What's after EVEREST?


New Member
tomm4004 said:
What aspect of your argument do you want us to agree with? If they will or if we want to see Indy? In the former, I wouldn't agree with any rumours until I actually see the thing being built. I don't think Screamscape gets their information from anyone in power, although they are fun to read. In the latter, I love the Indy ride at both DL and TDS.

As for varying themes and ride vehicles, I think that sometimes the vehicle is as important as the theme. For Small World, it doesn't really matter what vehicle you're on, it's really all about what you are looking at. However, with rides like Indy/CTX (Dino), the movement of the vehicle is an integral aspect to the ride, as it is with a roller coaster. Even without themes, all wooden coasters are different so enthusiasts will drive around the country to try them all. Indy and CTX have identical tracks. I notice that distinctly at the beginning and end and it does detract somewhat.

At least Star Tours and Body Wars have a different sequence of movement, but I believe it was a mistake to make Body Wars with identical technology, just as it (for me) to have so many 4-D movies that squirt water at you. Each one loses their uniqueness. If they are going to spend a bundle on a new E-ticket, I would like to see something else, perhaps this CAVE technology we keep hearing about.
I was trying to figure out how to say that, couldn't have said it better.

As far as Jay's comment, "Well tell me your guys opinion on this????" We already gave you our opinion, it seems that your in denial of are opinion and can't accept it. I don't even think we have anything else to tell you about IJA and if it will come.


Well-Known Member
As an addition to a park, I'd love to see Indiana Jones ride. And I realize it's unlikely they would have both the ride and show in the same park.
The clone idea doesn't bother me since I'm unlikely to get to DL anytime soon.
BUT, As has been pointed out repeatedly since you insist on asking the same question over and over, it's unlikely to happen and very unlikely to happen in the time frame you've suggested. There are apparently a number of physcial issues with the location/parking, etc., not to mentiion budget questions.
AND, there have been dozens of threads asking this question and reaching the same conclusion. NOT LIKLEY!


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Well tell me your guys opinion on this????
Read the last seven pages of this thread you ignorant bafoon.

And about your two stunt shows are the same thing comment. What exactly is the same about the two? They are completely differant from each other. :brick:


New Member
Original Poster
All I want guys is predictements on IJA that's all,just predictements. That's not to hard to give is it??? + I'm trying to be completly nice about this. I started this topic because I wanted your guesses and predictions on IJA. Now let me cut to the chase, Lynx,SirGoofy,KaliSplash,Tomm4004,dxer07002,etc. All of your guys predictions and then wel'll just wait and see what happens. As for me I'm going to say I think it'll come because an E-Ticket attraction for IJA is 100% worth the money to build next to LMA. I'm not trying to be a complete moron either,I really would like to see it come for most of you that have'nt been on it at DL. My point is also you can make the EMV vehicle a whole lot newer and futuristic then DL's one + the storyline should change/the theming + track layout will have to be totally different from DINOSAUR since everyone thinks it's so similar.


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
All I want guys is predictements on IJA that's all,just predictements. That's not to hard to give is it??? + I'm trying to be completly nice about this. I started this topic because I wanted your guesses and predictions on IJA. Now let me cut to the chase, Lynx,SirGoofy,KaliSplash,Tomm4004,dxer07002,etc. All of your guys predictions and then wel'll just wait and see what happens. As for me I'm going to say I think it'll come because an E-Ticket attraction for IJA is 100% worth the money to build next to LMA.

pre·dic·a·ment Audio pronunciation of "predicaments" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-dk-mnt)

1. A situation, especially an unpleasant, troublesome, or trying one, from which extrication is difficult. See Usage Note at dilemma.
2. Logic. One of the basic states or classifications described by Aristotle into which all things can be placed; a category.


New Member
i want villian mountain in walt disney world and they will have the same in disneyland. and please tell me this is official. and where is the villian mountain be and place?


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
All I want guys is predictements on IJA that's all,just predictements. That's not to hard to give is it??? + I'm trying to be completly nice about this. I started this topic because I wanted your guesses and predictions on IJA. Now let me cut to the chase, Lynx,SirGoofy,KaliSplash,Tomm4004,dxer07002,etc. All of your guys predictions and then wel'll just wait and see what happens. As for me I'm going to say I think it'll come because an E-Ticket attraction for IJA is 100% worth the money to build next to LMA. I'm not trying to be a complete moron either,I really would like to see it come for most of you that have'nt been on it at DL. My point is also you can make the EMV vehicle a whole lot newer and futuristic then DL's one + the storyline should change/the theming + track layout will have to be totally different from DINOSAUR since everyone thinks it's so similar.

Here's my prediction, as long as IJESS has good attendance, which it still has, don't count on IJA coming...
Honestly though, why the hell do you ask the same questions over and over again?


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
All I want guys is predictements on IJA that's all,just predictements. That's not to hard to give is it??? + I'm trying to be completly nice about this. I started this topic because I wanted your guesses and predictions on IJA. Now let me cut to the chase, Lynx,SirGoofy,KaliSplash,Tomm4004,dxer07002,etc. All of your guys predictions and then wel'll just wait and see what happens. As for me I'm going to say I think it'll come because an E-Ticket attraction for IJA is 100% worth the money to build next to LMA.

You seem to be ignoring anyone who disagrees with you.

Is a EMV attraction themed to IJ coming to MGM?....signs point to yes.

Will it replace the stunt show?.....that is a possibility, but nothing is confirmed.

Can MGM survive with 2 stunt shows? Probably, they are nothing alike.

Is building an E-ticket at MGM the best use of the limited capital the park will get over the next few years? IMO, no. The park needs more "filler" attractions. Plus, some of the current major attractions, like Star Tours and GMR are in great need of a complete redo.....neither attraction is that magical anymore...IMO.


Well-Known Member
jeanylaser031 said:
i want villian mountain in walt disney world and they will have the same in disneyland. and please tell me this is official. and where is the villian mountain be and place?

huh? :confused:


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
You seem to be ignoring anyone who disagrees with you.

Is a EMV attraction themed to IJ coming to MGM?....signs point to yes.

Will it replace the stunt show?.....that is a possibility, but nothing is confirmed.

Can MGM survive with 2 stunt shows? Probably, they are nothing alike.

Is building an E-ticket at MGM the best use of the limited capital the park will get over the next few years? IMO, no. The park needs more "filler" attractions. Plus, some of the current major attractions, like Star Tours and GMR are in great need of a complete redo.....neither attraction is that magical anymore...IMO.

Well stated. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Why are you so interested in what is coming next? WDW just added a ton of new attractions over the last 2 years, and EE is not even open yet.

There is a VERY good possibility that no new major attractions will be built for a few years.....


New Member
Original Poster
All I'm saying and why I started this posts is for your guys predictements. Plus what's the only way for IJA to come as an E-Ticket attraction replacing the Epic Stunt Spectacular???????


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
All I'm saying and why I started this posts is for your guys predictements. Plus what's the only way for IJA to come as an E-Ticket attraction replacing the Epic Stunt Spectacular???????

Take a few minutes to read over this thread, there are plenty of answers to your questions.


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
All I'm saying and why I started this posts is for your guys predictements. Plus what's the only way for IJA to come as an E-Ticket attraction replacing the Epic Stunt Spectacular???????

You really need to get some logic and realism in your life.

Sorcerer Mickey

Well-Known Member
Here's some food for thought for all those who think Indy won't happen because it's too similar to Dinosaur...

There's like four Dumbo clones in WDW Orlando alone.

That's all I'm saying.

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