Well-Known Member
They do stop fast, however, as I'm sure you have found out, they are counter-intuitive. No designated brake just the need to take your hand off the accelerator. The accelerator is exactly the same thing that we, as bicycle riders used as hand brakes, so, in a panic moment, it isn't to much of a stretch to do the opposite of what is needed. I wish they would find a better solution to that problem. If you have a three wheeled ECV it is also very easy to tip it over if you make a sudden sharp turn. All it really takes is that same attention that people that get upset about people stopping in the middle of the path demand of those people. Be aware of your location, what is around you, and were they are located. And never, never side step without looking. It could be painful. A person may be able to yell wrongfully at the person on the scooter, but, when all is said and done it's the person that is hit that will feel the pain. Your protection is primarily your responsibility, not the general public's. If we all work together almost no bad will happen. If people continue to insist that others should be watching out for them... there is a good chance that pain will be inflicted and blaming someone else will not take it away.I doesn't seem like you have ever had the need for an ECV but you are absolutely incorrect assuming every incident is the fault of the ECV driver. I have been in an ECV, stopped dead for the safety of the crowds in front and on both sides of me and still adults and more often children tripped over the ECV. So, by your logic that was my fault because I rode it on pavement ? ECVs stop pretty darn fast as long as your are driving responsibly. Why should where these devices at WDW follow rules different from anywhere else in the country? There are idiots and oblivious ECV, wheelchiar, rickshaw, motor vehicle operators everywhere but there are probably more able bodied people in the same catagory. My medical condition does not currently warrant the ownership and use of one of those stop on a dime wheelchairs you mentioned but it will fairly soon. In the meantime my option is to stay home since my mobility is very limited or, rent an ECV which will please my family but I'm sure will annoy the Disney bus users and all the people who assume we are all roving bands of lazy scammers .Guess which option I choose? . For the overwhelming majority of people who do understand that for the grace of God go I ,sorry for the preceeding. Your complaints were legitimate but way over blown and the recommendations rediculus .