What did you do?


Well-Known Member
see below

I went to the doctor yesterday. No tear. Just bad swelling. Bad swelling. It is right on the side of the knee on that bone. Makes sense. Glad I confirmed that. Im on a anti-inflammatory right now for 2 weeks. After 1 dose, it feels better.

Question to all: I ran 26.2 Sunday. Hal Higdon recommended that I rest until today. Today he says run an easy 2 miles. After that, he had a recovery schedule. I was going to ease (before this knee issue) back into a 9 week schedule for Nashville marathon. How long do you think I can sit idel without losing any of my endurance/strength? I know my body needed some rest after Sunday, but im starting to get antsy. Bad.

I know how you feel. I have the worse knee issues, I ALWAYS run with a brace. I alway worry when I take a bit of a break how it will effect my endurance but then I also think of the future and what kind of damage I maybe doing to my knees. It's hard to rest when we want to GO-GO-GO but in the long run (no pun intended) I would rather give my knees a chance to recover than do serious damage. The endurance/strength will come back.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
23.27 miles this morning. I'll be kicking up the mileage again and hopefully a 50 miler on Friday.

Anyway, most of you know I'm a gear junkie and I'm really picky about my set-up. I've been using a RIBZ vest in tandem with my Raidlight pack for about a year now, every freaking day. I've also been assisting the RIBZ company with new designs for ultra-distances and testing out the prototypes (the vest was meant for backpacking, trekking, etc...but I approached them about ultrarunning, and we've been working together since last summer). So, if you go to ribzwear.com and click on "Gallery" and scroll through the pics, you might see someone you recognize...:D
My profile/team page will be active on the site in a few weeks as well.

Cheers folks!
How did I miss this part of your post. Im going to check this out now. :wave:

I know how you feel. I have the worse knee issues, I ALWAYS run with a brace. I alway worry when I take a bit of a break how it will effect my endurance but then I also think of the future and what kind of damage I maybe doing to my knees. It's hard to rest when we want to GO-GO-GO but in the long run (no pun intended) I would rather give my knees a chance to recover than do serious damage. The endurance/strength will come back.
Thanks Coryna. Ill take your input and try to make the best decision next week.

EDIT: Nick, you are on there with Mykel Hawke. In other words, you are among some bad-a dudes.... Very nice. It is fitting company for you since you fit right in.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
see below

I went to the doctor yesterday. No tear. Just bad swelling. Bad swelling. It is right on the side of the knee on that bone. Makes sense. Glad I confirmed that. Im on a anti-inflammatory right now for 2 weeks. After 1 dose, it feels better.

Question to all: I ran 26.2 Sunday. Hal Higdon recommended that I rest until today. Today he says run an easy 2 miles. After that, he had a recovery schedule. I was going to ease (before this knee issue) back into a 9 week schedule for Nashville marathon. How long do you think I can sit idel without losing any of my endurance/strength? I know my body needed some rest after Sunday, but im starting to get antsy. Bad.

Thank goodness Joel. Having never run long races so close together, I can't really comment on how long it takes to lose that level of endurance. However, I definitely agree that you should take this full week off and ease back slowly to test the pain level. Perhaps run on a soft treadmill at first (horror!).

Nick, super cool pics of the Man in Black on the web site. Who took them?

Doug, I'm sorry you didn't get clearance to run the full, but the Half is nothing to sneeze at, and it's more important that you stick around and are able to enjoy running any distance than risk any more of those medical issues.

As for me, 3.5 miles on the treadmill this morning - middle 2 miles at 8:52min/mile.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Very Cool!

So when people ask for your autograph do you sign it..."The Machine"? :lol:
Now that the craziness of the holidays are over, we need to pick a night and meet up for dinner. I want to see your medals and pix from the Goofy Challenge!

I _____t you not Coryna, there is a cult following (consisting of other runners, construction crews, contractors, plumbing guys, cops, store owners, etc...) that cheer me on every morning. I get stopped constantly (at dinner, grocery shopping, whatever) and people say:

"Hey, you're that guy in black!"
"It's you!"
"I saw you in Sea Girt, then on my lunch break, I saw you all the way up in Long Branch!"
Balah blah blah...

They can't fathom the 26-30 miles or that I do it everyday. It's madness. Alison makes fun of me anytime we get stopped.

Yes, dinner is a must! We'll come up by you. FB you in a while...

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
How did I miss this part of your post. Im going to check this out now. :wave:

Thanks Coryna. Ill take your input and try to make the best decision next week.

EDIT: Nick, you are on there with Mykel Hawke. In other words, you are among some bad-a dudes.... Very nice. It is fitting company for you since you fit right in.

Heck yeah. Hawke is hardcore. I hope I get to meet him one day. He makes Bear Grylls look like a Cub Scout with nature issues. Thanks for the compliment :D

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Thank goodness Joel. Having never run long races so close together, I can't really comment on how long it takes to lose that level of endurance. However, I definitely agree that you should take this full week off and ease back slowly to test the pain level. Perhaps run on a soft treadmill at first (horror!).

Nick, super cool pics of the Man in Black on the web site. Who took them?Doug, I'm sorry you didn't get clearance to run the full, but the Half is nothing to sneeze at, and it's more important that you stick around and are able to enjoy running any distance than risk any more of those medical issues.

As for me, 3.5 miles on the treadmill this morning - middle 2 miles at 8:52min/mile.

Even though they look professional, a friend of mine surprised me in the very early stages of a 30 miler. There are more action shots, but these were good-posed-corny ones for the website.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
26.51 miles this morning.

I returned my defective Hokas and I broke in a new pair this morning. Like running on pillows. Too bad they discontinued my all black color for 2012...so I'm buying up all of the pairs I can find. After I run out I'm going to have to take a black Sharpie to the new electric yellow versions...

I planned on a 50 miler tomorrow, but my neighbor wants to come along and his threshold is 50k. So, a nice easy 30 miler tomorrow morning.

In the studio (getting ready for a show) for the rest of the night and kicking back a few IPAs.

Cheers folks!!!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Heck yeah. Hawke is hardcore. I hope I get to meet him one day. He makes Bear Grylls look like a Cub Scout with nature issues. Thanks for the compliment :D
Dude, if you get to meet him, I know this is corny, but you better get a signed autograph for me. Yes thats right. Get him to sign it, "Dear Joel, you need to run more like Nick"

That would be so funny.

Also, I just checked out the Hoka website. I dot have a dealer within 10 states of my house. Did you try them on before purchasing? They look so comfortable.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Dude, if you get to meet him, I know this is corny, but you better get a signed autograph for me. Yes thats right. Get him to sign it, "Dear Joel, you need to run more like Nick"

That would be so funny.

Also, I just checked out the Hoka website. I dot have a dealer within 10 states of my house. Did you try them on before purchasing? They look so comfortable.

No problem bro, I'll do it! *Hawke voice* " now who's this Joel character?"
Me: " oh he's just this guy who's got a dude-crush on ya..." :kiss:

Hokas - I bought a pair when they first hit USA. I have 4 total. They weigh 1/3 less than the normal running shoe even though they are twice as big, and they feel like cushions. They have saved my knees and hips for sure. Pricey, yes, but well worth it.


Premium Member
23.27 miles this morning. I'll be kicking up the mileage again and hopefully a 50 miler on Friday.

Anyway, most of you know I'm a gear junkie and I'm really picky about my set-up. I've been using a RIBZ vest in tandem with my Raidlight pack for about a year now, every freaking day. I've also been assisting the RIBZ company with new designs for ultra-distances and testing out the prototypes (the vest was meant for backpacking, trekking, etc...but I approached them about ultrarunning, and we've been working together since last summer). So, if you go to ribzwear.com and click on "Gallery" and scroll through the pics, you might see someone you recognize...:D
My profile/team page will be active on the site in a few weeks as well.

Cheers folks!

Great pics! That looks some serious gear. Very nice indeed.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
No problem bro, I'll do it! *Hawke voice* " now who's this Joel character?"
Me: " oh he's just this guy who's got a dude-crush on ya..." :kiss:

Hokas - I bought a pair when they first hit USA. I have 4 total. They weigh 1/3 less than the normal running shoe even though they are twice as big, and they feel like cushions. They have saved my knees and hips for sure. Pricey, yes, but well worth it.
HAHA. He is a bad dude. Id love to meet him one day... and not b/c I have a man crush. :D

How much we talking? I cant get their website to work.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
HAHA. He is a bad dude. Id love to meet him one day... and not b/c I have a man crush. :D

How much we talking? I cant get their website to work.

Eh, $169-$210. Text me and I'll set you up with the US place I get them from, but they sell out fast. Mine are the ultra trail versions. They just made a road version too, but I dont care for those too much.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
Great pics! That looks some serious gear. Very nice indeed.

Thanks. It's an out-and-back 30 miles from my house, so I carry everything with me = 25-30 pounds of gear inluding the water. If I try and run without it, my shoulders hunch up and I feel off balance. I'm so used to the weight.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I _____t you not Coryna, there is a cult following (consisting of other runners, construction crews, contractors, plumbing guys, cops, store owners, etc...) that cheer me on every morning. I get stopped constantly (at dinner, grocery shopping, whatever) and people say:

"Hey, you're that guy in black!"
"It's you!"
"I saw you in Sea Girt, then on my lunch break, I saw you all the way up in Long Branch!"
Balah blah blah...

They can't fathom the 26-30 miles or that I do it everyday. It's madness. Alison makes fun of me anytime we get stopped.

That's really neat. Few of us here can fathom it either, and we're runners.
Btw, out of curiosity, what does your wife do?

No problem bro, I'll do it! *Hawke voice* " now who's this Joel character?"
Me: " oh he's just this guy who's got a dude-crush on ya..." :kiss:


26.51 miles this morning.

I planned on a 50 miler tomorrow, but my neighbor wants to come along and his threshold is 50k. So, a nice easy 30 miler tomorrow morning.

Must be nice to have someone to go those long distances with from time to time. Do you know I've never run with ANYONE except my son. I don't have any devoted runner friends (besides you guys :D), and I've always been uncomfortable with the idea of joining a running club and having to keep someone else's pace - or them keep my pace. Maybe I'm just weird.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
That's really neat. Few of us here can fathom it either, and we're runners.
Btw, out of curiosity, what does your wife do?


Must be nice to have someone to go those long distances with from time to time. Do you know I've never run with ANYONE except my son. I don't have any devoted runner friends (besides you guys :D), and I've always been uncomfortable with the idea of joining a running club and having to keep someone else's pace - or them keep my pace. Maybe I'm just weird.

I hate running with others really, if it's a training run. I like to be alone, but I don't want to make it weird with the neighbor :lookaroun


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I hate running with others really, if it's a training run. I like to be alone, but I don't want to make it weird with the neighbor :lookaroun
I dont like running with others either. Id make an exception if someone was visiting Bham or something and needed me to show them a good route etc. I wouldnt mind that, but I want them to be by myself, alone, with my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Same here. I think I've hurt some feelings when I tell people I prefer to run alone. But I do like running the Disney races with someone who is at about my pace. My cousin is a bit faster than me so she pushes me.

3 miles this AM. Very pleasant 47F. Slept in 30 minutes and got to see the sun rise. Nice start to the day.


Well-Known Member
I hate running with others really, if it's a training run. I like to be alone, but I don't want to make it weird with the neighbor :lookaroun

Oh, I'm crushed :(...just kidding!
I completely understand the need to focus on what needs to be done and focus on what your body is telling you especially with the mileage you do.
But I did enjoy our run together and hope we can again some day.


Well-Known Member
Went to the gym and took my 1/2 hour core class this morning. What a great class!
Then I came home and grabbed my running gear and went for a run. It was the first time I've run outside in a while and IT FELT FANTASTIC!!! Ran 4.5 miles like nothing. What a difference than running on the treadmill.

Hope everyone has a great weekend :D

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