Wheelchairs and Strollers Oh My!!!

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New Member
Yet people without strollers are inconsiderate as well. It's not ONLY the stroller-pushing parents that are out there with their brains turned off. If I am pushing my stroller at a leisurely pace on one side of Main Street, not passing anyone at all, and a couple just HAS TO get across the street .057 seconds faster than they would have if they had let me mosey on by, they step out in front of my stroller and they get hit. Now I'm the bad guy. Or someone is walking across my path looking at a map, I judge how they are walking and then move my stroller at an angle in order to miss them... then they suddenly stop in front of everyone, right in my path, and they get hit. Now I'm the bad guy. Or a parent that does not have their 2-year old in a stroller and they dash off through the crowd and trip over my parked stroller pushed up against the curb. They fall and get hurt. Of course I'm the bad guy. All of these things have happened, and will continue to happen.

Parents with strollers can be inconsiderate. Parents without strollers can be inconsiderate. Couples with no children at all can be inconsiderate. Grandmas on ECVs can be inconsiderate. It's not exclusive to parents with strollers.

:sohappy:You said everything I wanted to say. My husband and I have not yet been to Disney with stroller in tow (Our daughter is 9 months) but we are planning a trip for December 2009:xmas:. I still understand everything you are talking about because of trips to our local zoo, mall, heck even the grocery store with the big cart is a great example. People really need to start to PAY ATTENTION TO THEIR SURROUNDINGS! Now I am making this comment to both the stroller and non stroller people. My biggest pet peve is when people stop in the middle of a walk way with crowd moving around them.....someone always bumps into someone else and if they have a stroller obviously that is what hits them. If it was a person bumping into them the damage is not as bad as with a stroller (I know my husband has ran the thing into my ankles once or twice).


I don't remember ever saying "i hate x people", but thanks for putting words in my mouth. I simply said that people that use strollers to go at a pace that the child can't keep up with are taking the vacation for themselves, not their child. Feeling guilty much??

That wasn't directed at you, it was directed to the overall content of this thread and those like it. Do I feel guilty about chauffeuring my children around the parks when the younger one wants to nap or the older one wants to sit and flip through a new book or munch on an ice cream? Not even a little. Jealous? Possibly. :ROFLOL:

Regardless of whether there are courteous or polite stroller pushers, courteous or polite people at the mall or on message boards, the simple fact is that MOST people who insist that their walking age child needs a stroller to "enjoy" the park are doing it for themselves, regardless of how courteous they act when doing it. If you want your child to enjoy the vacation, do it at THEIR pace, not at your own.


I'm not going to reply to your whole post, since I'm smart enough to know when there is no reasoning with someone and when to say that it's time to agree to disagree. However, I just wanted to point out that strollers, for walking age children or not, for walking around Disney World or for walking around the block, are for the convenience of the parents/guardians.

This cold, heartless parent of two will continue to use them and should I happen to bump the ankles of the person in front of me (I haven't yet, knock on wood!), be it their fault or mine, I will stop to both apologise and make sure they are ok. I can only hope my children will find some way to forgive me in between chants of wanting to go back. :lol:


New Member
That wasn't directed at you it was directed to the overall content of the post and those like it. Do I feel guilty about chauffeuring my children around the parks when the younger one wants to nap or the older one wants to sit and flip through a new book or munch on an ice cream? Not even a little. Jealous? Possibly. :ROFLOL:

I'm not going to reply to your whole post, since I'm smart enough to know when there is no reasoning with someone and when to say that it's time to agree to disagree. However, I just wanted to point out that strollers, for walking age children or not, for walking around Disney World or for walking around the block, are for the convenience of the parents/guardians.

This cold, heartless parent of two will continue to use them and should I happen to bump the ankles of the person in front of me (I haven't yet, knock on wood!), be it their fault or mine, I will stop to both apologise and make sure they are ok. I can only hope my children will find some way to forgive me in between chants of wanting to go back. :lol:

Your entire post only reiterated my point. You are vacationing for yourself and not your kids. Have fun with that :rolleyes:.

And people wonder why their kids do what they do or act the way they do in school...it comes from the parent....<sigh>...No sweat off my back though, people like you keep my colleagues in business :sohappy:



And people wonder why their kids do what they do or act the way they do in school...it comes from the parent....<sigh>...

<sigh> indeed. I don't need to wonder. I know exactly why my children do what they do and act the way they do. I know exactly why they are polite, courteous and well-mannered (ok, most of the time ;)). It comes from the parents, just like you said.

No sweat off my back though, people like you keep my colleagues in business
If only your "colleagues" were in the business of collecting borderline rude, sweeping generalities about people's parenting skills... you could keep them employed all by yourself.


New Member
<sigh> indeed. I don't need to wonder. I know exactly why my children do what they do and act the way they do. I know exactly why they are polite, courteous and well-mannered (ok, most of the time ;)). It comes from the parents, just like you said.

If only your "colleagues" were in the business of collecting borderline rude, sweeping generalities about people's parenting skills... you could keep them employed all by yourself.

:lol::wave:I'll be on the lookout for little polite, courteous and well-mannered "most of the time" little snowflakes in a few years :lol:


Well-Known Member
Inconsiderate and ignorant people cause the problems, and scooters/strollers are just amplify the problem.

Disney should publish "stroller etiquette" to be handed out at the park gates. I've been to the parks for years using different kinds of strollers and until you are tasked with it, it gives you a whole new perspective of how aggrevating using one is.

Here's a quick list of things you NEED to know if you want to be allowed to use a stroller in WDW:
  • Just becuase you are pushing a stroller, you do not automatically have the right of way. In fact, you will wait for an opening big enough for you AND your stroller before entering traffic flow.
  • When getting in the queue for the buses, pushing a stroller does not mean you bypass the queue area and go to the front of the line. You wait just like everyone else does for your turn.
  • When it is your turn to board the bus, the driver will give you 15 seconds to step on. If you cannot get on the bus by then, you step aside and wait to see if there is enough room for you to get on. If not wait for the next bus. Moral: fold up your stroller and get all your crap together BEFORE the bus even opens it doors.
  • When using the WDW buses, you will NOT put all your crap on one seat, prop your stroller up against another, sit with your child in one seat, and then you in another. Taking up 4 seats will NOT be tolerated. Also, you will NOT unfold your stroller once you are on the bus and let your child sit in it for the ride. If this observed by a bus driver, he has the right to stop ANYWHERE and leave you on the side of the road.
  • Just becuase you got on the bus carrying a stroller, you do NOT stop 5 feet into the bus. GO TO BACK AND STAND IF THERE ARE NO SEATS. You stopping with your stroller 1/8 way into the bus stops everyone else from getting on and telling people to "go around you" will not be tolerated.
  • When pushing your stroller, you do not unfold your park map, lay it on top, and stop in the middle of a walk way to discuss your vacation. If observed by a CM, he/she reserves the right to crumple up your map and throw it away. If you are driving in your car, do you just stop in a lane of traffic to read your map? Of course not, so why would you think you can do it in the middle of Main Street?? GET OUT OF THE WAY!
  • You must have TWO hands on your stroller when pushing it. GET A CUP HOLDER, A BLUETOOTH EARPIECE, ETC! These people that push their strollers with one hand while trying to eat a turkey leg or have a phone converstation OR BOTH are A DISASTER! Its obvious that most people have enough trouble using two hands, so you trying it with one while also trying to some other tasks just isnt going to be allowed.
  • Double (side-by-side) strollers are hereby banned and any attempt to enter a park with them will result in them being tossed into Seven Seas Lagoon by the closest and able CM. These types of strollers not only cause twice as many problems due to their size, scientific studies have shown it to actually square itself.
  • When deciding to approach a ride or a ride building, pushing a stroller does not entitle you to go up to the entrance AND THEN BLOCK IT ENTIRELY while you unpack your offspring. Also, once you hold up the entire line, you DO NOT simply push your stroller off the path by 6 inches and leave it there. USE THE STROLLER PARKING! And when you come out of the ride, DO NOT proceed to cut through the entire line so you can retreive you ill parked stroller.
  • If your child is not using the stroller, your child is NOT to be pushing it! You have to be 18 years or older to be allowed to push a stroller. Its obvious that most adults cant push a stroller, so there is no doubt that we dont want your 5 year old ramming it into our ankles.
  • Your child eventually grows up!!!! Just becuase they are a spoiled little pampered brat, there comes a time when they have to actually learn to WALK in the park. If your child is 7 or 8 years old, letting them use a stroller will no doubt set them up for irreversable psychological damage in their adult years.
  • Strollers look alike. Tie a ribbon or something to yours so it is easily identified rather than /moan to a CM about your stroller being stolen when in reality, you don't remember where you parked it and/or you just dont want to look longer than 10 seconds to find it. And in fact, a CM has the right to make you feel like an idiot when you parked your stroller where you weren't supposed to and the CM moved it into the proper stroller parking area. They will be allowed for you to finish your rant and then as they point to the stroller parking area, they can laugh and say "I moved over there, stupid! Right where you should have parked it but I guess you can't read."

    If WDW could post rules like this, I bet it would cut stroller problems down 90%. As for scooter problems, I can't being to discuss that topic for I CANNOT be politically correct about the 500 lb. "handicapped" people using them. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Your entire post only reiterated my point. You are vacationing for yourself and not your kids. Have fun with that :rolleyes:.

And people wonder why their kids do what they do or act the way they do in school...it comes from the parent....<sigh>...No sweat off my back though, people like you keep my colleagues in business :sohappy:


I know I shouldn't post.... but do you even have kids!?! PARENTS LIKE TO HAVE A VACATION TOO (and yes the capitals are to indicate yelling)! Good grief... we need to have vacations to save our marriages, spend time alone with our families, get away, etc.... just b/c we have kids we are not allowed to vacation, or if we do the WHOLE trip MUST revolve around the children!?! What the heck are you even saying?

I took both of my young children last year and yes for the most part the trip revolved around them. We did what they wanted to do, saw what they wanted to see, went back to the resort for a nap, etc. but it was our vacation too! One night both my darling children fell asleep in their strollers (despite us returning that day to the resort for a nap) and it was the most wonderful evening for my husband and I. We walked around World Showcase talking and enjoying the sights and sounds of Epcot while our beautiful children sleep peacefully in their strollers! But according to you I was being selfish that night and I was vacationing for myself!?!

And what does all of this have to do with the behaviour of "today's children"???:shrug:

Oh btw, my children were little angels at WDW (if I do say so myself:animwink:)!


Well-Known Member
One night both my darling children fell asleep in their strollers (despite us returning that day to the resort for a nap) and it was the most wonderful evening for my husband and I. We walked around World Showcase talking and enjoying the sights and sounds of Epcot while our beautiful children sleep peacefully in their strollers! But according to you I was being selfish that night and I was vacationing for myself!?!

I hear ya on that one! After a few harrowing days, the falling asleep in the stroller turned out to be the most enjoyable dinner and shopping the whole trip. Its not selfish and its exactly what you said. The vacation is as much for them as it is for you. Its great seeing my young one having a magical time with the characters and all, but mommy and daddy need some queit time, too. Just sitting there enjoying a beverage and people watching while he sleeps in his stroller is actually a FANTASTIC thing after all day at a park. Plus you can shop without the kids pawing at everything in the store, bouncing the balls, etc. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I hear ya on that one! After a few harrowing days, the falling asleep in the stroller turned out to be the most enjoyable dinner and shopping the whole trip. Its not selfish and its exactly what you said. The vacation is as much for them as it is for you. Its great seeing my young one having a magical time with the characters and all, but mommy and daddy need some queit time, too. Just sitting there enjoying a beverage and people watching while he sleeps in his stroller is actually a FANTASTIC thing after all day at a park. Plus you can shop without the kids pawing at everything in the store, bouncing the balls, etc. :sohappy:

Amen to that!!!:wave:


New Member
I know I shouldn't reply but I found the tone in this post to be slightly offensive and feel compelled to defend my poor mother for her behavior 20 years ago :lol:

For the child napping in the stroller while their parents stroll around WS, you have just made my point. The vacation is FOR THE PARENTS. How comfortable can a child be in the heat scrunched in a stroller? That is for the parents convenience only. If the child is that tired, go back to the hotel for a nap.

I don't ever think I complained about sleeping in my stroller. Maybe it's just me, but I think as a kid it's just easy to sleep anywhere and be content resting. And it certainly wasn't for my mom's convenience only, it was for my older brother who still had things he wanted to see/do.

I don't see anything wrong with parents wanting a vacation for themselves. I wish that was the case when my mom took us, but it wasn't. She had too much to do on her own with the two of us to relax and have time to herself. Now whenever I go with her, I make sure the trip is all about her :)

If the older child is still ready to explore the parks, then it is the parents responsibility to take care of the younger child. If the parents refuse to split up, then the older child can go back and swim while the younger one naps. If little Johnny throws a tantrum because he can't stay in the parks and must go back to rest/swim, then he's probably over tired and needs the nap as well. No support for your argument there either. You have two choices, one take the sleeping child back for a needed rest and meet up later, or everyone go back and take a break. Once again, you can't call it a "family" vacation if everyone is not willing to give something up.

This is a great argument... if there are two parents present. My parents divorced when I was about 2 so this was never an option for my mom. Then what? As much as I know she wanted to be in two places at a time, she just couldn't. I never pitched fits in the parks, I just quietly napped when I needed it. It also provided my mom and brother some nice together time for just them. Why should my mom and brother have had to leave the parks just because I needed a 20 minute nap? You say everyone needs to be willing to give something up; well, I guess I gave up my hotel nap for them. And I'm quite glad I did :)

I suppose you could argue that my mom should have waited a couple years until I was older, but I loved Disney when I was five and I'm glad she didn't punish my brother for my age by not going.

Bottom line is: don't be so quick to condemn and judge everyone. And if you feel the need to, at least try to be a little more courteous in your arguments. (It's possible you weren't intending to come off as rude, it may have just read that way. Lovely internet lol)


One night both my darling children fell asleep in their strollers (despite us returning that day to the resort for a nap) and it was the most wonderful evening for my husband and I. We walked around World Showcase talking and enjoying the sights and sounds of Epcot while our beautiful children sleep peacefully in their strollers! But according to you I was being selfish that night and I was vacationing for myself!?!

Not exactly at WDW, but the other day my 4 year old fell asleep in the car on the way to Home Depot, despite a nap earlier in the day. Sure, I could have went home and put him in his comfortable bed, but I left him sitting up sleeping in his car seat for the duration of the ride. When we arrived, he didn't wake up, so I lined the shopping cart with a towel that I had in the car and laid him down in the cart, where he continued to sleep slightly scrunched up :gasp: Weather they are sleeping in a strollers, car seat, shopping cart, or in their parents arms - it can't be that uncomfortable or they wouldn't sleep, even if overtired. I will say this though - picking out paint and being able to take my time doing it without my child getting antsy was actually very relaxing.


Well-Known Member
Inconsiderate and ignorant people cause the problems, and scooters/strollers are just amplify the problem.

Disney should publish "stroller etiquette" to be handed out at the park gates. I've been to the parks for years using different kinds of strollers and until you are tasked with it, it gives you a whole new perspective of how aggrevating using one is.

Here's a quick list of things you NEED to know if you want to be allowed to use a stroller in WDW:
  • Just becuase you are pushing a stroller, you do not automatically have the right of way. In fact, you will wait for an opening big enough for you AND your stroller before entering traffic flow.
  • When getting in the queue for the buses, pushing a stroller does not mean you bypass the queue area and go to the front of the line. You wait just like everyone else does for your turn.
  • When it is your turn to board the bus, the driver will give you 15 seconds to step on. If you cannot get on the bus by then, you step aside and wait to see if there is enough room for you to get on. If not wait for the next bus. Moral: fold up your stroller and get all your crap together BEFORE the bus even opens it doors.
  • When using the WDW buses, you will NOT put all your crap on one seat, prop your stroller up against another, sit with your child in one seat, and then you in another. Taking up 4 seats will NOT be tolerated. Also, you will NOT unfold your stroller once you are on the bus and let your child sit in it for the ride. If this observed by a bus driver, he has the right to stop ANYWHERE and leave you on the side of the road.
  • Just becuase you got on the bus carrying a stroller, you do NOT stop 5 feet into the bus. GO TO BACK AND STAND IF THERE ARE NO SEATS. You stopping with your stroller 1/8 way into the bus stops everyone else from getting on and telling people to "go around you" will not be tolerated.
  • When pushing your stroller, you do not unfold your park map, lay it on top, and stop in the middle of a walk way to discuss your vacation. If observed by a CM, he/she reserves the right to crumple up your map and throw it away. If you are driving in your car, do you just stop in a lane of traffic to read your map? Of course not, so why would you think you can do it in the middle of Main Street?? GET OUT OF THE WAY!
  • You must have TWO hands on your stroller when pushing it. GET A CUP HOLDER, A BLUETOOTH EARPIECE, ETC! These people that push their strollers with one hand while trying to eat a turkey leg or have a phone converstation OR BOTH are A DISASTER! Its obvious that most people have enough trouble using two hands, so you trying it with one while also trying to some other tasks just isnt going to be allowed.
  • Double (side-by-side) strollers are hereby banned and any attempt to enter a park with them will result in them being tossed into Seven Seas Lagoon by the closest and able CM. These types of strollers not only cause twice as many problems due to their size, scientific studies have shown it to actually square itself.
  • When deciding to approach a ride or a ride building, pushing a stroller does not entitle you to go up to the entrance AND THEN BLOCK IT ENTIRELY while you unpack your offspring. Also, once you hold up the entire line, you DO NOT simply push your stroller off the path by 6 inches and leave it there. USE THE STROLLER PARKING! And when you come out of the ride, DO NOT proceed to cut through the entire line so you can retreive you ill parked stroller.
  • If your child is not using the stroller, your child is NOT to be pushing it! You have to be 18 years or older to be allowed to push a stroller. Its obvious that most adults cant push a stroller, so there is no doubt that we dont want your 5 year old ramming it into our ankles.
  • Your child eventually grows up!!!! Just becuase they are a spoiled little pampered brat, there comes a time when they have to actually learn to WALK in the park. If your child is 7 or 8 years old, letting them use a stroller will no doubt set them up for irreversable psychological damage in their adult years.
  • Strollers look alike. Tie a ribbon or something to yours so it is easily identified rather than /moan to a CM about your stroller being stolen when in reality, you don't remember where you parked it and/or you just dont want to look longer than 10 seconds to find it. And in fact, a CM has the right to make you feel like an idiot when you parked your stroller where you weren't supposed to and the CM moved it into the proper stroller parking area. They will be allowed for you to finish your rant and then as they point to the stroller parking area, they can laugh and say "I moved over there, stupid! Right where you should have parked it but I guess you can't read."

    If WDW could post rules like this, I bet it would cut stroller problems down 90%. As for scooter problems, I can't being to discuss that topic for I CANNOT be politically correct about the 500 lb. "handicapped" people using them. :hammer:



New Member
Since so many people posted that their kids STILL fell asleep in the stroller even after they went to the resort for a nap mid afternoon I will not quote one specifice quote but:

I will say that I would think that is a sign that you are keeping them out WAY too late and they aren't getting the comfortable rest that a child needs. You can attempt to spin it any way you like it, but it is selfish to expect your child to sleep in the heat crunched up in a stroller and expect them to get "decent" sleep. Perhaps sticking more to their normal bedtime and allowing them a comfortable sleep all evening would curtail some of the over exhaustion they are displaying? Oh wait, that would be too hard on the parents. :rolleyes: Then the parents couldn't have the relaxation time THEY need (who cares what the kids need?, Dang bothersome things aren't the ones paying good money to see every corner of WDW).

Sorry to sound harsh. Really. But the overwhelming amount of strollers in each park is ridiculous and 99% of the time it's for children of an age that don't need them. People complain about how crowded the parks are, yet they load up their Graco Hummer and add to the congestion.

I'm glad DL doesn't rent the double strollers. I wish WDW would go that route as well.



Active Member
Strollers & Wheelchairs are NOT a problem.

Inconsiderate people who walk straight in front of the considerate users of Strollers and Wheelchairs ARE a problem.
This is soooo True a few years back we had to get a wheelchair for my dad and people would look you straight in the eys and procede to cross infront of you like you are supose to stop for them. and as far as running in to peoples heels, Just DON'T Slam on the brakes in the middle of flowing traffic you will eventurely get rearended:shrug:


Inconsiderate and ignorant people cause the problems, and scooters/strollers are just amplify the problem.

Disney should publish "stroller etiquette" to be handed out at the park gates. I've been to the parks for years using different kinds of strollers and until you are tasked with it, it gives you a whole new perspective of how aggrevating using one is.

Here's a quick list of things you NEED to know if you want to be allowed to use a stroller in WDW:
  • Just becuase you are pushing a stroller, you do not automatically have the right of way. In fact, you will wait for an opening big enough for you AND your stroller before entering traffic flow.
  • When getting in the queue for the buses, pushing a stroller does not mean you bypass the queue area and go to the front of the line. You wait just like everyone else does for your turn.
  • When it is your turn to board the bus, the driver will give you 15 seconds to step on. If you cannot get on the bus by then, you step aside and wait to see if there is enough room for you to get on. If not wait for the next bus. Moral: fold up your stroller and get all your crap together BEFORE the bus even opens it doors.
  • When using the WDW buses, you will NOT put all your crap on one seat, prop your stroller up against another, sit with your child in one seat, and then you in another. Taking up 4 seats will NOT be tolerated. Also, you will NOT unfold your stroller once you are on the bus and let your child sit in it for the ride. If this observed by a bus driver, he has the right to stop ANYWHERE and leave you on the side of the road.
  • Just becuase you got on the bus carrying a stroller, you do NOT stop 5 feet into the bus. GO TO BACK AND STAND IF THERE ARE NO SEATS. You stopping with your stroller 1/8 way into the bus stops everyone else from getting on and telling people to "go around you" will not be tolerated.
  • When pushing your stroller, you do not unfold your park map, lay it on top, and stop in the middle of a walk way to discuss your vacation. If observed by a CM, he/she reserves the right to crumple up your map and throw it away. If you are driving in your car, do you just stop in a lane of traffic to read your map? Of course not, so why would you think you can do it in the middle of Main Street?? GET OUT OF THE WAY!
  • You must have TWO hands on your stroller when pushing it. GET A CUP HOLDER, A BLUETOOTH EARPIECE, ETC! These people that push their strollers with one hand while trying to eat a turkey leg or have a phone converstation OR BOTH are A DISASTER! Its obvious that most people have enough trouble using two hands, so you trying it with one while also trying to some other tasks just isnt going to be allowed.
  • Double (side-by-side) strollers are hereby banned and any attempt to enter a park with them will result in them being tossed into Seven Seas Lagoon by the closest and able CM. These types of strollers not only cause twice as many problems due to their size, scientific studies have shown it to actually square itself.
  • When deciding to approach a ride or a ride building, pushing a stroller does not entitle you to go up to the entrance AND THEN BLOCK IT ENTIRELY while you unpack your offspring. Also, once you hold up the entire line, you DO NOT simply push your stroller off the path by 6 inches and leave it there. USE THE STROLLER PARKING! And when you come out of the ride, DO NOT proceed to cut through the entire line so you can retreive you ill parked stroller.
  • If your child is not using the stroller, your child is NOT to be pushing it! You have to be 18 years or older to be allowed to push a stroller. Its obvious that most adults cant push a stroller, so there is no doubt that we dont want your 5 year old ramming it into our ankles.
  • Your child eventually grows up!!!! Just becuase they are a spoiled little pampered brat, there comes a time when they have to actually learn to WALK in the park. If your child is 7 or 8 years old, letting them use a stroller will no doubt set them up for irreversable psychological damage in their adult years.
  • Strollers look alike. Tie a ribbon or something to yours so it is easily identified rather than /moan to a CM about your stroller being stolen when in reality, you don't remember where you parked it and/or you just dont want to look longer than 10 seconds to find it. And in fact, a CM has the right to make you feel like an idiot when you parked your stroller where you weren't supposed to and the CM moved it into the proper stroller parking area. They will be allowed for you to finish your rant and then as they point to the stroller parking area, they can laugh and say "I moved over there, stupid! Right where you should have parked it but I guess you can't read."

    If WDW could post rules like this, I bet it would cut stroller problems down 90%. As for scooter problems, I can't being to discuss that topic for I CANNOT be politically correct about the 500 lb. "handicapped" people using them. :hammer:

HA! Great idea. Although most of the folks who NEED these rules wouldn't read them, or follow them if they did.

The problem is that there are far too many people who refuse to think about anyone but themselves and just barrel along as if they have a right to do whatever they please.

Parents are getting lazier about their kids. It's easier to stick them in a stroller and use the stroller to carry their stuff. Parents used to ditch the strollers way earlier than they do now. It's just a different parenting world. But, it wouldn't be a problem if everyone was just plain more considerate. And that goes for EVERYONE, not just people with strollers. There are certainly plenty of rude folks without stroller wreaking havoc all over the place as well.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Perhaps if they got rid of pedantic short Richards, there would be plenty of room from strollers. :shrug: Or teenagers.............


New Member
Not flaming, but I'm curious as to why you wouldn't break Epcot into two days if you have little ones; doing FW the 1st day and then do a leisurely day in the World Showcase after sleeping in and maybe enjoying the pool or a character meal in the AM before it opens? Heck, we do that and we're adults.


In just perusing all of your other posts on this thread, it's reasonable for me to believe that you will vehemently oppose my response to your question above. :) However, I believe that a Disney World vacation is for the family. My family consists of myself, my beautiful spouse, and my 3 awesome kids. I honestly believe that the adults on the trip should also be able to benefit somewhat from the vacation. I'll be the first to say that when night EMH comes around in Epcot, you will spot my wife and I pushing our sleeping kids in the stroller as we leisurely stroll through World Showcase, shopping and eating treats from the pastry shop in France. This does not make me a bad parent, and I'm not subjecting my children to any form of cruelty. It is during those times on vacation when I can walk with my wife, hold her hand, converse with her as an adult, and draw closer to her that allows me to be a better father to my children.


Active Member
I've never been hit or bothered by a stroller, nor have I hit anyone with mine. Granted I have not been to WDW 30+ times like some of you, but I have been nine times, with 4 of those times being in the last two years. And I also have not been during "peak" times, so that may have something to do with it as well.

Not saying that these things do not happen....of course they do. But....I don't think it is THAT big of a problem as some of you are making it out to be.

I respect others opinions. If someone feels that a a child of a certain age is too old for a stroller, fine. Different strokes for different folks.

But just an observation for EmOhYOuEssE....people might take your points more seriously and respect your opinion more if:

1. You actually had children (I am assuming you do not....my apologies if you do) and you took them to WDW while they were young and did not use a stroller and had an easy, wonderful time. No offense, but if you have never experienced taking young kids to WDW (and no, being there with friends who have kids does not count) how can you REALLY be so sure that it would be so much better for parents to not use strollers?

2. If you did not try to prove your point by making sarcastic posts like this that have NOTHING to do with stroller use at WDW:

And people wonder why their kids do what they do or act the way they do in school...it comes from the parent....<sigh>...No sweat off my back though, people like you keep my colleagues in business :sohappy:


3. If you did not state percentages that mean nothing and are not factual:

But the overwhelming amount of strollers in each park is ridiculous and 99% of the time it's for children of an age that don't need them.

And no need to flame me or pick apart my post.....it will not change my opinion about your posting style.:wave:
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