Well-Known Member
3.35 mi in 29:35. 9:03, 8:57, 8:35, then the change. nice morning, 65 and little humidity in the Boston 'burbs. Need to start to add some distance, but the weekday runs are tough as I only have so much time before work and after work runs are almost impossible to fit in. Anyone in the same predicament that has found a solution to this?
I feel like I never have enough time either...I have a lot going on. This is my schedule.
Monday: Maintenance run day 7-10 miles, I have to be to work at 8:15 Mondays so I get up at about 5:30am to run.
Tue-Thurs: I work at the hospital and I need to leave at 6:30am so if I run its after work on Weds and only 3-4 miles
Friday: My only day off! Long run day. Since I have Farmers Market at 1:30pm. I need to get my run done early so I get up at about 5:45am
Weekends: I work 12 hour shifts at the hospital every other weekend, so I don't schedule any runs for when I am off work, I don't want to cut into my precious family time.
As you can see I don't usually run more than 3 days a week and it works for me, I make sure to never miss my Monday or Friday runs, I miss my midweek run sometimes. I followed this same plan for my last marathon and I was adequately prepared. My weekly mileages match up with the training plans, I just cut out the extra 3-4 mile days and tack them onto the 6 mile maintenance run day. Hopefully you can find a plan to tailor to your own lifestyle. Mine is an amalgamation of 3 different training plans.