Will an Indy Adventure ever come to Disney???

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New Member
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No. But answer my question. Why won't a Indy Adventure come to WDW???? As much as the popularity of a possible Indy Adventure,it could happen in the future. Another Star Wars ride won't make any since to me in my opinion. I think if they were to put something there it would be that. Once the LIGHTS,MOTOTS,ACTION SHOW Opens then we'll se if the Indiana Jones Adventure will finally come to a WDW Park for sure.


Well-Known Member
JayDarkKnight25 said:
No. But answer my question. Why won't a Indy Adventure come to WDW???? As much as the popularity of a possible Indy Adventure,it could happen in the future. Another Star Wars ride won't make any since to me in my opinion. I think if they were to put something there it would be that. Once the LIGHTS,MOTOTS,ACTION SHOW Opens then we'll se if the Indiana Jones Adventure will finally come to a WDW Park for sure.
We haven;t said it won't. We are saying how we wouldn't want it to.

Here's a question. Why WILL it come?


New Member
JayDarkKnight25 said:
But really,the Indy Adventure can start breaking contruction like in Summer 2005 and open like in late 2006?????

IF an attraction is to be built to replace Indiana Jones, I doubt they were start just months after the new "headliner" show has opened.


New Member
Original Poster
Why???? If it is'nt ok it's still possible right????? They won't bring Star Wars again to Walt Disney Stuios because they already have one.


New Member
JayDarkKnight25 said:
Why???? If it is'nt ok it's still possible right????? They won't bring Star Wars again to Walt Disney Stuios because they already have one.


Just drop it.


Well-Known Member
JayDarkKnight25 said:
Why???? If it is'nt ok it's still possible right????? They won't bring Star Wars again to Walt Disney Stuios because they already have one.
It won't happen this year. In fact Indy probably won't close until NEXT year.

Which means the replacement wouldn't start being built until the 2006 at the earliest, but more likely 2007. That means the attraction wouldn't be open until early 2008 at the earliest. My money is closer to 2009-2010 though.

Stop dreaming that it's gonna open next year. It ain't gonna happen, PERIOD.


New Member
Legacy said:
It won't happen this year. In fact Indy probably won't close until NEXT year.

Which means the replacement wouldn't start being built until the 2006 at the earliest, but more likely 2007. That means the attraction wouldn't be open until early 2008 at the earliest. My money is closer to 2009-2010 though.

Stop dreaming that it's gonna open next year. It ain't gonna happen, PERIOD.


And it may never happen. They could take down the Indy Stunt Show and put "The Many adventures of Penguin #3 from Marry Poppins" in there. No one knows what is coming next to MGM, and if I had to guess I don't think the decision makers of MGM even know, because I am sure there hasn't been any decisions on the next attraction yet.


New Member
Original Poster
Your saying it won't happen period. I don't care which year it opens I just want it to happen. The Indy Stunt Show will probably close next year like you said unless something comes up. How about a late fall-holiday 2005 closing??????? Then a possible closing for Indy SS,and a construction break for Indy Adventure. Why are you guys this attraction so much? It's one of the Nations best thrill rides in fact to debut in a theme park.


Well-Known Member
JayDarkKnight25 said:
Your saying it won't happen period. I don't care which year it opens I just want it to happen. The Indy Stunt Show will probably close next year like you said unless something comes up. How about a late fall-holiday 2005 closing??????? Then a possible closing for Indy SS,and a construction break for Indy Adventure. Why are you guys this attraction so much? It's one of the Nations best thrill rides in fact to debut in a theme park.
I'm it because it's a clone.

Also, I don't think it would be fair to open up two big attractions at MGM in a two-three year span when AK and Epcot could still use A LOT of help attraction-wise.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Okay, jay, listen. We don't know for sure if Indy will be replaced by the ride or not. We need to wait and see until the motors show opens, then we'll see if there are any rumors going on about a replacement. Personally, I would love to see the Indy ride come the MGM as long as they make it different. Instead of Temple of the Forbidden Eye, it could be Temple of the Cursed Crystal with new a different encounters along with some of the old ones as well. I would like even better though, if they make a completely different Indy ride that will blow the Mummy out of the water.


WHOA, Calm down everyone.

OK are you calm, now just start humming the theme from IASW and whoops I enraged everyone again.


New Member
It's interesting to speak of a 2nd generation Indy, because I actually had a dream (no, not a wish- a real dream while I was asleep) that I was riding a version of Indy that turned into a roller coaster. Needless to say, it was quite an impressive ride. I'd enjoy something like that while I'm awake, too, perhaps at WDW. It would be like a combination of Indy and Mummy. I'm sure something similar has been proposed, (unless the vehicles are way too heavy), but perhaps we already have too many similar coasters, like Mummy, Everest, and even ol' Big Thunder. It would have to be something new in terms of special effects...

Oops, I'm philosophizing again.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Hey Jay, Dude, I just got off the phone with Michael Eisner, and he said it aint gonna happen.

:p :hammer: :zipit: :brick: :veryconfu :eek:


Park History nut
Premium Member
I just got off the phone with my psychiatrist after reading this thread!

Your forget one thing Jay - money. Even with no R&D (assuming its a direct clone - for better or for worse) there are closing costs, demolition, site clearing and prep, foundation, THEN the ride building, ride system, EMVs, scenery & props, test and adjust, CM training, publicity and then the opening. This is the company that wants every fifth attraction to be a spinner, meet and great or shop.

Personally should TIJESS close I`d like nothing better than an Indy EMV. Even a direct clone - there are millions of visitors like myself who will never get to DLC, even guests who will only get to WDW once or twice in a lifetime, who will be oblivious to the fact its a clone. Or has the same layout as Dinosaur. If it were a new build, even better! But as was mentioned earlier AK and Epcot need more help first. By which I mean good D or E tickets (a subject that has many discussion threads already)
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