What did you do?


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, very true! I have definitely never had a run so bad as being mauled by a grizzly. Now I have something to be positive about! :D In all seriousness, thank you for the encouragement, too.

MCC1, isn't talking Mickey amazing? Made me tear up a little.

Now to the topic of the thread, I went bowling today....does that count?

I have hurt myself bowling - so sure, that counts :D

For me, today was the Maywood 5K - then 4 hours of softball coaching/watching - then I crashed :) (loooong day)




15.3 yesterday - 2 laps around a lake on a beautiful day...this morning an hr on the TotalGym...may get out for a few miles later as rains coming to the Northeast tomorrow...


Active Member
2.75 miles for me tonight. Felt pretty good, minus the left calf and shin tightening up a little more than half way through. :mad:


New Member
5k tonight. It was so hot and muggy all day, but thankfully rained and cooled off a bit for my evening run. I kind of enjoy running in the rain! :)


Good Morning everyone,

Just got back from the gym, I killed it for 30 minutes on the elliptical. Hitting shoulders, tri's and abs tonight.

Have a good day.


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I have hurt myself bowling - so sure, that counts :D

For me, today was the Maywood 5K - then 4 hours of softball coaching/watching - then I crashed :) (loooong day)


You've officially inspired me to go purchase the garmin. That is SWEET.

Not only is that awesome for runs, but it would be fantastic for tracking your day in the parks, and a lot of other places.


Well-Known Member
Well I got in a 3.5mile jog then walked a mile - it was a struggle today. Somedays you feel like you could go forever and other days - blah.

But i'm glad I got it in. I feel go about it now.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was Boot Camp class at the gym-45 minutes of blasting strength training and cardio! Today is a spinning class that should kick the lower half of my body! Sometimes I spin on Fridays, or long run on Saturdays, but I alternate so I can rest one of the days.


Active Member
Turbo kick and strength training yesterday. Today was a long run, 11 miles. I had to do it on the treadmill, a Woodway, because it's raining here. I'm training for a half in June. I agree, it is hard to stay motivated. And the training schedule this time is more complex than the past one I've used. I often wonder, why am I doing this? And is it harder as I am getting older?


Active Member
Original Poster
Weather is great...I started with allergies which turned into a severe sinus and ear infection combo. I'm out for a little while or at least until the dizziness from the new meds stops.:brick:

It seems I'm not meant to do this Goofy Challenge.


Well-Known Member
Today was hour and a half of Tae Kwon Do.

Good general warm up, and then lots of kicks on the heavy bag. I like kicking the heavy bag :) Legs feel good now. Wednesday is sparring - going to be around 80 degrees, that should be just dandy.


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