What's after EVEREST?

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Madison said:
The poor kid couldn't get his fix at just one website, and so too does Coasterbuzz have an ongoing thread about the possibility of IJA appearing in Florida.

:lol::lol::lol: Oh, I am really in stitches!!!! :lol::lol: Does this guy ever give up?! He's just trying to convince people that Indy is comming whether we like it or not. And it looks like they're giving him a hard time there too. Good! Man this is funny! Every forum beware of Jay Dark Knight!


Well-Known Member
If Indy does come(which it may or may not) my 2 cents would be that it would be Crystal Skull instead of Forbidden Eye in order to keep the two versions unique.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Madison said:
The poor kid couldn't get his fix at just one website, and so too does Coasterbuzz have an ongoing thread about the possibility of IJA appearing in Florida.

LMAO! How may different boards was he booted off as JayDarKnight?

All credit to him though - he has persistence :lol:

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