Christy reminded me.....
GO BIG BLUE! WOLVERINES!! Yeah, I'm a big Michigan fan too.
This is a no Buckeyes zone.
Someday you will cave.
Might as well add to the thread constructively, eh?
My name is Christy, married to Andy, I'm a stay at home mom to... I guess I can say 5 kids now? :lol: All the kids already outside my body are girls, ages 13, 10, 8 and 6, and baby #5 is on the way this October.

I have an adopted yellow lab named Harley who is currently trying to steal my Cadbury mini eggs!

and a cat named Skittle. Oh! and for the time being, we have 5 chickens, all hens, Albert, Frau, Punkin, Belle, and Ginger. Dorinda, may she rest in peace, died a couple months ago

Currently living in NW Ohio, but will be relocating to Columbus this summer. I'll also be sending Scott (who was stupid enough to give me his address) much
Ohio State paraphernalia. :kiss:
First went to WDW in 1997, so my first experience with the MK was CASTLE CAKE!!

Despite that, I loved it and we've been back many times since. Won't be back for a while, relatively speaking, since all the banks who gave us money to get through school have decided we should pay them back now, hmph! But I'm hoping within a year we'll be back. Gotta plan around baby. I'd intended to run the half marathon next January, but that's not gonna happen now.

Maybe 2010.
I'll scrounge around for a current picture. Can't think of any off the top of my head.