Where in WDW would you like to be a CM???


New Member
I would love to be the greeter with the big mickey hand that waves to you and welcomes you to the magic.
Actually, at my last visit, I would wave and talk to everyone--also while waiting for the parade on Main Street I purchased a couple of balloons and handed them out to some little ones that were getting antsy. Wishing of course them a Magical Day!


Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Over the past several years, I've had the good fortune to experience a number of different roles at WDW, including the Living with the Land greenhouses, Boatwright's Dining Hall and Mission: Space. I'm currently a safari driver at Kilimanjaro Safaris, and am loving it.


Well-Known Member
It has always been my dream to work at Disney World in some way.....

1) Tour Guide at the MK
2)Princess in a Parade
3) Haunted Mansion or somewhere I could be in character to fir the attraction
4) I wouldn't mind working at a hotel checking in people at the start of their vacation.


Well-Known Member
0o0o0 I love this question! I would LOVE to be Belle in the Beauty and the Beast show in HS because she gets to sing live! Or even Arel in VofLM who also gets to sing live. Any other performer would be amazing as well, but I'd pick those. :D


I'm currently a safari driver at Kilimanjaro Safaris, and am loving it.

That would be a fun job, too! On our last trip, we were in the front row of the truck by ourselves and the driver would talk to us between her spiels to the entire vehicle. She gave us some info about the different animals that isn't part of the attraction norm and it made for a really great and memorable journey.
Over the past several years, I've had the good fortune to experience a number of different roles at WDW, including the Living with the Land greenhouses, Boatwright's Dining Hall and Mission: Space. I'm currently a safari driver at Kilimanjaro Safaris, and am loving it.
I have a friend that works as a driver at Kilimajaro Safaris! That would be an awesome job. I think that I could probably be happy with any job, as long as I was at Disney World!!


New Member
1st Choice: Haunted Mansion
2nd Choice: Tower of Terror
3rd Choice: I would bring back the Advneturer's Club and be a character there (this is actually my first choice but I moved it to 3rd because its no longer there...Kongaloosh!)

Moritz Stiefel

New Member
Id love to work in the Bibbidi Bobodi Boutique :D

Thats a typical teenage girl answer but it would be sooo much fun making the little girls look like princesses! :lol::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::king:

Mouse Man

New Member
For me it would be Pirates Ff The Carribean. I would love to be dressed up as Barbossa and speak in a pirate tongue to all the guest's. This is where I would be the happiest maties.

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