What Grinds Your Gears At the Parks?


Dont know if it's been mentionned already but...

This happened during SpectroMagic early May

It definitly grinds my gear when people in the front row for the parade are standing up (usually everyone sits down in the front row, afaik), and even worst, putting their kids up on their shoulders (I mean who needs to be that high up in front row?)

This family of brits (don't get me wrong usually brits are the most polite and friendly people I get to chat with when traveling to Florida) we're blocking the view for atleast 10-15 people standing behind them

One guy from the crowd even asked them if they wanted some more room to be able to sit down (so we could enjoy a better view of the parade from the back rows), and he said "no we're fine like this"... talk about common courtesy

Otherwise, it's really hard to GRIND MY GEARS!

Edit : now that i'm thinking about it...

It really grinds my gear when super fat people (THAT CAN WALK!... ok maybe not for a whole day... but still) use an electric wheelchair, and it takes forever to load them up in the bus (especially when it's 11h59pm and you've been walking for 14 hours, and it takes 7 buses to load up all the people heading for the all-star resorts), and the worst part? they end up using 2 SEATS because they have extra large bottoms

x_X !

To think of it, I whine too much! xD

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
1. People talking loudly during Wishes and not paying attention
2. I hope I don't get slammed for this...but I have seen many people riding around on those scooters (meant for older, and injured guests) with oxygen tanks and the hoses going into the nostrels...and smoking. I just don't get it. If you need to ride on the scooter and need oxygen with you to breathe, why are you smoking???
3. ...I have plenty more...


Active Member
what grinds my gears?? you america!! ok but seriously...

1-turkey legs, i know people love em but i cant stand them.
2-people just standing in the middle of the sidewalk/steet. move over to the side if you dont know where to go.
3-people that dont clean up when done eating.


Other children's tantrums always get to me each time at WDW - that makes the cheerleaders, dance teams, Pop Warner scholars, Argentinean youth herds, and Brazilian tour groups seem like angelic chaperoned groups to me...

I try so hard to ignore it...


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Using a charge card to pay for parking! :rolleyes:

COME ON...are you really that cash strapped that you have to have a line of credit from the bank to pay for something so small.

Get some CASH. Keep it ON you. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Using a charge card to pay for parking! :rolleyes:

COME ON...are you really that cash strapped that you have to have a line of credit from the bank to pay for something so small.

Get some CASH. Keep it ON you. :mad:
If that bothers you, what are your views on people charging beverages?:ROFLOL:


Edit: Grinding gears means Annoying! It is not stuff that ruins your vacation People! :)

You Know what grinds my gears is when people walk around bearfoot at the park!

What grinds my gears is when people talk too mauc in the queue for rides!

What grinds my gears is Crying, spoiled children that don't get their way and HIT their parents!

What grinds my gears is when people throw gum on the ground and you step on it!

What Grinds My gears is when People don't throw away their trash!

What grinds my gears is when you are in the queue and the fast pass people stare at you!(in a way of bragging)

What grinds my gears is when Parents put 10 year olds in strollers!

I hate it when people do this stuff!

I agree with you on this list...I wished I could be more like other posters and not worry about it....those grinds my gears!:mad:


Active Member
*in a decent Peter Griffin voice*

You know what really grinds my gears?

Old, nasty men changing in water park restrooms! Go in a stall!!
Walking in water park restrooms barefooted!
Fat people using ECVs because of they're basically too lazy to walk!
Face characters that look nothing like the original counterpart!
Hades' in-park costume! Does he really need to look like he's staring at his belly button?!
Cheap banners used for rides! Figment and Pirates, I'm looking at you!


Well-Known Member
My of these have already been posted, but it's easier to re-list them than try to quote them all and agree.

-People who stop in the middle of a doorway/exit path/ride entrance/crowded street. Whether it is for a photo, to look a the map, or to open a stroller, it is annoying. Pull off to the side.

-People who smoke in undesignated areas. No matter how discrete you think are trying to be, you can typically smell it within a a large distance around you.

-Lazy people using ECVs. I say lazy, because not all ECV users are fat and not all fat people use ECVs. Walking is good for you, even if it takes you longer and your feet hurt from doing it. Try walking 10miles a day everyday!

-People who change diapers where they please. The restrooms have changing tables. There is no need to change a diaper on a park bench, restaurant table, or trash can.

-People who are too loud during a show or attraction. For the courtesy of others, just enjoy the attraction or show quietly. No one wants you to sing along, quote the ride, talk on your cell phone, yell at your kids, make commentary, etc.

-People who don't clean up their trash. Disney places trash cans EVERYWHERE it seems. Is it really that hard?

-Parents who demand their child be happy/have fun/or hurry up in the restroom. How would you like it if someone told you to be happy/have fun/ or ______ faster?

-Children with no basic manners / Spoiled Brats. Excuse me, please, and thank you are the basics. These are often times the only thing missing from a great child to a spoiled brat.

-Parents who put their children on leashes. Yes, it is easier to keep up with them, but it looks tacky and shouts "Hey, I have a hard time keeping up with my own kid."

-People who take flash photos when they told not to. Even if you don't know English, I have the common sense to think about it or can easily get the message after you do it once or twice.

-People who make a mess in the bathroom. These are the people who complain about messy bathrooms, so why do they do it. Things like flinging your wet hands all over the place or leaving your paper towels on the floor.

-People who stand in line for food and don't know what to order when they get to the counter. If you stand in a line in the first place, you should have the time to figure out what you would like.

And to sum things up and cover every other one...People who are oblivious and don't think. The guy who has a balloon and doesn't lower it during the fireworks show and blocks the view of those behind him. The person who takes their time using something not realizing the line of people waiting to use it. The people who only focus on getting their party and their strollers to the next destination and not on the general flow of traffic. The guy that ignores the rules/instructions because they don't think they apply to them that one time.

People just don't think things through...how their actions affect others, how to be polite in the presence of others, and how to take other people's wishes into account.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
New one, based off this past trip....

Parents who do NOTHING for their screaming tantruming child who might be sick or something in the middle of a resturant or queue line. :rolleyes: :mad:

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
People who yell at the CM that does not call the shots.

Saw an old man yelling at a Cm taking orders at Tomorrowland Terrace. He was upset because the sign said "Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station" and had no noodles. He said he was contacting his lawyer because it was fraud.

Studios Fan

Active Member
My of these have already been posted, but it's easier to re-list them than try to quote them all and agree.

-People who stop in the middle of a doorway/exit path/ride entrance/crowded street. Whether it is for a photo, to look a the map, or to open a stroller, it is annoying. Pull off to the side.

-People who smoke in undesignated areas. No matter how discrete you think are trying to be, you can typically smell it within a a large distance around you.

-Lazy people using ECVs. I say lazy, because not all ECV users are fat and not all fat people use ECVs. Walking is good for you, even if it takes you longer and your feet hurt from doing it. Try walking 10miles a day everyday!

-People who change diapers where they please. The restrooms have changing tables. There is no need to change a diaper on a park bench, restaurant table, or trash can.

-People who are too loud during a show or attraction. For the courtesy of others, just enjoy the attraction or show quietly. No one wants you to sing along, quote the ride, talk on your cell phone, yell at your kids, make commentary, etc.

-People who don't clean up their trash. Disney places trash cans EVERYWHERE it seems. Is it really that hard?

-Parents who demand their child be happy/have fun/or hurry up in the restroom. How would you like it if someone told you to be happy/have fun/ or ______ faster?

-Children with no basic manners / Spoiled Brats. Excuse me, please, and thank you are the basics. These are often times the only thing missing from a great child to a spoiled brat.

-Parents who put their children on leashes. Yes, it is easier to keep up with them, but it looks tacky and shouts "Hey, I have a hard time keeping up with my own kid."

-People who take flash photos when they told not to. Even if you don't know English, I have the common sense to think about it or can easily get the message after you do it once or twice.

-People who make a mess in the bathroom. These are the people who complain about messy bathrooms, so why do they do it. Things like flinging your wet hands all over the place or leaving your paper towels on the floor.

-People who stand in line for food and don't know what to order when they get to the counter. If you stand in a line in the first place, you should have the time to figure out what you would like.

And to sum things up and cover every other one...People who are oblivious and don't think. The guy who has a balloon and doesn't lower it during the fireworks show and blocks the view of those behind him. The person who takes their time using something not realizing the line of people waiting to use it. The people who only focus on getting their party and their strollers to the next destination and not on the general flow of traffic. The guy that ignores the rules/instructions because they don't think they apply to them that one time.

People just don't think things through...how their actions affect others, how to be polite in the presence of others, and how to take other people's wishes into account.

I agree with all of your points. :)


People who let their small children sit in seats on crowded buses, and let elderly, pregnant, people holding small children, etc., stand. Put them in your lap.

People who rush to enter the elevator, monorail, boat, bus, etc., in front of someone who has been waiting longer. Wait your turn.

People who cut in front of strollers, wheelchairs, ecv's, etc..


Another Confession

To a few of you who are so ticked off by attraction illiteracy (not knowing the name or location, or confusing either, or a park or attraction) - I wholeheartedly agree with you! I wrote a poem that salutes this pet peeve, and here's an excerpt of it:

Is this the castle
Where Mickey and the gang live,
Where can we see Shrek in Disney's Hollywood Studios,
Where can we meet the Cat in the Hat in the Magic Kingdom?

That's what I imagined and realized in my literary work regarding the gear-grinding.

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