want to experience something new. If you like IJA so much, travel to DL and ride it. Like I have posted before MGM does not need a quick inexpensive fix, they need strong high quality orginal E-ticket


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STR8FAN2005 said:
Nothing good comes from Stitch. He is the reason for the delay of the Haunted Mansion Holiday coming to Walt Disney World.

Grrrrrr.... now thats something I really really want to see!! We love The Nightmare before Christmas, and I'm hoping that Ill be able to go see it when I go to DLR during the holidays. I know this is off topic, but does anyone know when they close that special showing? I hope it isnt before I go. My fam isnt able to go during the Halloween season!

Is that really the reason why it hasnt come here to WDW. Please tell me your just yankin' my chain? :( :(

And, Imagineer boy, I couldnt agree with you more. I'm in favor of an indy ride as long as its something new and fresh and not a TOTAL clone.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I've just read the entire 11 pages and my head hurts now. :hammer:

From what I've heard (I've never ridden Indy in DLR, I hope to in March 2006 :D ), Indy is an amazing ride. But, I have to agree that WDW doesn't need anymore clones. Give us a new, freshly imagineered attraction.


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But if they did a new theme like Temple of the Crystal Skull then it would'nt be a total clone and maybe if they did like a Revenge of the Mummy type of ride then maybe it would be different. But remember theming can change.


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I'm not trying to make myself out of a complete fool but whenever when the Indy Stunt Show closes which I'm expecting pretty soon,I'm hoping for a Indy Adventure Ride-at least that's an option. I still want the Jeep Concept though but what they could do different is change the theme ya know. That's not making a complete clone of DL''s IJA.


Le Meh
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CoffeeJedi said:
how about cancel all stunt show performances and use the sets as an Indianna Jones meet n' greet? :hammer:

I think another meet and greet is exactly what is needed. They dont have any at MGM do they? I dont recall any.......


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Why did I even start this topic for Indiana Jones ADventure. It does'nt seem that you guys think that it will come to a WDW Park so I might as well just stop talking about it.


Park History nut
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Read between the lines, Jay. We never said it WON`T come - just why it may take a while or where we think the money would be better spent in the short term.

This is what a discussion board is for. To discuss. Don`t stop talking, just join in - after all we are all here for the same reason! Plus most of us can have a strange sense of humour (you get used to that!)


New Member
jaydarkknight said:
Why did I even start this topic for Indiana Jones ADventure. It does'nt seem that you guys think that it will come to a WDW Park so I might as well just stop talking about it.
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This is what a discussion board is for. To discuss. Don`t stop talking, just join in - after all we are all here for the same reason! Plus most of us can have a strange sense of humour (you get used to that!)
We already answered the question of if Disney will get IJA or not. The answer was no one knows. After we came to the conclusion that no one knows, the conversation moved to if we thought it was a good idea or not. It seems that everybody is on page 50 and you are still on page one.

Here I will help you out by asking you a question. Why do you want to see IJA with the EMV tech over some new and 21 century tech with an Indy story?


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Lynx04 said:
We already answered the question of if Disney will get IJA or not. The answer was no one knows. After we came to the conclusion that no one knows, the conversation moved to if we thought it was a good idea or not. It seems that everybody is on page 50 and you are still on page one.

Here I will help you out by asking you a question. Why do you want to see IJA with the EMV tech over some new and 21 century tech with an Indy story?
Because I think it will attract alot of Disney fans. I've been to Disney World 3 times and it would be kind of boring to go back and see the Indy Epic Stunt Show again. I want to see something futuristic, A similar clone-meaning keep the jeep concept but a different theming. We'll see what happens-all of us when the Lights Motors Action Stunt Show opens,that will tell the tale. Or something new it does'nt matter to me as long as it's an Indiana Jones Adventure!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'd be happy as a clam with a clone, although a slight retheme might be nice.

Reading this thread, two things came to mind:

1) Most people who visit WDW have never been to, nor are likely to visit, Disneyland

2) The vast majority of park visitors would never make any connection between Dinosaur! and an Indy clone at MGM unless they read it in a guidebook, any more than they'd think Hanuted Mansion is a clone of Spaceship Earth.

Indy would be a wonderful addition to MGM, a park which sorely needs another thrill ride - especially in the area of the current stunt show. Too many visitors see MGM as a two-trick pony, and hopefully this would help even out the horrible traffic flow on Sunset to other areas of the park.



New Member
JayDarkKnight25 said:
Because I think it will attract alot of Disney fans. I've been to Disney World 3 times and it would be kind of boring to go back and see the Indy Epic Stunt Show again. I want to see something futuristic, A similar clone-meaning keep the jeep concept but a different theming. We'll see what happens-all of us when the Lights Motors Action Stunt Show opens,that will tell the tale. Or something new it does'nt matter to me as long as it's an Indiana Jones Adventure!!!!

A lot of Disney Fans would like JIA, but Disney isn't as concerned about pandering to Disney fans as they are to GP (General Public). You said you want to see something futuristic, but there is nothing futuristic about EMV any more, it is the same tech that has been around for more then a decade. I am not saying EMV tech is stonage, or that it should never be used again. I just think that the Indy fanchise and story should not be wasted on a clone.

From what I understand Lucas likes Disney a lot, although from what I have read he has his differences with Eisner. What I would like to see is after Eisner steps down as CEO Disney should approach Lucas about building a new attraction with the Indy franchise. As far as what the attraction should include I really don't know, but what I do know is it should have a new story line and use a different method of telling the story.

You obviously like the IJA attraction and the EMV tech, but I don't know if you are really thinking about what is best for the park. I am not saying your wrong and I am right, it just seems that the only reason you want the ride is because you like the attraction and there is nothing wrong with that. But some times you have step back and look at the big picture. The right move for the parks isn't about putting your favorite rides from another park in. Having a park add a popular attraction from another park doesn't always work out for the best. How many Batman rides does Six Flags have. From what I have heard TOT did not meet the attendence figures DCA was hoping and the attraction wasn't even a direct clone. Although I think DCA's troubles extend further then TOT.


New Member
Guys, do yourselves a favor and just tell Jay that the Indy ride is coming. DOnt give to many details to him, you are overloading the poor kid. If we tell him the indy ride is coming then he might be able to sleep in peace once again. :hammer:


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Well Lynx I'll have to tell ya your right. But a diiferent theme and clone could work so don't rule it out of the question. Or a whole new thrill ride attraction on Indy. It's just I have'nt been to Disney for more than 4 years and I would want to expect something new when I come back.
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