What did you do?

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
I hope everyone is barfing out in this heat!

23 miles.
90+ degrees.
101 pushups.

Got some cloud cover today, so that was an added bonus.

Two days of "rest" this weekend, perhaps some strength stuff.

Run hard folks.


RunDisney Addict
Prepping today for my 5th half marathon of 2012 - the Summerfest Rock 'n Sole 1/2 Marathon in Milwaukee. It starts by going over a huge bridge - twice. Should be an interesting run. Weather has cooled off a bit, and it's looking good for tomorrow.

Witchy Chick

Well-Known Member
Did my 3 min run-1 min walk (lather, rinse, repeat haha) last night on the treadmill for 30 min. Hips/saddlebags (LOL) are slightly sore today. Nowhere near as bad as they were earlier in the week. Thanks SOOOOO much for the yoga stretches.

Rest day today, but might start some yoga planks tonight to work on this gut. :oops:

I'll probably stick with the 3 min run-1 min walk deal for another week (?) and then try running for 4 min/walking for 1 min.

While I was on the TM, my hubby came down the basement and said to me "You are going to kick that 5K's a$$." :D That was nice. He's the distance runner (half and full marathons), but he is on the shelf right now with a leg injury.


JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Kids are out of school now so I may have to mix up my workout schedule a bit. Just Gotta Get it Done!

Yeah, next week I start the day camp schedule which means longer hours at work (but no chauffeuring to extracurricular activities). It's a fair trade.

Started swimming this morning in attempts for a long journey into Tri's. It wasnt pretty. I have been around water my whole life, but as we all know, that doesnt translate to a good technical "swimmer." So, the experiment begins. 12 lengths of the pool. I got more comfortable as it went along with side breathing. Lightyears to go.... but Ill get there!

If you think you have descent cardio, get in a pool. It schools you in 4 lengths.

Good for you. I used to love swimming laps when I was younger, but as my eyesight got worse around age 10 (to the point where I could no longer see even the big black line on the bottom of the pool to stay in my lane), my love of swimming waned. I'm always afraid that water will seep in the sides of my goggles and wash out my contact lenses, and I have no desire to invest in prescription goggles, so tri's are out for me.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Started swimming this morning in attempts for a long journey into Tri's. It wasnt pretty. I have been around water my whole life, but as we all know, that doesnt translate to a good technical "swimmer." So, the experiment begins. 12 lengths of the pool. I got more comfortable as it went along with side breathing. Lightyears to go.... but Ill get there!

If you think you have descent cardio, get in a pool. It schools you in 4 lengths.

I sink like a rock. I'm a terrible swimmer. No interest in tri either. I want to see how much damage I can do in one discipline, and I love the laid back, beer drinking, p--s off, sub-culture. :)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Yeah, next week I start the day camp schedule which means longer hours at work (but no chauffeuring to extracurricular activities). It's a fair trade.

Good for you. I used to love swimming laps when I was younger, but as my eyesight got worse around age 10 (to the point where I could no longer see even the big black line on the bottom of the pool to stay in my lane), my love of swimming waned. I'm always afraid that water will seep in the sides of my goggles and wash out my contact lenses, and I have no desire to invest in prescription goggles, so tri's are out for me.
Im going to at least do 1. I have committed myself to that. I think Ill like enough to give it a longer future. We will see. Im glad I read the book I did a year ago knowing the time would come and the timing was right. Im glad I starting this early on the swimming part. I HATE doing anything half a$$. I dont want to look like an idiot.

I sink like a rock. I'm a terrible swimmer. No interest in tri either. I want to see how much damage I can do in one discipline, and I love the laid back, beer drinking, p--s off, sub-culture. :)
LOL... Note to self, dont take Nick deep sea fishing without multiple life vest. NM... we might need a dingy.


Premium Member
3.17 miles this am. A nice bike ride afterward to cool down. Starting to get back into a routine of M, W, TH and S runs with bik combo's and swimming coming here in the next week. Y membership has been renewed. :D

Steve, since the post count is just over 5K, do we need to start a "What did you do? Part 2", or just keep going in this thread?
This will be the first thread to go over 5k on the new forum but I am hoping it can handle it, so for now we'll just keep going.


Well-Known Member
Did my 3 min run-1 min walk (lather, rinse, repeat haha) last night on the treadmill for 30 min. Hips/saddlebags (LOL) are slightly sore today. Nowhere near as bad as they were earlier in the week. Thanks SOOOOO much for the yoga stretches.

Rest day today, but might start some yoga planks tonight to work on this gut. :oops:

I'll probably stick with the 3 min run-1 min walk deal for another week (?) and then try running for 4 min/walking for 1 min.

While I was on the TM, my hubby came down the basement and said to me "You are going to kick that 5K's a$$." :D That was nice. He's the distance runner (half and full marathons), but he is on the shelf right now with a leg injury.


Good, glad the stretches are helping. :)


Well-Known Member
Second 30-min run for the week and ran 3.75 miles, an increase of .25 miles from Tuesday.Low 70s, abundant sunshine in upper Michigan on military assignment. Quiet, too, but my music has been blaring in my earbuds.

Next up 5 miles maybe Saturday or Sunday to close out the run week per the training program. Hey, that's half-way to 10 miles.

I'm coming for you Tower. Watch out.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
5.02 miles this am. No cycling this am due to a lot of soreness. I think the added cycling and swimming this week made my legs jelly. Ill ride tomorrow am.

300 V feet gained, 894 ascended. That is more like it. Bring on more please.

Have a great weekend folks!


Well-Known Member
8 miles this AM, 70F and 85% humidity at 0630. Totally soaked by mile 2. Feels good! Was not happy with my pace but I'm working on a new routine. I'm trying to graduate from the run/walk and did a 10:1 to simulate fluid stops. I don't run/walk my 3-milers anymore. Actually easier on the knees. Still, my pace was almost a full minute faster than the same distance a year ago. Progress!

Also tried a New Balance knee sleeve for my right knee. Knee was not a problem at all today. Very strong.


Well-Known Member
Started swimming this morning in attempts for a long journey into Tri's. It wasnt pretty. I have been around water my whole life, but as we all know, that doesnt translate to a good technical "swimmer." So, the experiment begins. 12 lengths of the pool. I got more comfortable as it went along with side breathing. Lightyears to go.... but Ill get there!

If you think you have descent cardio, get in a pool. It schools you in 4 lengths.

A couple of suggestions on the swimming...

You're right that being around the water doesn't automatically make you a great technical swimmer. I think something that helped me was years of watching swim meets and team practices (I was on the swim team - as a diver - through high school and college, and lifeguarded swim team practice 4 days a week in college). It really helped me to see what proper form actually looked like. Then I finally took "swim class" my senior year in college (ya know...running out the clock that last semester :D) and found that I picked up the strokes much more quickly than I expected just because I'd seen it done correctly so many times. So I'd suggest hopping on YouTube and googling some video of swim meets/races and stroke technique drills. If you think a team environment might help you could look into Masters Swim Clubs in your area (not sure how much this costs but I think they would practice before or after work, which may not work for your schedule). If you'd rather swim by yourself but still want a structured workout, check out this website: http://www.swimplan.com/ You put in your skill level and it will generate a workout for you. If I remember correctly (I used this site a couple of years ago before running took over) there's some stroke technique stuff in there too that should help you get more comfortable with side breathing and develop proper form.

Good luck!!

8 miles this AM, 70F and 85% humidity at 0630. Totally soaked by mile 2. Feels good! Was not happy with my pace but I'm working on a new routine. I'm trying to graduate from the run/walk and did a 10:1 to simulate fluid stops. I don't run/walk my 3-milers anymore. Actually easier on the knees. Still, my pace was almost a full minute faster than the same distance a year ago. Progress!

Also tried a New Balance knee sleeve for my right knee. Knee was not a problem at all today. Very strong.
Good job! I just started cutting out the walk breaks this year...now I only walk when I'm drinking water or taking fuel. It's a tough but satisfying transition. :)

4 miles for me today in 38:55. I think I need to retire my shoes (Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12) soon. I have 429 miles on them right now and I'd like to get to 500 but...we'll see. I have 2 unopened pairs of Adrenaline GTS 11 that I got from runningwarehouse.com on clearance, and after those I think I'd like to transition to a lighter shoe. Exciting stuff!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
A couple of suggestions on the swimming...

You're right that being around the water doesn't automatically make you a great technical swimmer. I think something that helped me was years of watching swim meets and team practices (I was on the swim team - as a diver - through high school and college, and lifeguarded swim team practice 4 days a week in college). It really helped me to see what proper form actually looked like. Then I finally took "swim class" my senior year in college (ya know...running out the clock that last semester :D) and found that I picked up the strokes much more quickly than I expected just because I'd seen it done correctly so many times. So I'd suggest hopping on YouTube and googling some video of swim meets/races and stroke technique drills. If you think a team environment might help you could look into Masters Swim Clubs in your area (not sure how much this costs but I think they would practice before or after work, which may not work for your schedule). If you'd rather swim by yourself but still want a structured workout, check out this website: http://www.swimplan.com/ You put in your skill level and it will generate a workout for you. If I remember correctly (I used this site a couple of years ago before running took over) there's some stroke technique stuff in there too that should help you get more comfortable with side breathing and develop proper form.

Good luck!!
Hey thanks!

I learn visually. So yes, great idea about youtube. Ill do that this weekend. I sat back and watched some other swimmers run a few laps. I know the motion and the form, it is just having that confidence to trust your mouth being 1 inch above water/ side ways to take a deep breath. Im not "loose" in the water yet. Im still tense. Ill get there. Great suggestions. Ill check out that site too.

Off to work in the yard.


Well-Known Member
Did the Lavallette 8k race this morning. Did this same race 2 years ago and it was soooooo hot. Got a not so great time of1 hour and a few seconds. Did it again today and beat my time by 6 whole minutes! It was nice at the start but the sun quickly came out and there is almost no shade on that course. I wish they would start earlier than 8:30! Finished in 54:26 (my watch time, don't have official time yet). Yay!


RunDisney Addict
I ran in 1/2 Marathon #5 for the year - The Rock 'n Sole 1/2 Marathon in Milwaukee.

The course sends you straight uphill over a huge bridge...then turns you around and sends you back over it the other way. The first 5 miles of the course are dealing with that bridge in some fashion.

My wife managed another PR 2:41:00 today. Her IT Bands were screaming by mile 10 even though we taped them heavily before the race.

Back to the foam roller, I guess....


Well-Known Member
I ran in 1/2 Marathon #5 for the year - The Rock 'n Sole 1/2 Marathon in Milwaukee.

The course sends you straight uphill over a huge bridge...then turns you around and sends you back over it the other way. The first 5 miles of the course are dealing with that bridge in some fashion.

My wife managed another PR 2:41:00 today. Her IT Bands were screaming by mile 10 even though we taped them heavily before the race.

Back to the foam roller, I guess....

Congrats to both of you!


Well-Known Member
started strenght training with a friend on thu. - 15 , pull up , 15 dips and 15 pushups .. and we count down to 9!... and man are abs feeling the burn.. lol, oh and played tennis also.. - ran a 3 miler in the heat yesterday!

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