What Grinds Your Gears At the Parks?


Well-Known Member
I guess I was a bad guest at Typhoon Lagoon. There was a line for raft return. I was just walking by the front of the line where you lay your mat on the conveyor belt when the people at the front were fumbling about and arguing...and they were about 5 feet back from the belt. I didn't even realize there was a line to be honest and didn't cut anyone off or delay the line for even a second So, I put my mat in and off I went (yeah, I guess I cut but really just thought I was "cutting" in front of an arguing slow couple). Wow, you've thought I walked from the back of a ride queue, removed a child from their seat as the ride was about to start and took their ride! This lady from the middle of the line comes running over saying "Who in the he** do you think you ARE!!! You think you're special? I need a lifeguard over here NOW!" I kept walking and she starts following me calling alternately for a lifeguard and security.
I just walked away.


Active Member
I guess I was a bad guest at Typhoon Lagoon. There was a line for raft return. I was just walking by the front of the line where you lay your mat on the conveyor belt when the people at the front were fumbling about and arguing...and they were about 5 feet back from the belt. I didn't even realize there was a line to be honest and didn't cut anyone off or delay the line for even a second So, I put my mat in and off I went (yeah, I guess I cut but really just thought I was "cutting" in front of an arguing slow couple). Wow, you've thought I walked from the back of a ride queue, removed a child from their seat as the ride was about to start and took their ride! This lady from the middle of the line comes running over saying "Who in the he** do you think you ARE!!! You think you're special? I need a lifeguard over here NOW!" I kept walking and she starts following me calling alternately for a lifeguard and security.
I just walked away.
Sorry, but that is toooo funny!!


Active Member
I guess I was a bad guest at Typhoon Lagoon. There was a line for raft return. I was just walking by the front of the line where you lay your mat on the conveyor belt when the people at the front were fumbling about and arguing...and they were about 5 feet back from the belt. I didn't even realize there was a line to be honest and didn't cut anyone off or delay the line for even a second So, I put my mat in and off I went (yeah, I guess I cut but really just thought I was "cutting" in front of an arguing slow couple). Wow, you've thought I walked from the back of a ride queue, removed a child from their seat as the ride was about to start and took their ride! This lady from the middle of the line comes running over saying "Who in the he** do you think you ARE!!! You think you're special? I need a lifeguard over here NOW!" I kept walking and she starts following me calling alternately for a lifeguard and security.
I just walked away.

:ROFLOL:This is great...all to return the raft. Never noticed a line for it before...Guess I go during slowwwww times.


well for me and my family is the smoking thing for sure and when you have been waiting in line for 20 minutes or so for food and when its your turn to order, you still dont know what youre going to get. Years ago I worked as a mananger at Mcdonalds and that was soooooo annoying esp. in the drive-thru.
also, when you have already checked into your room and/or been at the parks for most of the day and want to come back to nap or whatever and they havent even cleaned the room yet, and its after 3 or 4 pm:mad::mad:


Active Member
Hearing someone Say " I was standing online for Pirates" ummm no you weren't, you were standing inline.. I don't think there you were part of an internet connection.

Outside of the parks its those pin people at the tables in Downtown Disney.. Actually they just creep me out


Well-Known Member
I also try not to let little things get to me at the parks- I don't want any reality to ruin my "magical experience"
But I do not like seeing trash laying around in the parks or anywhere- that is a pet peave of mine. If I saw someone drop a trash on the ground, I would have picked it up and said, "excuss me sir, I think you dropped this."


Well-Known Member
The fact that I ordered a Disney shirt from Disneyshopping.com that featured Pluto and the words "Pluto Pup" and another with Donald Duck. It was 30% as I made a large order of over $120. Disney cancelled them for innapropriate language and told me I was free to re-order thus losing my 30% from the entire order.:mad::mad::mad:


Active Member
The most annoying things that we experience at the parks are the Brazilian Tour Groups with those flags UGH! :fork: whenever we see those flags and exotic colored t-shirts we shout "list to the left" or "list to the right". A family known slogan is needed to get through those crowds :lol:. and also (no offense) the rude people with the scooters, jazzies whatever you want to call them.. my family and I get so annoyed when they think the world revolves around them and make other people move out of their way. Some people are absolutely polite and very apologetic with how they need to get around and we have no problem with those who are nice about it but some people just make it like everyone needs to clear the way and roll out a red carpet for them and it's usually the people who don't really need them. The last thing is the non-magical CM's, I have met too many awesome CM's to not have an expectation of simply being nice. I can't stand it when you ask a simple question or say something to a CM and they look at you as if you just told them to do 50 laps around the park. Anyways, those are the things that grind my gears :p. Everything else is amazing at WDW though OF COURSE :sohappy::D


Well-Known Member
Things that 'grind my gears in the parks'
well actually there's very little that annoys me in the park but then again I am in the Happiest place on Earth!
-litter laying around...it's just not acceptible! Everyone pays money to get into the park therefore it is no-ones personal dumping ground! I don't know what possesses anyone to drop litter when there are bins around anyways!

-Rude guests complaining overly loudly to Cast members for not giving them absolutely everything they want (not need) then and there! Have some respect and do without and be thankful you're getting some form of help!

-Adults who feel the need to push their kids to the front of any queue or seating location for a parade...I would happily let a child sit infront of me however I do not appreciate it being forced upon me by an over baring parent! If you want your child to have the best seat available..get there early! I may not be so courteous this year!
Anyways rant over! 4 weeks 6 days:sohappy:


Active Member
The sense of entitlement that seemingly comes with park admission. You know the type -- push and shove in front of others to get the best places for parades/fireworks, sit in the middle of rows, exploit ECVs and complain incessantly. They pay the same price for admission, yet they 'deserve' to get special treatment. I can't stand that arrogance. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Listen IHOP man she was just making a comment not insulting the people even though they are obnoxious. So stop complaining and go get me a pancake.
so you are agreeing that they are obnoxious?

dont hold a grudge just because I won the last thread arguement
and that's Mr IHOP man to you.....or Mortgage Banker Formerly Known As IHOP Man


New Member
dont hold a grudge just because I won the last thread arguement
and that's Mr IHOP man to you.....or Mortgage Banker Formerly Known As IHOP Man[/quote]

WOW u won the last argument! Pretty good Ihop boy! Really extra magical that your a Mortgage Banker.The worst economy in years and your bragging. Its obvious your spending all ur time on a Disney website critiqueing others. http://www.ihop.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=2 Heres a link for ya! Come Hungry Leave Happy! P.S. Make that a full stack of pancakes!!!

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