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I went to the doctor yesterday. No tear. Just bad swelling. Bad swelling. It is right on the side of the knee on that bone. Makes sense. Glad I confirmed that. Im on a anti-inflammatory right now for 2 weeks. After 1 dose, it feels better.
Question to all: I ran 26.2 Sunday. Hal Higdon recommended that I rest until today. Today he says run an easy 2 miles. After that, he had a recovery schedule. I was going to ease (before this knee issue) back into a 9 week schedule for Nashville marathon. How long do you think I can sit idel without losing any of my endurance/strength? I know my body needed some rest after Sunday, but im starting to get antsy. Bad.
I know how you feel. I have the worse knee issues, I ALWAYS run with a brace. I alway worry when I take a bit of a break how it will effect my endurance but then I also think of the future and what kind of damage I maybe doing to my knees. It's hard to rest when we want to GO-GO-GO but in the long run (no pun intended) I would rather give my knees a chance to recover than do serious damage. The endurance/strength will come back.