What's after EVEREST?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for finally coming up with a sensible post. I'll agree that nothing is ever permanent, especially a stunt show. I too would like to see an Indiana Jones ride utilizing new/different technology.


Well-Known Member
Jay said:
Hey I'm back!! But one thing I want to point out for this long not-stopping Indy Adventure Ride at WDW (rumored). I think their's a chance that it could come if they'd just change the theming & track layout in the whole entire ride. Why not make a newer futuristic EMV Vehicle??? Disney has their share of clones so I don't see what's wrong with this because I know the stunt show is completely different from LMA but it's kind of getting old and it won't stay their forever-"I'll guarrantee that"!!! I think the early of this rumored attraction would come in like 2008-2009.

I don't see why you need to keep pushing this topic in this thread. You keep repeating the SAME thing.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
He's jay dark knight alright! I just read the whole thread, wow, this thread is just hilariouse. Jay, or WDWFanatic007, or whatever, if you simply read everyone's replies and finally learn to properly spell and use better grammer, then we wouldn't keep banning you. :rolleyes:

BTW, no one report him or anything. I want him to suffer this time heh heh!!! :fork: Throw him into the execution arena!!! In and the animals that will eat him are:

The Aklay! The Reek! And a large bear named Grizz!


Well-Known Member
Honestly, why can't you let this thread die? It's like you have ADD or something. All of the questions you just asked have already been answered.


New Member
imagineer boy said:
He's jay dark knight alright! I just read the whole thread, wow, this thread is just hilariouse. Jay, or WDWFanatic007, or whatever, if you simply read everyone's replies and finally learn to properly spell and use better grammer, then we wouldn't keep banning you. :rolleyes:
I'm sorry, but I can't resist. It's GRAMMAR and HILARIOUS. :)


Le Meh
Premium Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Alright I'm done if you want me to be. It's like you hate the Indiana Jones Adventure coming to WDW.

No, its just that no one knows for sure, we can speculate (sorry Jay, guess) about it all we want, but since we dont work for Disney and are not involved in the decision making process, it really does not matter.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Alright I'm done if you want me to be. It's like you hate the Indiana Jones Adventure coming to WDW.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You idiot! You still don't get what we've been trying to tell you all these years! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



WDWFanatic007 said:
Alright I'm done if you want me to be. It's like you hate the Indiana Jones Adventure coming to WDW.

You're done!?
:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Original Poster
Yeah because obviously this is a news & rumors thread right? So I'd be pretty stupid if I did'nt make this Indy Thread because it's a strong possible rumor. And for Imagineer Boy your the idiot because I have'nt said crap about you. You guys can just guess right before you close this thread???

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Yeah because obviously this is a news & rumors thread right? So I'd be pretty stupid if I did'nt make this Indy Thread because it's a strong possible rumor.

That's what we've been trying to friggin tell you!!!!! :brick: :brick: We told you that it's not confirmed, but just a rumor. And you still keep persisting saying that it will happen and jumping to conclusions saying that we don't want Indy.

WDWFanatic007 said:
And for Imagineer Boy your the idiot because I have'nt said crap about you. You guys can just guess right before you close this thread???

No, you're the idiot because you never listen to anyone and put everyone's opinions down. Guess what? Some people want Indy to WDW and some don't. DEAL WITH IT!!!!!

Gosh, you make MaElStRomROCkS look like a college proffessor.

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