Ok, here's mine...
* I couldn't care less about illuminations. We usually just use the time to get to SSE turn around in time to see the fireworks, then head to the car beating some of the crowd.
* Dole Whip - never had one, doubt I will.
* I've never gotten over 20K.
* I like HiSTA and SGE
* I think Star Tours is a "B" ticket at best.
* World showcase is just a really good place to eat with a few mediocre rides and alcohol.
* Hate the Land
* I like BAH and it can stay.
* I've never seen any other version of JII, so don't have a problem with it.
* love Disney, but can't afford it. I stay off property and take food to eat in the parking lot.
* I never park hop.
* I like the new management.
* DAK is merely ok and since I don't park hop, not really worth the admission. Maybe if it stayed open later and had a few more "E" tickets.
* I loved the timekeeper, but hated the show (standing sucks)
* Don't bother with innoventions.
* I get giddy everytime we drive through the front gates.
* Gonzo is the coolest muppet, but I do a GREAT Kermit impression.
* I Love Fantasmic.
* Don't bother with TSI.
* Never got to see Horizons.
* Kennywood in Pittsburgh has a dark ride based on the same system as PW and it is
MUCH better.
Leaving for Florida 2 weeks from today using a banked week at my timeshare that expires at the end of September, but can't afford tickets to WDW. I'm tearing up thinking about it.

I'm gonna stop by DTD and do breakfast at Chef Mickey's so, at least, there's something.