Where in WDW would you like to be a CM???


those of you saying street sweeper on main street are genius. I didn't even think of it but you're right - it would be perfect.

I'd want to be one of the monkey gymnasts in the Lion King show... but first I'd probably have to learn how to do gymnastics. :D

Also - the answer is different if the question is "for one day" (which I think was the original poster's intention), or career.

Career-wise if some high-schooler was wise enough to go to school to study engineering to become an imagineer at WDW, that would be the best job in the whole world. Too late for me.


Active Member
I think I'd like to be a tour guide... or a streetmosphere player... somewhere I can interact with people and make them smile personally.

Maybe when I retire I'll looking into working in disney security.


Active Member
Before my time! I was there June 2008 - September 2009. I was a core trainer for food and beverage, Captain Canada, disney look police, magical moment patrol, and the best CM at always having a reason for being out of posistion...:p:lol

What role did you have?

Wow! Yeah, that would have been before your time. I was only 19 when I went and wish I was older. I ended up being the Respect Guy, a core trainer at F&B, and won magical moment of the month for the World Showcase, too!

Also, if the Sylvester the Cat costume was still being passed down in the pavilion, I originated that. As well, my best friends down there were the founders of No Ma'am.

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