What's after EVEREST?


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
No you don't,you don't need 2 stunt shows in one park people for the last time!!!

YOU might not, but obviously a lot of people disagree with you (which you can't handle.....come on, are you 12?)

Thank God this was for the last time...you grow boring quickly


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
No you don't,you don't need 2 stunt shows in one park people for the last time!!!

From what I understand the park was designed to have 2 stunt shows pal. :rolleyes:
Stop trying to pass your OPINION off as fact.


Well-Known Member
Case in point, many people felt that there wasn't enough to do at MGM, what would be the point of replacing one stunt show with another to rectify this problem. The shows are different, with Indy concentrating primarily on Human Stunts while LMA is all motorized stunts. This isn't really rocket science. The same people that are complaining about two stunt shows are the same people that thing the Indy Rover in Disneyland and Dinosaur are the same attraction (I recognize the identical track layout, but spare me the rest).


New Member
Original Poster
Well anyways the IJA rumor is still alive and well know when this will drop dead for sure,but anyways it's still a possibility so you all might be wrong.


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Well anyways the IJA rumor is still alive and well know when this will drop dead for sure,but anyways it's still a possibility so you all might be wrong.

The IJA rumor is still alive only because you want it to be and keep throwing wood into the fire. We have heard no indication recently from anyone actually "in the know" that would indicate that this rumor is still alive. As said before, anything is possible, just like it's possible for Universal to buy out Disney tomorrow. You just don't know when to give up do you? :rolleyes:


New Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Well anyways the IJA rumor is still alive and well know when this will drop dead for sure,but anyways it's still a possibility so you all might be wrong.

It's also still possible that the moon is made of green cheese. Also it's still possible that they'll bring back Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

And it's even possible that you will figure out that it isn't really up to us what they do. But I doubt it.


New Member
Original Poster
So all you guys are saying anything's possible with IJA but to end this topic for sure I want to know what's the only way for this to come??? What has to happen in other words????


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
So all you guys are saying anything's possible with IJA but to end this topic for sure I want to know what's the only way for this to come??? What has to happen in other words????

What has to happen is you need to let this thread die.

Nobody here can give you an answer......why would you think anyone here could?


New Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
So all you guys are saying anything's possible with IJA but to end this topic for sure I want to know what's the only way for this to come??? What has to happen in other words????

You have to jump off a bridge, head first, a bridge not over water and higher then 75ft. I am pretty sure at that point, IJA will come.

On a serious note, come on kid, hasn't eveything already been said that needs to be said. What you are asking for, no one can answer, give it a rest.


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Ok so what are your predictions on this? That's all I've been asking for this topic the whole time!!!!

And you've gotten answers. What are you, 4? I would quote every answer to your useless questions but that would take a lot of time, because of how many people have already answered your question.


New Member
I read this entire thread today. I have a headache now.:brick:

It's my fault though, the thread was like intreging. I was praying for it all to be resolved. ugh.


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In the Parks
If you want to talk about something talk about my very fake SE photoshop


Well-Known Member
Interesting. I like the Brother Bear idea and the Haunted Mansion Holiday. Like it was said before I think the monorail expansion, if ever, will be further down the road than 2010.


Well-Known Member
The monorail expansion is not gonna happen. There's no practicle reason for it to happen. The cost of the monorail expansion would put all other future renevations on hold because of the financial burden.


New Member
Original Poster
Hey I'm back!! But one thing I want to point out for this long not-stopping Indy Adventure Ride at WDW (rumored). I think their's a chance that it could come if they'd just change the theming & track layout in the whole entire ride. Why not make a newer futuristic EMV Vehicle??? Disney has their share of clones so I don't see what's wrong with this because I know the stunt show is completely different from LMA but it's kind of getting old and it won't stay their forever-"I'll guarrantee that"!!! I think the early of this rumored attraction would come in like 2008-2009.

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