What's after EVEREST?


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You guys just don't understand do you? Like I said I'm not giving up and most of the people do want an EMV Adventure rather than keeping the stunt show. Who cares just let it go!! It's going to come because they do need another E-Ticket Ride anyways.


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
You guys just don't understand do you? Like I said I'm not giving up and most of the people do want an EMV Adventure rather than keeping the stunt show. Who cares just let it go!! It's going to come because they do need another E-Ticket Ride anyways.

No, apparently you are the one who does not understand!


New Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
You guys just don't understand do you? Like I said I'm not giving up and most of the people do want an EMV Adventure rather than keeping the stunt show. Who cares just let it go!! It's going to come because they do need another E-Ticket Ride anyways.

Okay, I don't believe in flaming people, especially since I am so new to the board. But...

It isn't up to us!


WDWFanatic007 said:
You guys just don't understand do you? Like I said I'm not giving up and most of the people do want an EMV Adventure rather than keeping the stunt show. Who cares just let it go!! It's going to come because they do need another E-Ticket Ride anyways.

Did you pole "most of the people" on what they want. because last time I experienced IJ, it was packed. I had to stand in the back there were so many people there. And why would you want a clone of Forbidden Eye? We already have one! It's called Dinosaur! IT'S THE EXACT SAME TRACK! Ugh. :hammer:

And no, the Studios does not need another E-ride. It's chock full of 'em. What they need is smaller rides.


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
You guys just don't understand do you? Like I said I'm not giving up and most of the people do want an EMV Adventure rather than keeping the stunt show. Who cares just let it go!! It's going to come because they do need another E-Ticket Ride anyways.

ugh, Jay's back.

We understand, the fact that you are a moron. :brick:
And who are these people that you speak of? Everytime I have been in IJESS it has been packed. Disney isn't going to get rid of a show just to bring in a ride. Yea, bring in another E-ticket, but not at the expense of an extremely popular attraction.

Here's an idea! How about instead of destroying a popular show to bring in a ride, we fill some of the empty buildings with a new attraction? That makes a lot more sense to me.


New Member
blackride said:
Althoug hit may be a "let down" for a small amonut of people that will not be enough to stop it. I would love to see the % of people that go to both WDW and DL. I have a feeling its not that high so the Indy ride would be a new adventure for a majority.

No it wouldn't, cause you got CTX over at AK, which is the same exact thing, except for the theme. Even if CTX wasn't here, I would prefer some thing better then EMV. TOT didn't increase DCA attendence, as much as they thought it would. Why would an IJA EMV of the same tech as CTX make an real increase in MGM's attendence. MGM needs a new solid "Original" E-ticket attraction, not a ten year old clone. To me EMV is not that impressive any longer, specially since Spiderman opened.


New Member
Yea we definently need to get a ORIGIONAL attraction, not a clone, plus i love Dinosaur but i think it feels a little too clunky for a INDY attraction. And lynx is right, now that spiderman is out, we need something new and competitive, something that will become a new sort of ToT or RnR. WDI knows this though...


New Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Like I said I'm not giving up
And what are you doing to make this happen? Have you petitioned Disney management? Have you started a website to rally support? This is what you need to do, not write the same post over and over again on these boards. We don't make these decisions.


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You guys don't understand what I'm saying DINOSAUR has a complety different theming than IJA + if IJA would ever come to MGM then it would probably have to be a newer EMV Version attraction.


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
You guys don't understand what I'm saying DINOSAUR has a complety different theming than IJA + if IJA would ever come to MGM then it would probably have to be a newer EMV Version attraction.

What I don't get about you is that one minute you'll be saying "you know Indy Adventure is going to come" then the next minute it's "When do you guys think it'll come" then you say "If it'll come". Consistancy is normally a good thing.


New Member
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Why don't you guys just agree with me??? It's probably going to happen no matter what you guys say. Screamscape.com already has rumors about this floating and it might even get approved. But my saying is that you can make IJA a whole lot different than DINOSAUR. All ya need to do is make a newer version of the ride/similar to the Forbidden Eye and make a new storyline on top of it,+ futuristic newer theming!!! That's all. Hey if they can't put it here why not replace the Great Movie Ride with it???


WDWFanatic007 said:
Why don't you guys just agree with me??? It's probably going to happen no matter what you guys say. Screamscape.com already has rumors about this floating and it might even get approved. But my saying is that you can make IJA a whole lot different than DINOSAUR. All ya need to do is make a newer version of the ride/similar to the Forbidden Eye and make a new storyline on top of it,+ futuristic newer theming!!! That's all. Hey if they can't put it here why not replace the Great Movie Ride with it???

#1-Screamscape is usually wrong...
#2-There is no need for two EMV attractions...
#3-GMR is a classic and the center piece of the Studios' theme. Why would they change it for just another e-ride.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
SirGoofy said:
#1-Screamscape is usually wrong...
#2-There is no need for two EMV attractions...
#3-GMR is a classic and the center piece of the Studios' theme. Why would they change it for just another e-ride.

WHat other EMV attraction does MGM have? And if you are referring to Dinosaur, then, I must point out that Star Tours and Body Wars are exactly the same, just a different theme and in different parks... Heck, we can even say Small World and Pirates are similar rides due to the fact you ride ina boat.. Add in El Rio Del Tiempo to that list as well... And, wasn't a gondala ride planned for Italy at first, as well as a boat ride down the Rhine for Germany? What would have been so different between those two? THE THEME!!!! Dinosaur and Indy are two different themes, in two different parks... And while we are at it, No need for 2 EMV attractions?? Then really no need for 2 stunt shows.... But I agree, no need to change GMR. I for one would like to see a ride similar to Spider-Man but themes to THE INCREDIBLES, and well, a lot better than SpiderMan is. If anyone can do it, Imagineering can, within budget of course.


dxer07002 said:
WHat other EMV attraction does MGM have? And if you are referring to Dinosaur, then, I must point out that Star Tours and Body Wars are exactly the same, just a different theme and in different parks... Heck, we can even say Small World and Pirates are similar rides due to the fact you ride ina boat.. Add in El Rio Del Tiempo to that list as well... And, wasn't a gondala ride planned for Italy at first, as well as a boat ride down the Rhine for Germany? What would have been so different between those two? THE THEME!!!! Dinosaur and Indy are two different themes, in two different parks... And while we are at it, No need for 2 EMV attractions?? Then really no need for 2 stunt shows.... But I agree, no need to change GMR. I for one would like to see a ride similar to Spider-Man but themes to THE INCREDIBLES, and well, a lot better than SpiderMan is. If anyone can do it, Imagineering can, within budget of course.

Yea, I am talking about Dinosaur. It and Indy have the exact same track layout. There's no need for that. The two stunt shows have different premises(physical stunts and vehicle stunts), so I don't have a problem with them. I should have phrased that better, sorry. And Body Wars is closed(thank God), so now Star Tours is the only one of it's kind in WDW.

Personally, I'm tired of everyone saying, "I want something like Spiderman!" or, "Disney should do a coaster like ROTM!" (This isn't an attack on you). Disney should not be emulatting ANYBODY! Disney should be on the cutting edge. Walt always said, "If you can dream it, you can do it." So I'm all for dreaming up something new, not copying some other park on the other side of Orlando.


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So themes are completly different. Two EMV attractions at Disney is not a big problem. 2 Stunt Shows are the same thing. Are'nt you getting this through your head yet goof? It would be a completly great addition to have an E-Ticket ride to come hear. I think we also need more energy and adreneline over in this section of the park.


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I think the Indy Stunt Show should close in about late 2006 to make room for a new version and track layout of the INDIANA JONES ADVENTURE. It's seems like dxer07002 is on my side anyone else????

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I'm not really on anyone's side. I am playing Devil's Advocate here. Others, not just goof, say Dinosaur and Indy are the same exact ride. My point is that several rides throughout WDW are the same exact ride, just a different theme. So what if Dinosaur and Indy have the same track layout. The theme and ride are entirely different. And just because they have the same track layout now, does not mean Imagineering will use the same exact track layout if they bring Indy to MGM. Body Wars and Star Tours are exactly the same, just different themes. That didn't stop Disney from making two attractions the same. If they feel Indy will be a hit in WDW, then it will come over, whether the track layout is the same as Dinosaur or not. And also, to mention exact rides: DUMBO AND ALADDIN!!!!!! Same exact ride, different theme, but in the same park... Being the same does not stop Disney.

Goof, I see our point. And I respect your opinions and all. I didn't mean to come across as harsh, hope I didn't offend you. As far as Disney copying SPiderMan. I do not mean for Disney to copy it, but to use the technology in it to create something mindblowing. To date, SpiderMan is the best ride in central Florida, IMHO. And heck no, I do not want Disney to make something like Mummy. I think munny sucks eggs. HORRIBLE!!!!!!


New Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Why don't you guys just agree with me???
What aspect of your argument do you want us to agree with? If they will or if we want to see Indy? In the former, I wouldn't agree with any rumours until I actually see the thing being built. I don't think Screamscape gets their information from anyone in power, although they are fun to read. In the latter, I love the Indy ride at both DL and TDS.

As for varying themes and ride vehicles, I think that sometimes the vehicle is as important as the theme. For Small World, it doesn't really matter what vehicle you're on, it's really all about what you are looking at. However, with rides like Indy/CTX (Dino), the movement of the vehicle is an integral aspect to the ride, as it is with a roller coaster. Even without themes, all wooden coasters are different so enthusiasts will drive around the country to try them all. Indy and CTX have identical tracks. I notice that distinctly at the beginning and end and it does detract somewhat.

At least Star Tours and Body Wars have a different sequence of movement, but I believe it was a mistake to make Body Wars with identical technology, just as it (for me) to have so many 4-D movies that squirt water at you. Each one loses their uniqueness. If they are going to spend a bundle on a new E-ticket, I would like to see something else, perhaps this CAVE technology we keep hearing about.

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