Wheelchairs and Strollers Oh My!!!

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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Can you elaborate on your answer? :shrug:

Perhaps you don't do irony?



Well-Known Member
The problem with the Internet is that its a lot harder to hear how someone says something versus what they actually say. Sometimes people are trying to be sarcastic when in fact they look like a mean spirited person. Same thing goes with irony. It can look like an interesting observation or a super sarcastic antagonistic knife in the back.

So I asked the question rather than assume. ;)

And this turned into a "I parent better than you..." contest. I should have just sat with the popcorn crowd. :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
From my readings of this board it seems moderators can lock a thread...can we call them over here? Does someone have their number?

Here's a little tip, I always try to avoid any thread with EmOhYouEssE (not sure if it's spelled correctly) because it will ALWAYS turn into a bitter, angry, mean, sarcastic fight because they know everything about everyone and do everything better than everyone else which is a lot easier when you're sitting at home behind a computer and don't have to face the person you're insulting, I presume.

Please, fellow considerate posters, do not lower yourselves to respond to this garbage. I joined this site on the recommendation of other friends who warned me about the occasional childish behaviour by a small group of posters on here and this was the prime example.

My response to such negativity is generally to leave it alone and not let it into my life but I do feel for those of you who have been personally attacked.

Perhaps the moderators could look at the history of this person and do more than shut down one thread. After all, we're not all here because we're fans of the most "Bitter, angry and spiteful place on earth" are we?


New Member
Seeing lots of strollers means that the parks are full of people (families with small children included), which means that the parks are making lots of money, which means there will be lots of money for new rides, attractions, restaurants, etc. So thank your lucky stars there are lots of strollers in the parks or you'd be seeing more cutbacks!

Get over it people... strollers are part of our lifestyle now (and they are part of our vacation lifestyle as well). The strollers are not going anywhere any time soon.

Oh, and you can look for me in Sept. with my two children both in strollers (one of which is 5 years old *gasp*)!:wave:

Well said i couldn't agree more people who are anti stroller are not taken in to consideration how they themselves walk in front of a stroller to get to a ride/out of the park that tiny bit quicker ,most people who have done this have actually tripped over the stroller which could cause damage to them or worse my innocent son (who happens to be to small to walk for great periods of time) just chill out be patient and actually enjoy where you are and what you are doing there are worse things in the world happening than having to put up with a stroller in a theme park mostly aimed at Children!:shrug:


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Putting aside all of the popcorn, pepsi, cookies, pizza, beer and speghetti, I will try to explain the the concern of the OP.

For a lot of non-stroller-pushing guests, the strollers seem to be taking over the "World". A lot of parents, not all, are very rude with the strollers and cut other people off, ram into their heels, block entrances to attractions while they wait for their Fast Pass times to come up, and use them to push their way to the front of viewing areas for parades and fireworks. While I can understand trying to let the kids get the best view, some parents use this as an excuse to get their 2 minutes before the show and get the best seats. I've also seen, many times, parents knock down merchandise in gift shops and not pick them up. I've seen parents sit on the Main Street curb next to the stroller with the kids sitting next to the stroller (taking up even more room).

These are all things that really irritate guests without strollers. Not every guest with a stroller does these things. But when one single bad incident happens happens to someone this is what they remember.

So please see this situation through other guests eyes and try to understand why there is bitterness here. :wave:

I'm pretty sure everybody understands the bitterness. But it's how the bitterness is directed. Strollers are wheelchairs take up a lot of room, and hvae the potential to create hazards. And they do get in the way. And the alternative is what? If the OP just wants people with strollers to watch where they are going more, I agree wholeheartedly. And if the OP identifies people who use the stroller or ECV as license, intentionally, to barrel over people, by all means these folks need to be taught manners.

As somebody who has pushed a stroller and a wheelchair, and been run over by same, I would suggest that most of these incidents of bumping are not a result of intentional acts, arrogant users of wheeled transport, or even massive stupidity and negligence. They are the result of the fact that there's heckuva lot of people trying to get around, more than the drivers of these strollers and wheelchairs are used to...and so they make mistakes. As do the walkers who do not allow sufficient room for strollers, etc. to get by.

Unfortunately, not everyone will be happy. While there may be a lot of strollers, and some inconsiderate "pushers", the flip side would be some children who are not in strollers, knocking things down in gift shops or running around and being unruly or excited - I am sure it happens now. A stroller would help that situation. All we can do is act how we want others to act and hope for the best. I seriously doubt strollers are ruining anyone's vacation, and like other's have said - for some it is a necessity.

For me, I am unsure what we will do on our upcoming trip. My 4 year old has not sat in a stroller in a long time. I understand little legs getting tired, but we don't really plan to speed race, so stopping to see shows or take breaks should be good enough. I also can't stand the inconvenience of pushing an empty stroller around, and finding a "parking space" and then trying to get out of that "space" later on, with every other stroller parent. That being said - since we are driving down, I will probably throw ours in the car just in case.

I suggest using the stroller. As others have said, the heat and the walking can take it's toll. The stroller is especially helpful at Epcot and DAK, where distances are larger and, happily, space for parking and maneuvering is easier to come by. My son (5) never uses a stroller, but after one day of walking around Disneyland, he requested to use a stroller the next day.


Well-Known Member
From my readings of this board it seems moderators can lock a thread...can we call them over here? Does someone have their number?

Here's a little tip, I always try to avoid any thread with EmOhYouEssE (not sure if it's spelled correctly) because it will ALWAYS turn into a bitter, angry, mean, sarcastic fight because they know everything about everyone and do everything better than everyone else which is a lot easier when you're sitting at home behind a computer and don't have to face the person you're insulting, I presume.

Please, fellow considerate posters, do not lower yourselves to respond to this garbage. I joined this site on the recommendation of other friends who warned me about the occasional childish behaviour by a small group of posters on here and this was the prime example.

My response to such negativity is generally to leave it alone and not let it into my life but I do feel for those of you who have been personally attacked.

Perhaps the moderators could look at the history of this person and do more than shut down one thread. After all, we're not all here because we're fans of the most "Bitter, angry and spiteful place on earth" are we?

I know, I need to learn to ignore... it's just so hard to do sometimes!:animwink:


New Member
I'm not going to get my panties in a knot over one poster on this board but you have pushed the limits for me on this topic!!! You have been rude and condescending to a lot of posters on this topic - commenting on people's parenting skills (people you don't even know)!!! Telling us we're selfish b/c we let our children sleep in a stroller! COME OFF IT - let me ask you again... do you have kids of your own b/c if you don't than I'm sorry you have no right (and yes you heard me correctly) to post about this topic anymore and comment on other people's parenting skills (not that you know how any of us parent anyway:rolleyes:)!

Parents are allowed to vacation, we're allowed to take strollers, we're allowed to let our children sleep in strollers, car seats, shopping carts, heck, even the concrete sidewalk! And all of this has no bearing on our parenting skills, how our children behave, or what type of adults they turn into! End of story!!!!!!!!!

This is the same type of defensive response I have come to expect from the parents of the children I deal with regularly. Thanks for doing nothing but validating my points.


Well-Known Member
Well I will add a fresh voice to this charming discussion. We were at WDW July 26 to August 9th. The thing I absolutely hated more than strollers or EVCs or wheelchairs...toddlers roaming free! I can't tell you how many times I had to come to an abrupt stop because little Johnny wandered away from mom/dad/grandma etc., and decided to stop right in front of us. Once my oldest daughter had a 3 yr old run smack into her, fall down and the mom started to yell...I said "sorry,but your child just ran smack into her, no ones fault but his".

We didn't see as many WDW strollers being used. We did see a lot of parents purchasing the folding strollers WDW sells at resorts and in the parks. As far as the wheelchair/EVC usage..nothing really to stop people from renting them..but I think Disney has done a good job in making the ques EVC/ wheelchair friendly so everyone can wait together in line.

Now, regarding other peoples children being 'too old' for a stroller. I don't know those people, so I don't care how they spend their money. It doesn't really impact my vacation. Also, I can't tell, just be viewing the child how old they are. My niece is 7 yrs old and she is now taller than my almost 13 yr old daughter. My 8 yr old is as short as the 1st graders she 'team reads' with. My 7 yr old nephew has health issues that made WDW at Christmas really challenging. So yeah when he was 6 and at Epcot his parents decided to rent him a stroller. Did they do it at every park? Nope. Did he demand it? Nope. Did it make the trip that much easier? Absolutely.
Some people only go every few years. Some people don't go back to resorts (esp. if staying off site) for breaks. Some people decide its better to let Susie nap in the stroller and keep on going. In the end..what other people do with their strollers doesn't impact my vacation...ok aside from those idiots who wait until it is their turn to get on the bus..or who argue with the bus driver about having to fold up the stroller..but even then its only a few minutes.

Finally, when our girls were little we used the strollers. Originally we brought our own Peg Perego with us. Eventually we rented when needed. They were wonderful shields for parade viewing ..keeps them from getting crushed or squeezed out of their spots. In the end the width of a single stroller can be much smaller than the width of many adults.

The Mom

Premium Member
It appears that some posters cannot disagree without taking a condescending or judgemental attitude, so this thread is over.

Just a warning to all of you- apparently, we are entering a period with the largest number of newborns since the Baby Boom- and parents didn't bring their children to theme parks, ride on planes, etc back then. Get used to even more strollers.

This is at the same time that the original Baby Boomers are reaching retirement age, but are also starting to have health/mobility problems - so get used to more wheelchairs/ECVs. :lol:
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