What did you do?


Well-Known Member
Speedwork today...I sort of made it up as I went along. Did 1.5 miles on treadmill at fast pace for me, then lifted weights, then did a last 1.5 miles on treadmill at an even faster pace. I call it the "last stretch" workout, teaching your already-exhausted muscles to perform when they are tired(mine being from weight-work)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Congratulations Steve! Or should I say, Speedy Gonzalez!

As for me, speedwork on the TM this morning - reps of 1/4 mile at 8:27 min pace by 1.5 minutes at 10 min pace. 4 miles total.
I better step up my game. :lol:

Speedwork today...I sort of made it up as I went along. Did 1.5 miles on treadmill at fast pace for me, then lifted weights, then did a last 1.5 miles on treadmill at an even faster pace. I call it the "last stretch" workout, teaching your already-exhausted muscles to perform when they are tired(mine being from weight-work)
Nice Job! Not sure if I have missed you posting in the past, but this is the first I have seen you. Welcome to the Running section (assuming im not really late on this one) :wave:


Well-Known Member
Steve is making me look bad. ;)

I have been running a sub 12-minute pace for the last few weeks 3-5 miles. I'm pretty happy with that. Need to get sub 11-minute next. 3 miles this AM. Very pleasant 47F.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Well, went out this morning for the first time in 10 days, 7 days on an anti-inflammatory and got about 1/2 mile in and it started hurting again. At 1 mile it was bad so I walked home.

I dont think it is my main IT band area. It is right below it. Possibly where it connects to the shin. I think it is pretty screwed up.

Making another opt with a sports medicine doc today. Oy! :mad:


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Well, went out this morning for the first time in 10 days, 7 days on an anti-inflammatory and got about 1/2 mile in and it started hurting again. At 1 mile it was bad so I walked home.

I dont think it is my main IT band area. It is right below it. Possibly where it connects to the shin. I think it is pretty screwed up.

Making another opt with a sports medicine doc today. Oy! :mad:

I'm sorry to hear that Joel. Hopefully it just needs a bit more time and isn't anything to worry too much about!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Congratulations Steve! Or should I say, Speedy Gonzalez!

The man was a blur while I could actually see him, I lost sight of him after about 1 mile. He makes it look really easy too! It really irritates me! :lol: I finished almost exactly 10 minutes after he did with around a 9:20 pace. I wasn't particuarly happy with my time but it wasn't my worst and I got out there and ran- so I'm satisfied. :)

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Speedwork today...I sort of made it up as I went along. Did 1.5 miles on treadmill at fast pace for me, then lifted weights, then did a last 1.5 miles on treadmill at an even faster pace. I call it the "last stretch" workout, teaching your already-exhausted muscles to perform when they are tired(mine being from weight-work)

Yes, I've heard the elites suggest pushing hard at the end on tired muscles to mimic race conditions. Welcome to the running board.

I better step up my game. :lol:

Hey, you're lucky I know you're kidding! :D

Well, went out this morning for the first time in 10 days, 7 days on an anti-inflammatory and got about 1/2 mile in and it started hurting again. At 1 mile it was bad so I walked home.

I dont think it is my main IT band area. It is right below it. Possibly where it connects to the shin. I think it is pretty screwed up.

Making another opt with a sports medicine doc today. Oy! :mad:

Oh that s*cks Joel. I hope you figure it out and heal soon.

The man was a blur while I could actually see him, I lost sight of him after about 1 mile. He makes it look really easy too! It really irritates me! :lol: I finished almost exactly 10 minutes after he did with around a 9:20 pace. I wasn't particuarly happy with my time but it wasn't my worst and I got out there and ran- so I'm satisfied. :)

I give you a lot of credit. I think I would be very disheartened to regularly run with someone so fast. I'm not sure I could do it. I like being able to compare myself against no one except myself! Then again, it would be fun to be able to run with my hubby, but he doesn't run. (We did recently get a new piece of workout equipment to add to the stationary bike and treadmill in our basement - it's like a real exercise room in there now, and we've been able to workout together once or twice. However, usually I prefer to workout in the AMs, and he prefers the PMs.)


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I give you a lot of credit. I think I would be very disheartened to regularly run with someone so fast. I'm not sure I could do it. I like being able to compare myself against no one except myself! Then again, it would be fun to be able to run with my hubby, but he doesn't run. (We did recently get a new piece of workout equipment to add to the stationary bike and treadmill in our basement - it's like a real exercise room in there now, and we've been able to workout together once or twice. However, usually I prefer to workout in the AMs, and he prefers the PMs.)

I would get really frustrated when we first started last year. In fact some of our only marital arguments came at the end of runs. :lol: I just started focusing on my own run. Now I enjoy having my, albeit small, cheering section waiting for me at the finish.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Well, went out this morning for the first time in 10 days, 7 days on an anti-inflammatory and got about 1/2 mile in and it started hurting again. At 1 mile it was bad so I walked home.

I dont think it is my main IT band area. It is right below it. Possibly where it connects to the shin. I think it is pretty screwed up.

Making another opt with a sports medicine doc today. Oy! :mad:

Sorry bro. Just do what I do...wrap it in duct tape and keep going :D

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Basic run-down of the last 4 weeks:

Alternating between 26 miles and 30 miles everyday (except Sunday, that's for "rest").

50 miles this morning at a consistent 9:43 pace, no walking, no stopping. Still keeping my eating schedule every 1/2 hour. No real stomach issues and my legs feel good.

30+ miles tomorrow morning.

I added a second 100 mile race after my March ultra; Beast of Burden 100 miler - Summer Edition up in Lockport, NY. *wife shakes her head and is glad that she has an iPad*

Cheers folks!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
I tried. had a Patt Strap and knee brace on and it was on fire by 1 mile. Something isnt right. I run with soreness and pain occasionally, this is something far worse.

That sucks big time. If I could, I'd have a morphine drip set-up and the trigger in my hand, but I think race officials would frown on that one :lookaroun

Let me know what the doc says. Oh and I'm sending you that thing...

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Basic run-down of the last 4 weeks:

Alternating between 26 miles and 30 miles everyday (except Sunday, that's for "rest").

50 miles this morning at a consistent 9:43 pace, no walking, no stopping. Still keeping my eating schedule every 1/2 hour. No real stomach issues and my legs feel good.

30+ miles tomorrow morning.

I added a second 100 mile race after my March ultra; Beast of Burden 100 miler - Summer Edition up in Lockport, NY. *wife shakes her head and is glad that she has an iPad*

Cheers folks!

Geez Louise. Kudos! So did you give yourself a Belt Buckle for the 50 today?

As for me (and I hesitate to put this in the same post as the quote from Nick above), 6 miles this morning on the TM. Easy pace (same as Nick's! lol)

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Geez Louise. Kudos! So did you give yourself a Belt Buckle for the 50 today?

As for me (and I hesitate to put this in the same post as the quote from Nick above), 6 miles this morning on the TM. Easy pace (same as Nick's! lol)

Nope, no buckle for that one. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't as challenging as the other 50s I've done. I think it was a combo of great weather, legs just feeling good, and eating / drinking at the right times during the run. Certainly helps the confidence for the 100 miler.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Just shy of 30 miles this morning.

Legs felt like bricks today, but still managed a decent 9 min pace.

I don't know why, but it always seems like coming off of a long run (50mi) and doing a short run (relatively speaking of course, 26-30mi) the next day seems more difficult than the long one. Mentally, it feels like it takes forever to get back home, but when I'm doing a 40 or 50mi, it seems fine.

*side note: I hate talking about running when meeting new people (a few instances over the last few weeks). Someone bragging about they did a marathon and run 40 miles a week, and then the focus turns on me...and when I have to contribute, I come off looking like a jerk when I humbly fork over my training schedule. Or, if someone does high mileage, or has run 50mi or 100mi, it turns into a p___ing contest with them. Back off pal...

Cheers folks!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Just shy of 30 miles this morning.

Legs felt like bricks today, but still managed a decent 9 min pace.

I don't know why, but it always seems like coming off of a long run (50mi) and doing a short run (relatively speaking of course, 26-30mi) the next day seems more difficult than the long one. Mentally, it feels like it takes forever to get back home, but when I'm doing a 40 or 50mi, it seems fine.

*side note: I hate talking about running when meeting new people (a few instances over the last few weeks). Someone bragging about they did a marathon and run 40 miles a week, and then the focus turns on me...and when I have to contribute, I come off looking like a jerk when I humbly fork over my training schedule. Or, if someone does high mileage, or has run 50mi or 100mi, it turns into a p___ing contest with them. Back off pal...

Cheers folks!
Congrats on the 50!

I know what you mean. You are in a no win situation and hopefully, the person on the other end doesnt take it like you are bragging and schooling their 40 miles a week.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I've heard the elites suggest pushing hard at the end on tired muscles to mimic race conditions. Welcome to the running board.

Thanks!! I have been running for some time now, and DH and I ran the Princess Half in 2011. It was my second half. This year I have 2-3 Halfs planned and my first marathon! So I am marathon training right now. Week 5.

So yesterday was a longer run for me 9 miles. It went good!! :wave:

Donald Duck your posts with your ultra workouts astound me! You can blow me off instead of answer, but how on earth do you have the time for them??

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Thanks!! I have been running for some time now, and DH and I ran the Princess Half in 2011. It was my second half. This year I have 2-3 Halfs planned and my first marathon! So I am marathon training right now. Week 5.

So yesterday was a longer run for me 9 miles. It went good!! :wave:

Donald Duck your posts with your ultra workouts astound me! You can blow me off instead of answer, but how on earth do you have the time for them??

I would never blow anyone off on here; respect to all.

Luckily I work afternoons and nights, and my hours are really flexible, also being able to work from home. I basically adpot a philosophy of "no excuses," especially after I DNFd my first 100 miler (@ just over 50mi). I get up super early in the morning, run my a__ into the ground, go to work, then make dinner for the wife and I, go to bed for 4-5 hours, and then do it all over again. :hammer:

Cheers, 81. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Added 1/2 mi Sat & Sun each to what I did last week. The negative splits with BQ finishing mile seems to be working pretty good. Now I just need to keep adding on the miles to the longer run......

AND, I did a 1.5 mi jog with my DW outside before heading to the gym for my Sat run. So that was a nice warm up, and it was good to get outside, even if for only a bit.

Congrats to everyone who keeps posting faster PRs and longer distances!! Always good to see.

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