What did you do?


Premium Member
Rest day for me....going into a rest week for p90x....which consists of Yoga and Core Synergistics.

I really like Core Synergistics, but I can't stand the yoga....and it's scheduled twice this week. :hurl:

I had to abort the Yoga. I think if I had kept that in, I would have started to really dislike p90x. I admit that a big part of the issue is that I am rubbish at Yoga, but I just dislike everything about it LOL

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
6.5 miles yesterday at 9:40 pace. Oh, and 12.6 miles on the stationary bike Saturday. Only two more training runs before my race Saturday. My son told me yesterday that he "has" to win because he doesn't have enough money to buy me a large Carvel sundae! LOL.

Joel - How'd the Vulcan 10K go?
Steve - Glad you enjoyed the cruise despite the head cold. Being sick on vacation stinks.


Well-Known Member
13.1 at the gym on Saturday, negative splits the last 6. I'm starting to like this method of training. Sunday was a half marathon outside. Set a new personal course PR by about 5:45. Still a few minutes off my 1/2 PR, but I'll take it for now.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday did "Run the Bridge." Still one of my favorite races in the Delaware Valley area. Camden, NJ to Philadelphia via Ben Franklin Bridge (first 3 miles), then through Rutgers Univ. campus, the Camden Waterfront - past Sovereign Bank Center, along the water next to the Battleship New Jersey, great views of Philadelphia's Penn's Landing and finishing inside Campbell's Field (baseball park). Always a well organized and fun race for a great cause!


Well-Known Member
Easy 6 miles yesterday. I'm moving my two weekday runs up from 3 miles to 4 & 5 miles to try and get some more stamina for the upcoming big runs. Going to max out at 22 before the January Marathon. I'm feeling better about it now. I was terrified a month ago. :o


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Good luck!
Thanks! See below

Wow, went back and read all of the posts since I left, you ALL have been doing some great runs!!

My vacation was fantastic, DCL is great. I did my 8 the day the ship came in, it was a solid 8. I then actually developed quite a nasty head cold that eventually reached my chest, which severely limited my running. I only managed 7+ miles that week and that included the 5K on Castaway Cay. That run was great, except for my chest cold, and the fact that after 6 days at sea, my legs were all over the place! Plus it was almost 90 and very humid. Still worth doing, that is for sure. I will go for a new PR when we return to the island in 2 years on our next Disney Cruise. :)

A GPS imposed capture of the run.

Since my return, I battled the head/chest thing all week and didn't run until yesterday. Managed 8 yesterday and 12 today, albeit a bit on the slow side for me, but at least I am running again. 27 days until my first full in Memphis!
That is awesome Steve. I see there is a lot of room to run. Thanks for posting the pic. Sorry about the head cold. Yuck!

I had to abort the Yoga. I think if I had kept that in, I would have started to really dislike p90x. I admit that a big part of the issue is that I am rubbish at Yoga, but I just dislike everything about it LOL
Yoga was my least favorite. It was 70 minutes and just seemed soooo long. I never skipped one, but I dreaded it.

6.5 miles yesterday at 9:40 pace. Oh, and 12.6 miles on the stationary bike Saturday. Only two more training runs before my race Saturday. My son told me yesterday that he "has" to win because he doesn't have enough money to buy me a large Carvel sundae! LOL.

Joel - How'd the Vulcan 10K go?
Steve - Glad you enjoyed the cruise despite the head cold. Being sick on vacation stinks.
That is funny. See below and thanks for asking.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Vulcan Run: Great morning and temp. I think it was around 40. I would have liked 30, but I wont ever complain about anything under 50ish. Just awesome. There are some mild hills, but they are small compared to my normal routine.

I set a new PR for this course but not a new PR for a 10K all together (best 10K ever is 46:00 flat). This time was 46.54 or a 7:34 pace. Ill take it. Last year I did a 47:39 so there is definite improvement. I think 45 seconds is a large increase considering Im training for endurance right now, not speed.

After the race, went straight to Atlanta till this afternoon. I got up at 5:30 today and ran from the Hilton to Centennial Park. Around that for a while then back to the Hilton, took a left and ran down to Piedmont and back. Nice 6.5 mile run. One small scary block with a homeless shelter, but I just kept blessing those men (to myself) to hopefully get their life back on track. I made it past them and they didnt mess with me. Probably wasnt the best idea to run to Piedmont from the business district, but sometimes you just cant live life scared or in fear.

Hope everyone is having a great week! :wave:

EDIT: just looked at my Garmin log and it has me at a 7:29 pace overall, but the race chip says 7:34. Weird. That is a huge difference of 30 seconds overall.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Going to max out at 22 before the January Marathon. I'm feeling better about it now. I was terrified a month ago. :o

Remember when 13 sounded undoable? Or even 8? It's amazing what we can accomplish.

Yesterday did "Run the Bridge." Still one of my favorite races in the Delaware Valley area. Camden, NJ to Philadelphia via Ben Franklin Bridge (first 3 miles), then through Rutgers Univ. campus, the Camden Waterfront - past Sovereign Bank Center, along the water next to the Battleship New Jersey, great views of Philadelphia's Penn's Landing and finishing inside Campbell's Field (baseball park). Always a well organized and fun race for a great cause!

Sounds fun. Congrats.

Vulcan Run: Great morning and temp. I think it was around 40. I would have liked 30, but I wont ever complain about anything under 50ish. Just awesome. There are some mild hills, but they are small compared to my normal routine.

I set a new PR for this course but not a new PR for a 10K all together (best 10K ever is 46:00 flat).

Congrats on the course PR. Can't complain about 40 degrees. They're predicting high 40s for my 5K this Saturday.

As for me, 12 miles on the stationary bike last night and speed work on the treadmill this morning: 6 reps of 1/4 mile at 8:23 with 1 minute rest plus warmup and cooldown miles (total 4 miles).

Last night my son said to my dad, "Grandpa, are you rooting for Team Josh or Team Mommy" and my dad said the latter just to mess with him! LOL. (I already told everyone secretly to start looking for my son at the Finish Line around 25.5 minutes and to start looking for me around 27 minutes.) I'm really enjoying how much mileage I'm getting (forgive the pun) out of keeping the mystery alive with my son!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
20.13 miles @ 7:50 pace this morning
19.11 miles @ 9:00 pace yesterday
All with my 25lb gear/nutrition vest and hydration pack.
Just under 3,500 miles since April of this year...even I think that's crazy.
Great weather today, so I hope it stays!
Cheers folks!


Well-Known Member
Jill, I remember training for my first 5K! :lol:

Nick, we're all crazy. :D

4.15 miles today. Another beautiful morning. Because of the time change I got to see the sun rise as I approached the start of mile 4. The birds started to wake up and chirp. Very inspirational.

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
Just back from the west coast, managed a bit of running while away, my last day was a 9.5 mile run through downtown vancouver and stanley park, an amazing park in that city. I actually turned my ipod off to just enjoy the view etc in the park. Along their seawall you could actually watch float planes coming in and going. It had to be the most enjoyable run I have ever had.


Well-Known Member
Just back from the west coast, managed a bit of running while away, my last day was a 9.5 mile run through downtown vancouver and stanley park, an amazing park in that city. I actually turned my ipod off to just enjoy the view etc in the park. Along their seawall you could actually watch float planes coming in and going. It had to be the most enjoyable run I have ever had.

Sounds like a great run, Vancouver is a great city.

I did 5 miles @ 9:10 per mile. Nothing special, but my best 5 miler in about a month actually. Ran in new shoes today, and sure could feel the difference. Felt like I could have ran another 21.2 today :) 24 days - I have bib #1783 for my first marathon.


RunDisney Addict
This whole house has been sick the last couple days. I thought I had a migraine yesterday, as all the symptoms were there. I now believe that I had some kind of bug that just had a migraine decide to accompany it, as I didn't feel well all day.

Laying off of working out for today to try and let my body heal up a bit.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Just under 3,500 miles since April of this year...even I think that's crazy. Cheers folks!


Just back from the west coast, managed a bit of running while away, my last day was a 9.5 mile run through downtown vancouver and stanley park, an amazing park in that city. I actually turned my ipod off to just enjoy the view etc in the park. Along their seawall you could actually watch float planes coming in and going. It had to be the most enjoyable run I have ever had.

I was there in 2008. Beautiful city. Is Stanley Park where that famous mermaid statue was located? I can't recall. After Vancouver we took the overnight train into the Canadian Rockies - some of the most beautiful landscapes and lakes I have ever seen in my life. I did an early morning solo run around a lake in Jasper and took a nasty fall over a tree root - scared the heck out of my hubby when I got back to the room all bloodied up. Made for a memorable vacation run though! LOL.

As for me, 12 miles on the stationary bike today.

Mr mom

Well-Known Member

I was there in 2008. Beautiful city. Is Stanley Park where that famous mermaid statue was located? I can't recall. After Vancouver we took the overnight train into the Canadian Rockies - some of the most beautiful landscapes and lakes I have ever seen in my life. I did an early morning solo run around a lake in Jasper and took a nasty fall over a tree root - scared the heck out of my hubby when I got back to the room all bloodied up. Made for a memorable vacation run though! LOL.

As for me, 12 miles on the stationary bike today.

I remember seeing a statue on a rock out from the seawall, that could have been it. lots of totems though.

Mr mom

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a great run, Vancouver is a great city.

I did 5 miles @ 9:10 per mile. Nothing special, but my best 5 miler in about a month actually. Ran in new shoes today, and sure could feel the difference. Felt like I could have ran another 21.2 today :) 24 days - I have bib #1783 for my first marathon.

Good luck, I still have not run any race other than my own,lol


Well-Known Member
5 more miles today @9:27

Only 16 more training runs before the full. I have completed 72 since July.

Looking for any insight from the more experienced runners:

I am pretty sure I am going to try to run with a pace group for the full. I am torn between the 4:25 and 4:40 groups. One is 10:06 per mile, and the other is 10:41.

Truthfully, I would be totally happy with 4:40 time. Anything under 5 I will be happy, and am really trying not to put any time pressure on the race at all. It is what it is....

Since they run even miles, I think I would just go stir crazy at 10:41 in the beginning. All four half-marathons this year have been 10:06 or better, including my last one at 2:02, but I have went out too fast and faded in each of them as well.

My thought is join/start with the 10:06 (4:25) group and see if I can hang, if I can't, I could possibly latch on to the 4:40 group.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Remember when 13 sounded undoable? Or even 8? It's amazing what we can accomplish.
YES! Now, it is like a routine Saturday morning. 2 weeks ago Saturday, I came in from a 14.5 miler and Sam asked how it went. I told her it was like routine. She inquired about the distance and said, "Wait. 14 miles is routine now. That is crazy... have you just gotten that strong?"


Congrats on the course PR. Can't complain about 40 degrees. They're predicting high 40s for my 5K this Saturday.

As for me, 12 miles on the stationary bike last night and speed work on the treadmill this morning: 6 reps of 1/4 mile at 8:23 with 1 minute rest plus warmup and cooldown miles (total 4 miles).

Last night my son said to my dad, "Grandpa, are you rooting for Team Josh or Team Mommy" and my dad said the latter just to mess with him! LOL. (I already told everyone secretly to start looking for my son at the Finish Line around 25.5 minutes and to start looking for me around 27 minutes.) I'm really enjoying how much mileage I'm getting (forgive the pun) out of keeping the mystery alive with my son![/QUOTE]Thanks. It was a wonderful event.

Im rooting for Team Jill. You never know. He might have a bad run and you have your best run. You might take him.


Well-Known Member
5 more this morning @9:57 - Tried to see what the 10:06 per mile would feel like.

I think on my 5 mile recovery on Sunday I might try the 10:41 pace and see what it feels like.

My final 20 miler on tap for Saturday :)

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I remember seeing a statue on a rock out from the seawall, that could have been it. lots of totems though.

Yes, that's the place! I vividly remember the totem poles.

Im rooting for Team Jill. You never know. He might have a bad run and you have your best run. You might take him.

I may not have age or speed on my side but I definitely have the best support network of cheerleaders! :sohappy: Thanks guys.

I did my last pre-race run this morning - 5 miles easy pace to stay loose. I can't believe I'm actually a little nervous. Not about finishing, of course, or even about winning, but about whether I will run the best race I am capable of running without starting out too fast or too slow, and to see what I am really capable of at this distance. I've worked hard these past 11 weeks and it's time for the payoff!

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