Wheelchairs and Strollers Oh My!!!

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Well-Known Member
It is sad to say, but when you have this many people in such proximity to each other, people (in general) seem to lose their sense of politeness. In the past there were less strollers but there were probably also far less people visiting, not to mention that the larger parks did not exist yet -- it was only MK for the first 11 years, which is the smallest park and most tightly packed park as far as attractions go .. which consequently means that you will have more frequent rests and shorter walks in between attractions, making it easier for small kids to walk between all day. Now, the parks are larger in general and kids just can't walk the longer distances, especially at AK or Epcot.

I'm not in any way condoning the way people act but the fact is that as you get more people together in the same place their manners go down the tubes. It is really sad to see and angers me to see parents AND kids with awful manners but as mentioned before, it's not the strollers that are the problem .. it's the people.


New Member
This is soooo True a few years back we had to get a wheelchair for my dad and people would look you straight in the eys and procede to cross infront of you like you are supose to stop for them. and as far as running in to peoples heels, Just DON'T Slam on the brakes in the middle of flowing traffic you will eventurely get rearended:shrug:

Slam on the brakes while walking? I usually keep it below 55mph while in the parks.
Accidents happen, but don't blame the person you hit - just apologize.


New Member
I'm obviously not going to pass judgment on the use of strollers, especially since the kids throwing tantrums, etc, always seem to be the ones out of a stroller... but I do kind of wonder why strollers are so big these days. Like someone else said, I think using umbrella strollers would help out the crowding/stroller control a lot.

And I love how this thread somehow became a commentary on why kids today act the way they do :lol:


Well-Known Member
Strollers & Wheelchairs are NOT a problem.

Inconsiderate people using them ARE a problem.

Inconsiderate people who walk straight in front of the considerate users of Strollers and Wheelchairs ARE a problem.

That is all....

Now, can I get some of that popcorn...?

Excellent post

In just perusing all of your other posts on this thread, it's reasonable for me to believe that you will vehemently oppose my response to your question above. :) However, I believe that a Disney World vacation is for the family. My family consists of myself, my beautiful spouse, and my 3 awesome kids. I honestly believe that the adults on the trip should also be able to benefit somewhat from the vacation. I'll be the first to say that when night EMH comes around in Epcot, you will spot my wife and I pushing our sleeping kids in the stroller as we leisurely stroll through World Showcase, shopping and eating treats from the pastry shop in France. This does not make me a bad parent, and I'm not subjecting my children to any form of cruelty. It is during those times on vacation when I can walk with my wife, hold her hand, converse with her as an adult, and draw closer to her that allows me to be a better father to my children.

Another excellent post

Slam on the brakes while walking? I usually keep it below 55mph while in the parks.
Accidents happen, but don't blame the person you hit - just apologize.

Unfortunately, the only times (twice) I have hit someone with my stroller it has been their fault. Once when someone did just as the previous poster suggested and cut in front of me within inches and came to an abrupt halt. Had I not been pushing a stroller, I still would have ran into them. It happened that fast. I did however apologize, even though they were the ones at fault.

The second time it happend, I was in line at a cart in Frontier land. There was a fence on one side of me and the cart on the other. The lady at the window was taking my order when a group of 5 or 6 middle aged folks shoever past me, barely squeezing between the fence and the stroller. They hit the stroller so hard that they woke my child (who has no problems sleeping in a stadium full of 87,000 football fans screaming). They went to the "pick up" window in front of me, so the woman I payed rolled her eyes and handed me my drink through that window. Well, I had had it by that point. I had been dodging people walking in front of me and cutting me off all day. The crazed wooden spoon wielding, leash walking stroller mom in me came out and I shoved past the group running over everyone's toes. Wehn they complained I turned and said "Wasn't half worth shoving past me and waking my child was it?" I waited for a remark, but they had none. They realized they were wrong. And no, their rudeness does not make what i did right. Everyone has their breaking point and that was mine. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Can I just clarify how long youve been a parent, you seem to have ignored that question and what books have you written as you are obviously such an ex pert. Because your posts come across like a belligerent teen. In my opinion of course.

And a very good one at that! :D


Active Member
Excellent post

Another excellent post

Unfortunately, the only times (twice) I have hit someone with my stroller it has been their fault. Once when someone did just as the previous poster suggested and cut in front of me within inches and came to an abrupt halt. Had I not been pushing a stroller, I still would have ran into them. It happened that fast. I did however apologize, even though they were the ones at fault.

The second time it happend, I was in line at a cart in Frontier land. There was a fence on one side of me and the cart on the other. The lady at the window was taking my order when a group of 5 or 6 middle aged folks shoever past me, barely squeezing between the fence and the stroller. They hit the stroller so hard that they woke my child (who has no problems sleeping in a stadium full of 87,000 football fans screaming). They went to the "pick up" window in front of me, so the woman I payed rolled her eyes and handed me my drink through that window. Well, I had had it by that point. I had been dodging people walking in front of me and cutting me off all day. The crazed wooden spoon wielding, leash walking stroller mom in me came out and I shoved past the group running over everyone's toes. Wehn they complained I turned and said "Wasn't half worth shoving past me and waking my child was it?" I waited for a remark, but they had none. They realized they were wrong. And no, their rudeness does not make what i did right. Everyone has their breaking point and that was mine. :lol:


Well-Known Member
At Disneyland in a crowd of people going down the walkway beside the Riverbelle terrace there was a women in a motorized chair going, "MOVE MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!! MOVE "

I wanted to tell her, "hey you can move in the crowd just fine we're all walking it's not like you're going to move way ahead of us. It's pretty much wall to wall people"

I don't know about you but that ticked me off.


Well-Known Member
I'm obviously not going to pass judgment on the use of strollers, especially since the kids throwing tantrums, etc, always seem to be the ones out of a stroller... but I do kind of wonder why strollers are so big these days. Like someone else said, I think using umbrella strollers would help out the crowding/stroller control a lot.

And I love how this thread somehow became a commentary on why kids today act the way they do :lol:

Wow! Love your Avatar! It's great to be a Florida Gator!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Would you believe that I took that at a grocery store?! Very random running into Alberta while I was picking up supplies for dinner haha

Haha yeah! My friend ran into Chris Leak in a sports authority once in Gainesville, and this was after he was in Chicago!


It is comical really - how use of strollers has turned into a battle about parenting really. I am sure most parents will agree with me when I say "I was a great mom, BEFORE I had kids"


Active Member
You know everytime one of these stroller threads comes up it quickly degenerates into 'the way I raise my kids is so much better than the way you raise yours'....which is completely pathetic. Yes there are inconsiderate people out there, and they even vacation at WDW too - the only way you can truly leave the 'real world' behind is if you are rich enough to have the park completely to yourself. So yes, sometimes people are thoughtless and sometimes the kids are out of control....but to make a blanket assumption that ALL parents are selfish and lazy and not thinking of their kids at all when they vacation so they force them into a stroller, that's just plain silly. I am sorry for those that have had such negative experiences with strollers (or ECVs or wheelchairs), I have not had such a problem with them. As a stroller user I can honestly say I have never run into anyone either. According to some here, though, I'm condemned anyway. Oh well....:shrug:


New Member
Can I just clarify how long youve been a parent, you seem to have ignored that question and what books have you written as you are obviously such an ex pert. Because your posts come across like a belligerent teen. In my opinion of course.

To answer your questions. I was a parent for 15 years. She is no longer with us, but yes, we did take her to Disney when she was very young, and NO, we never used a stroller with her. If she got tired, we rested. We may not have seen everything and commando'd the park, but we did the things SHE wanted to do. The vacations were all about HER. If a sick child can enjoy Disney at their own pace, I'm 100% sure a healthy one could do the same (forgive my use of false non scientific stats, it's based purely on experience and common sense/logic which some seem not to understand). I have also taken friend's children/grandchildren to Disney (sans parents) over the years. Once again, never used a stroller.

My "ex pert ise" comes from a Bachelors in Psychology from University of Colorado, with a focus on child development and a Masters in Social work from DU. I currently research government grants for non profit organizations that specialize in troubled youth. When children are admitted into a program or we are researching the needs/wants of each program before presenting it, we have to interview parents and children.

Things that I have found most common:

Parents biggest response usually is something like "I don't know what we did wrong. Johnny/Susy Snowflake got everything they ever wanted. They never had to do anything. I don't know why they are doing this/that".

Most of the children I deal with are from middle class or affluent homes. The parents all think their little darling was nothing shy of spectacular (which they should), but they never instilled a sense of independence on their child; therefore the child responds negatively when in a social setting outside of their immediate home.

A LOT of the children are overweight and unsuccessful in their environment because of the sense of not being able to do things on their own that was instilled since childhood. So if you are asking if I see a pattern of this behavior with people posting that they push their 5+ year old around in a stroller, yes, I certainly do.



New Member
You know everytime one of these stroller threads comes up it quickly degenerates into 'the way I raise my kids is so much better than the way you raise yours'....which is completely pathetic. Yes there are inconsiderate people out there, and they even vacation at WDW too - the only way you can truly leave the 'real world' behind is if you are rich enough to have the park completely to yourself. So yes, sometimes people are thoughtless and sometimes the kids are out of control....but to make a blanket assumption that ALL parents are selfish and lazy and not thinking of their kids at all when they vacation so they force them into a stroller, that's just plain silly. I am sorry for those that have had such negative experiences with strollers (or ECVs or wheelchairs), I have not had such a problem with them. As a stroller user I can honestly say I have never run into anyone either. According to some here, though, I'm condemned anyway. Oh well....:shrug:

I agree. Using a stroller is not about being a bad/lazy/selfish parent or not. Kids get tired of all the activity and walking and having a stroller can really lengthen the amount of time you can spend at the park before they hit the point of no return.


Well-Known Member
It is comical really - how use of strollers has turned into a battle about parenting really. I am sure most parents will agree with me when I say "I was a great mom, BEFORE I had kids"

I was thinking the exact same thing, there is even a book out called, "I was a great Mom, before I had kids".

I have three kids under 4, one is a baby. So what do you victims of stroller attacks suggest I use in the parks? Or should we just not go, I mean WDW is not a place for kids....

Just echo what a few parents have said, strollers are a great way to keep track of you little kids in the park. My older two kids (3,4) are WAY TOO LITTLE to be walking by themsleves in wall to wall people on Main Street a stroller keeps them buckled and safe from getting trampled by the singleton's racing to get on Space or Splash the second the rope drops. What strollers are not for is ruining your WDW trip. Most parents would agree with me when I say we don't like our strollers and can't wait until we don't need them. I look forward to the day I can walk with my family anywhere and not have to worry about a stroller.
I am very sorry anyone has been injured by strollers, that sucks. But really don't judge everyone pushing the stroller, just judge the jerk who ran over your foot.
I don't judge every person in the park I just judge the jerk cussing in line at Whinnie the Pooh.
I let my kids sleep in their stroller all the time at WDW, ZOO, wherever. We also do nap breaks in the middle of the day and they are still tired at night. So do I let them sleep in their stroller or do I march them out of the park sleepy and cranky (Which would probally bother you off too, b/c GASP! kids are crying in MK)? BTW check out my Avatar, my kids are blissfully asleep at the MNSSHP and DH and I had a LOVELY last two hours walking around and soaking up the park. What a mean Mom I am for letting my kids sleep in a stroller, you and just see from thier faces how horribly uncomfortable they are.

The Mom

Premium Member
It just amazes me to look back at the pictures of our family trips in the early 70's to MK and there wasn't a stroller in sight. Apparently, in 30 plus years, children are unable to walk in amusement parks anymore :shrug:.

Makes me wonder who the stroller is really for, the child who would be happy just seeing the characters and parades, or the parent that must get on every single ride as fast as they can without that bothersome holdup of having to wait for their child or walk their child's pace :shrug:.


There were also few people in wheelchairs, etc because back then, they just didn't go anywhere, just as you see very few minorities in old photos. A family did not bring a baby or preschool child out in public much, and families rarely went out to eat. Of course, most mothers still didn't work fulltime, and a plane ticket could cost close to a month's wages for blue collar workers, so most vacations were within driving distance. A WDW vacation was out of reach for most families, unless they lived close by. It was truly a dream, once in a lifetime trip, back then.

Times change, and so do family situations. Some changes are detrimental, while others are a vast improvement, but we can't go backwards.

My children used strollers in WDW (but not at home) until they were in Kindergarten. After that, we just took things at a slower pace. But because they HAD been to WDW in a stroller when younger, we didn't have a need to see everything, anyways.

If children are getting plenty of exercise, eat healthy, well balanced meals, and sleep regular hours at home, I have no problem with them using strollers, eating burgers and fries, and staying up late at WDW...as long as it is the exception, not the rule.

Riding around WDW in a stroller is not going to make a child overweight; he/she was that way before the trip. The increased use of strollers, ECVs, etc at WDW is not the cause of obesity, but the result of a bigger problem. And a certain percentage of the increase (I don't know the exact number, and choose not to make up my own) is also due to an increased number of people who were unable to come to WDW in the past because of physical limitations but have been given the means to do so now.

So yes, the guests at WDW now are most certainly different than those who visited 40 years ago, but so is our society.


New Member
You hit the nail on the head, Mom. :sohappy: I completely agree with everything you said.

And Em, I do see the kids and families you are referring to, so I understand your points as well. I just don't agree with condemning every mother who has a five year old in a stroller. Like The Mom said, I just had one in WDW;once I learned to walk we didn't use it anywhere else. I like to think I turned out okay and my mom did something right with all our trips since WDW is the reason I wanted to be an engineer. :)

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I'm 100% sure a healthy one could do the same (forgive my use of false non scientific stats, it's based purely on experience and common sense/logic which some seem not to understand).


Oh I understand logic and common sense, I can also recognise when someone posts opinion as fact.

But unlike you my only qualifications are in systems management and process implementation, so Im not qualified to comment on child development but from my experiences working in adult education, and in a purely non scientific but common sense /logic, Id have said that changes in the domestic situation are as likely, if not more so, to contribute to feelings of self worth than use of a push chair in a theme park.


I have faithfully sat and read every post in this thread until I got to the end of page 5 and then it just descended into a slanging match and I got fed up. Maybe we should all have strollers as we are all acting like little children!!

I am married, I don't have children and I love WDW. Yes, I do get annoyed when I get rammed in the ankles. But I also get annoyed when someone walking in front of me stops dead all of a sudden and then gives me a dirty look when I walk into the back of them.

I don't think banning strollers is the answer, in fact I would be dead against the idea if it were proposed. I know that I've looked at some kids in their strollers and wished I could get in one and be pushed around and I'm 24! A kid couldn't manage a whole day in a park without a stroller!

And yes, adults may be impatient to get to the rides and maybe don't want to walk at little Johnnie's pace. It's their holiday too! Life doesn't stop when you have kids!

All you can do is respectfully ask that those with strollers push them around carefully, and those without, watch where you are going. It's 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.

On a side note, I find it ironic that they are called "strollers" as whenever they do hit you in the ankle, they feel like they were travelling at 100 miles per hour!! :lol:
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