What did you do?


Well-Known Member
First, I'm going to preface this by saying:
  1. I am "only" training for the (Marathon Weekend) 5K. (I read some of Donald Duck's (Nick's?) training runs, and say "whoa -- and I'm dragging my feet about 5K training?!?!" :oops:)
  2. I had previously been doing a "built-in" iFit program on our treadmill. The program was a 3 min warm-up walk, then intervals of running/walking at various inclines (0%, 1%, 5%, 7%, 9%, 10%). I have not done that program for the past month. :oops:;)


If I have a bad day running and I want to quit, I just think, "Nick did 20-30 miles today. Man up!" :D

Do your own thing and do not overdo it. You're training to have fun at Disney!

Check out Jeff Galloway's web site or books. He touches on speed work and drills. Google his name or Magic Mile.


Well-Known Member
First, I'm going to preface this by saying:
  1. I am "only" training for the (Marathon Weekend) 5K. (I read some of Donald Duck's (Nick's?) training runs, and say "whoa -- and I'm dragging my feet about 5K training?!?!" :oops:)

That is great!! You will love it.

I agree with the others...focus on improving the distance first. Speed will come later.

Good luck with your training! :)


Well-Known Member
Wow.. you got any extra laying around. Id like to make my bike glow in the dark if any light is even close to me. LOL

The Air Force redesigned their physical fitness gear with safety in mind. Very reflective, along the lines like our reflective running shoes. I will likely run in my Air Force pt gear during the Tower 10-miler, unless the Tower custom shirt is super cool.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
4.44 miles this am. The progression continues. 4.5 miles biked on the same route afterwards.

Great morning. I hope everyone is getting their exercise in this weekend! :D


Active Member
I ran my half marathon today. My clock time was 2:15.36. There was no chip time:(. I know I was slightly faster than that. The race was run under a yellow flag, due to temperatures in the upper 70's. Thus making it good training run for TOT. I suspect the temperatures for TOT will be similar. Now, I'm officially in training for September 29.


RunDisney Addict
We're off to Wisconsin Dells for the next few days. We are hoping to get in a confidence run while we are there, as we have the Rock n Sole 1/2 Marathon next weekend, and our confidence kinda sucks from the 5 mile race last weekend.


Well-Known Member
I ran my half marathon today. My clock time was 2:15.36. There was no chip time:(. I know I was slightly faster than that. The race was run under a yellow flag, due to temperatures in the upper 70's. Thus making it good training run for TOT. I suspect the temperatures for TOT will be similar. Now, I'm officially in training for September 29.

Excellent. I'd be thrilled with that time. What does yellow flag mean?

Beat my 3-mile PR by a few seconds this AM. Wasn't even trying, just felt great. Signed up for the US Air Force 65th Anniversary half at Robins AFB on August 4. Just happens to coincide with 12.5 miles on my training plan so what the heck?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like everyone is having some great runs this weekend! I did 6.26 miles today. Beautiful day for running here. Cloudy, cool and overcast to start and just a little sun at the end. Perfect! Felt really good today too!


Well-Known Member
Looks like everyone has had a great few days of running.

Unfortunately my dog died on Thursday. After 10 years of unconditional love, I had to say goodbye to him. It took the wind out of my sails and I honestly had no desire to do anything the past few days. This morning my hubby decied to take the girls fishing and I decided to put my sneakers on a go for a run. I had no idea where i would go or how far but I just needed to run. Without thinking I ran to the dog park the next town over (we would take Chester there when he was younger). I sat there for a few minutes, had a good cry, and got back up and ran some more. I ended up running 8.5 miles. It was somewhat theraputic for me. I am so glad that I have running my life.

On a happier note---Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. I hope you all get new sneakers. :)


Active Member
Looks like everyone has had a great few days of running.

Unfortunately my dog died on Thursday. After 10 years of unconditional love, I had to say goodbye to him. It took the wind out of my sails and I honestly had no desire to do anything the past few days. This morning my hubby decied to take the girls fishing and I decided to put my sneakers on a go for a run. I had no idea where i would go or how far but I just needed to run. Without thinking I ran to the dog park the next town over (we would take Chester there when he was younger). I sat there for a few minutes, had a good cry, and got back up and ran some more. I ended up running 8.5 miles. It was somewhat theraputic for me. I am so glad that I have running my life.

On a happier note---Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. I hope you all get new sneakers. :)

I'm so sorry to hear that! I remember when we had to put my dalmatian down. I was about 13 at the time. She did live a long and happy life. Normally, dalmatians only live to be around 10-11 years old, but I guess she loved being around us too much.

I just completed my first month of insanity and feel my speed and muscle strength has increased. I'm a bit nervous of whats to come in month 2, but I feel I can push myself through it. I will be running 4 miles around 2pm and afterwards I'm going to watch Euro 2012 games. Hope everyone is doing well with their training.

Later Days!


Well-Known Member
Looks like everyone has had a great few days of running.

Unfortunately my dog died on Thursday. After 10 years of unconditional love, I had to say goodbye to him. It took the wind out of my sails and I honestly had no desire to do anything the past few days. This morning my hubby decied to take the girls fishing and I decided to put my sneakers on a go for a run. I had no idea where i would go or how far but I just needed to run. Without thinking I ran to the dog park the next town over (we would take Chester there when he was younger). I sat there for a few minutes, had a good cry, and got back up and ran some more. I ended up running 8.5 miles. It was somewhat theraputic for me. I am so glad that I have running my life.

On a happier note---Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. I hope you all get new sneakers. :)
Totally understandable to not feel like doing anything when something like that happens. I don't have kids, only pets and when I have to say goodbye it is heartbreaking. So sorry for your loss but know that he will always be with you and you will meet again over the Rainbow Bridge. And running/crying....very theraputic.;) I wished our furkids lived as long as we do, but if they did, I wouldn't have had the pleasure of getting to know all the ones we have had.


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry to hear that! I remember when we had to put my dalmatian down. I was about 13 at the time. She did live a long and happy life. Normally, dalmatians only live to be around 10-11 years old, but I guess she loved being around us too much.
Totally understandable to not feel like doing anything when something like that happens. I don't have kids, only pets and when I have to say goodbye it is heartbreaking. So sorry for your loss but know that he will always be with you and you will meet again over the Rainbow Bridge. And running/crying....very theraputic.;) I wished our furkids lived as long as we do, but if they did, I wouldn't have had the pleasure of getting to know all the ones we have had.

Thank you both for the kind words.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Looks like everyone has had a great few days of running.

Unfortunately my dog died on Thursday. After 10 years of unconditional love, I had to say goodbye to him. It took the wind out of my sails and I honestly had no desire to do anything the past few days. This morning my hubby decied to take the girls fishing and I decided to put my sneakers on a go for a run. I had no idea where i would go or how far but I just needed to run. Without thinking I ran to the dog park the next town over (we would take Chester there when he was younger). I sat there for a few minutes, had a good cry, and got back up and ran some more. I ended up running 8.5 miles. It was somewhat theraputic for me. I am so glad that I have running my life.

On a happier note---Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. I hope you all get new sneakers. :)
Ahhhhh. So sorry to hear. We LOVE our animals and they are a huge part of our lives even with kids. Glad you found an outlet and got a little back to normal.
Ideal = no challenge! But stay up on your hydration, take salt caps on the hour, and run HARD!
I live yellow flags then. LOL, 22 degrees out with a windchill of 11. Lets go run a marathon. :)


Well-Known Member
...so I reach for my go-to: Coke (yes the drink), Red Bull, or organic ginger al with raw slices of ginger in it. It's not good to consume the bad sugars because it wrecks the system, but it's late in the race and it helps....

So line after line of engineered stuff, about as far from natural as you can get. Include Coke and Red Bull. But then he throws in organic ginger ale with raw ginger. ? Thats totally out of left field. (I understand the purpose, but just seems so out of place with everything else)

Unfortunately my dog died on Thursday. After 10 years of unconditional love, I had to say goodbye to him.

Getting a little dusty in here. : ( So sorry to hear that. Glad to hear the run helped.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately my dog died on Thursday. After 10 years of unconditional love, I had to say goodbye to him. It took the wind out of my sails and I honestly had no desire to do anything the past few days.

I'm so sorry about your dog! :(

Without thinking I ran to the dog park the next town over (we would take Chester there when he was younger). I sat there for a few minutes, had a good cry, and got back up and ran some more. I ended up running 8.5 miles. It was somewhat theraputic for me. I am so glad that I have running my life.

Thank you for sharing this. A few years back I read an article somewhere (Runner's World?) where the author went on and on about how grateful he was to have the ability to run. I didn't understand it at the time (and thought it was a little stupid), but life happens and I've changed my tune since then. It truly is a gift to have running in one's life.


Well-Known Member
2.2 miles of speedwork this morning on the treadmill...I'm happy with my recent time from the May's Cleveland Half, but I feel like I could do better, so I'm going to give it another go in September and officially kicked off training this morning. Here's hoping there's no heat advisory this time! :eek:

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
So line after line of engineered stuff, about as far from natural as you can get. Include Coke and Red Bull. But then he throws in organic ginger ale with raw ginger. ? Thats totally out of left field. (I understand the purpose, but just seems so out of place

Ha! Yea, that is out of left field. The ginger ale is a total last resort, and really potent stuff that I get at a local organic grocery place near me. I try to stay on top of things but it all goes to hell later in the race. It's good to start early and maintain as long as possible. There are many folks who hit the aid stations and treat it like a buffet, and their systems are trashed by mile 30. I can hold out to mile 62-75, after that, anything is up for grabs that will get me acroas the finish.

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