There are many Disney movies I haven't seen.
I don't buy Disney stuff. I like the theme parks only.
I didn't love Disneyland Paris.
I wouldn't mind not riding any of the coasters ever again.
Sometimes I eat, drink or use flash photography. And if im feeling especially rebelious I won't stand clear of the doors. There it's stop Springer.
I cannot stand the way Fastpass has evolved. I think it needs to return to its original format, which was if you're not there for the right time frame you can't use the pass. Yes it does feel more convenient to some that earlier Fastpass times are always honored but take it from me when I was a CM working at BTM I lost count of how many times the Fastpass line got backed up until it looked exactly like stand-by. Why is that? Because nobody comes for the actual time it says on their pass. I'm pretty sure this has been talked about before on the boards and it is one of just few gripes that I have. Other than those LOVE IT ALL!
I secretly LOVE living with the land ride. God please don't tell my wife. I could go and ride Test Track the whole time and never get bored, and the same go's with eating at the Sc-Fi.