What's After Everest?


Well-Known Member
Here's my wish list-

MK- remove Swiss Family Treehouse, Tiki Birds, Indy Speedway and replace with rides, not shows. Put a major E ride in the 20K spot. Reopen CoP.

E- one more E ride in FW and a flume ride in WS, possibly Canada.

MGM- 2-3 more C or D rides or Great Muppet Movie Ride and Indiana Jones Adventure Ride

AK- I like what they have (except Dino-Rama and Tarzan Rocks), but they need more rides. Five attractions does not make a theme park.

This is just my two cents.

Hobnail Boot

Well-Known Member
I say remove Universe of Energy and replace it with a Weather Pavillion. Think about it: it fits the theme and is so much more interesting than fossil fuels. Too bad it won't happen. :( I'm dying to ride StormRider from Tokyo DisneySea.


Active Member
goofyfan13 said:
I'm not entirely knowledgable on the movie, but here are two threads I was able to retrieve for you on the subject, there are a few more too if you are interested in looking at the others. Enjoy!



Thanks a lot! I appreciate it!

P.S. There were supposed to be some rep points in there for you... but I haven't spread the love enough! I'll get you soon though! :wave:


New Member
I hope they focus on EPCOT, MGM, and AK and get even more new attractions for those parks. As for Magic Kingdom I hope they focus on the classic rides like POTC and HM and possibly update those (like they are doing with IASW).


New Member
The biggest problem they have at the Studios would be the land. Disney boxed themselves in with this park. To the West you have World Drive, North is the Epcot Resort complex, East you have the Studio parking and to the South you have Wetlands that last I heard can not be built on without going through a bunch of red tape.

Dj Corona

Active Member
Ok, I know Bald Mountain, but what's Fire Mountain? Secondly, has there been more rumors surrounding a Tron influenced ride? A while back there was a post about something involving a light cycle ride, but I never read anything more about it.


Park History nut
Premium Member
what's uoe and wol thanks
Welcome to the boards! Universe of Energy and Wonders of Life. Somewhere here there is a list of acronyms... anyone know the thread??

Robfasto - the parking lot seems to be favourite for MGM expansion. There was a lot of chat a while back about moving the lot west of world drive and running a tram link next to Buena Vista Drive on a new bridge... mainly a rumour I think. However, early plans for RnR called for it to loop out over world drive so never say never!
East onto parking seems the best bet - in the RCID development plan to 2016 there is a section allowing `multi level parking structures` to cater for park expansion on the current lots.... and there is only one park I can think of where this may happen!

RCT2 - Noo! Refurb UoE, yes, but don`t remove it. That building has so much potential, and with a refurb on the cards for 2007-8 lets see what happens. Something along the lines of the planned `96 refurb that turned into Ellen instead? Remember the rumours (outside of Gemini) about Stormrider going between Land and Seas to make a `natural elements` corner? That land is still free! Stormrider would even fit into a quarter of Innoventions if need be (`just` take out the floor and build in the basement). Hey - there is a lot of blue sky around here :lol:
sconti said:
Since the MK has 3 thrill rides (Splash, Thunder, & Space), Epcot will have 3 thrill rides (TT, MS, & Soarin'), and the AK will have 3 thrill rides (Dinosaur, Kali, & EE), I believe an announcement of an e-ticket ride for MGM would be great. With MGM only having 2 thrill rides (ToT & RnRC), this would seem to round things out nicely and give each park 3 thrill rides.

If you're counting Kali as a thrill ride, you probably should include Star Tours at MGM... just a thought


mkepcotmgmak said:
there needs to be less video, and more themeing in the rooms with more AA's and elaborate sets!

I agree that the ride is very long, but if you take out the videos you would loose the point of the ride.

RCT2 Imagineer: Why use UOE when there is plenty of available sapce, such as WOL. Yea I said it, WOL. I LOVED the pavillion in its hayday, but I went in there in December, and it was sad. I want Disney to either A)Refurb it or B)Put it out of its misery, cuz it's a dying beast.


Personally, I feel MGM is next in line. AK probably won't get anything soon, simply because EE will just have opened, and will cancel out AK for any soon expantion thereafter...(however, look at Soarin', only 2 years after M:S)...
Anyway, MGM is in need of a heavily themed thrilled attraction. Although the Indy ride would be nice, WDI should consider an original ride for the addition. They should expand the parking lot east with parking garages and use the Indy Stunt Show area as an entry point for expansion.
As far as MK goes, they'll leave the 20k site alone for a couple months, then hopefully add a well themed attraction with a great story line.
Epcot, in consideration with the 25th anniversary coming up, I would love to see something great for my favorite park. Although Project Gemini is appealing, it is still difficult to bear the thought of such a drastic and large change.


New Member
Rosso11 said:
My thoughts exactly. I know the kids love it but I really think they should simply try to fit is somewhere in Epcot by Test Track. This would be a kids version. It couldn't be that expensive to build a new track at Epcot. That land at MK is just to valuable to spend on the speedway, and its right next to the 20,000 spot. If you combine these two piecies of property it is gigantic. Then they can really come up with some incredible ideas.

That idea was being thrown around just a tiny bit in the planning stages of Project Gemini. I would like the speedway to be replaced mainly because of how sad the loading building is compared to everything else in tommorowland.


New Member
bigbadwolf said:
Muppets? hmmm ok idea but I think I rather expand the great movie ride... Add more movies.

Expanding won't happen, although I would love to see the attraction completely revamped with new films, with a ride system with a little more energy. Nothing fast just something that is more contemporary.


Well-Known Member
Nothing fast just something that is more contemporary.

Or the GMR should be completely classic. It will have to be modified if the MGM contract falls through; in that case, perhaps films from other studios, especially Fox, could find a home here.


New Member
Some of the sets in the ride are not MGM films. Aliens is Fox and Indy is Parmount. As much as I love the attraction I think it is time to have something new in its place. I would love for something to be similar to what is already their (movie themed), but would like something that can stike a note with everyone. I am sure a lot of kids don't know most of the movies, although classics, that are in the ride.

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