What did you do?


Well-Known Member
Awesome recap and incredible run Nick.

50 miles... hard to even imagine!

12 miles for me this morning at 10:39 pace...

Start this morning was delayed by thunderstorms, so it was after 0715 before I could get going. Wanted to do something different than my neighborhood routes for this 12 miler, so I tried the Smyrna Greenway system. Decided to run in my old shoes due to the water, smart decision, as the path was running water for the first 1/2 mile or so. I saw 6 Turkeys, 2 Whitetail Deer, was within 5 feet of an oppossum, and raced a blue tailed skink around mile 10. He was faster at that point, but I think I would have had him during the first 5-6 miles. The run was good in the beginning, slower in the middle, and struggled the last couple. Despite the rain earlier, and some thunder and lightning around, when the sun came out it was hot, and the humidity was high the entire time. Feels like temp was 87 at the finish. But, week 5 of Marathon Training is done and I am now over 600 running miles for 2011.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'll try to keep this short but detailed:
Gear: Raidlight European set up pack with 2 liter bladder and two 750mL bottles attached to the shoulders, custom front balanced vest, Garmin 301 and 305 as a back up, Hoka ultra trail shoes, Petzl MYO headlamp, Zensa leg sleeves, all black...
Started out at 3:58am. My neighbor down the street met up with me (56 year old yoga instructor) and ran 13 miles with me on the boardwalks up through Asbury Park and Deal. Ran another couple of miles to Long Branch where a woman screams out the window of her car, "NICK! HAHA!" Yes, it was Coryna (fmingo)! She parked her car in the yuppie plaza of Pier Village, took a quick video of our start together and off we went, heading north towards Sandy Hook, my halfway point. Coryna ran 5.25 miles with me and they were the best miles out of the 50. Thanks again! We are running together again, SOON!
The fronts of my ankles were getting soar from the stiff tongue of my Hokas. I almost took my knife and cut the tops off right there. Coryna (loved our conversations BTW), headed back to her car when we reached Sea Bright. I hit my halfway point about 6 miles later in Sandy Hook and started heading back. I was feeling good with exception to my ankles. No fatigue and good form. Alternating between Clif double expresso and strawberry gels and hard pretzels. My wife had my drop bag in her car and met me at a couple of points during the run to refill my water and Gatorade.
I could feel the blisters starting around mile 26.
Around mile 34, I was having trouble getting food/gels down, and just kept sipping water.
Mile 36-37 my stomache turned and getting food down meant I would be throwing it up right after, so I opted for the water and the salt/electrolytes from my S-caps and gatorade.
Mile 40-45, my stomach hurt, and I just wanted to puke. Pushed through and got back home, dropped to my knees in the driveway and laughed uncontrollably. Had a beer bottle belt buckle engraved "IRASCIBLE B-----D ULTRAMARATHON 50 MILE SOLO FINISHER. I have one for Coryna as well that says PACER. Since I have trouble posting pics with our little forum, you can check FaceBook. If you're not "friends" with me, just search my name Nicholas Bautista, and send a request.


Here's my quick version:
Got up around 5:30 to run with some strange guy I've never met before and have only talked to on the internet (because you know well those encounterers usually turn out). I was just hoping I wasn't going to end up like some Aruba missing person story on the news.
Drove about 35 minutes in think fog to Long Branch. I had never been there before and while I looking for a place to park I see a guy running in all black, a miners light on his head and a Frankenvest. It had to be THE MACHINE!!! The timing could not have been better! So I pull next to him, roll down the window and offer him some water (to the naked eye someone probably thought I was offering him something else-:lol:). Found a FREE parking space (YES!), grabbed my stuff and off we went. Now I'm not sure if it was the fact that the beach was right there, that I had never run in the area before or most likely, the great company I was with, this was by far one of the easiest runs I'd ever done. I wish I could have continued on longer with Nick, but at 5.25 miles I turned around. I needed to get back for a family event.
Running back the 5.25 miles to my car was nice but not as fun as running with Nick. I did stop a few times and took some pictures of the ocean. The only problem I had was I couldn't remember where I had parked my car :brick: so I ran down a few extra side streets-OOPS!

Got back in the car, headed back home (in one piece) to my releaved family. :lol: Just kidding, my hubby is very supportive of my running and thinks Nick's accomplishment is just amazing.

And now I get to brag that I ran with THE MACHINE!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I will be posting a full run report later, but here are some numbers from yesterday's Irascible B-----d Ultra:

50.11 miles
9hrs 01mins 50secs (started at 3:58am)
5,196 calories burned
6 blisters
1 toenail lost (to go along with my other 7 missing nails!)
0 (zero) walking breaks

Stay tuned for the full report, pics and video...Coryna, you're hilarious! Much love right at ya!

Cheers folks...
Incredible stats. way to go Nick. Very nice! Business as usual eh?

Here's my quick version:
Got up around 5:30 to run with some strange guy I've never met before and have only talked to on the internet (because you know well those encounterers usually turn out). I was just hoping I wasn't going to end up like some Aruba missing person story on the news.
Drove about 35 minutes in think fog to Long Branch. I had never been there before and while I looking for a place to park I see a guy running in all black, a miners light on his head and a Frankenvest. It had to be THE MACHINE!!! The timing could not have been better! So I pull next to him, roll down the window and offer him some water (to the naked eye someone probably thought I was offering him something else-:lol:). Found a FREE parking space (YES!), grabbed my stuff and off we went. Now I'm not sure if it was the fact that the beach was right there, that I had never run in the area before or most likely, the great company I was with, this was by far one of the easiest runs I'd ever done. I wish I could have continued on longer with Nick, but at 5.25 miles I turned around. I needed to get back for a family event.
Running back the 5.25 miles to my car was nice but not as fun as running with Nick. I did stop a few times and took some pictures of the ocean. The only problem I had was I couldn't remember where I had parked my car :brick: so I ran down a few extra side streets-OOPS!

Got back in the car, headed back home (in one piece) to my releaved family. :lol: Just kidding, my hubby is very supportive of my running and thinks Nick's accomplishment is just amazing.

And now I get to brag that I ran with THE MACHINE!
:lol: Nick the MACHINE stalker.

Glad you met up with him. Ill have to do this one day too.

Ok, I'll try to keep this short but detailed:
Gear: Raidlight European set up pack with 2 liter bladder and two 750mL bottles attached to the shoulders, custom front balanced vest, Garmin 301 and 305 as a back up, Hoka ultra trail shoes, Petzl MYO headlamp, Zensa leg sleeves, all black...
Started out at 3:58am. My neighbor down the street met up with me (56 year old yoga instructor) and ran 13 miles with me on the boardwalks up through Asbury Park and Deal. Ran another couple of miles to Long Branch where a woman screams out the window of her car, "NICK! HAHA!" Yes, it was Coryna (fmingo)! She parked her car in the yuppie plaza of Pier Village, took a quick video of our start together and off we went, heading north towards Sandy Hook, my halfway point. Coryna ran 5.25 miles with me and they were the best miles out of the 50. Thanks again! We are running together again, SOON!
The fronts of my ankles were getting soar from the stiff tongue of my Hokas. I almost took my knife and cut the tops off right there. Coryna (loved our conversations BTW), headed back to her car when we reached Sea Bright. I hit my halfway point about 6 miles later in Sandy Hook and started heading back. I was feeling good with exception to my ankles. No fatigue and good form. Alternating between Clif double expresso and strawberry gels and hard pretzels. My wife had my drop bag in her car and met me at a couple of points during the run to refill my water and Gatorade.
I could feel the blisters starting around mile 26.
Around mile 34, I was having trouble getting food/gels down, and just kept sipping water.
Mile 36-37 my stomache turned and getting food down meant I would be throwing it up right after, so I opted for the water and the salt/electrolytes from my S-caps and gatorade.
Mile 40-45, my stomach hurt, and I just wanted to puke. Pushed through and got back home, dropped to my knees in the driveway and laughed uncontrollably. Had a beer bottle belt buckle engraved "IRASCIBLE B-----D ULTRAMARATHON 50 MILE SOLO FINISHER. I have one for Coryna as well that says PACER. Since I have trouble posting pics with our little forum, you can check FaceBook. If you're not "friends" with me, just search my name Nicholas Bautista, and send a request.

Heading to FB now. Been out of town.

Holy crap, I wasn't even thinking about, you being affraid, that I was a serial killer! :lol: Nope, just some crazy guy who decides to run 50 miles and it's not even a registered ultra!
I have a buckle for you!
Do you drive a van with no windows and maybe some roque spray paint on the side. Kidnapper Van. Luckily, I think Coryna probably has a descent right kick and left hook. ;)


Well-Known Member
Not to come across argumentative, but in this case, I would MMR it since he has a Garmin. I have had MMR be up to 3/10ths off over a 15 mile run, but since my watch said 14.71, I turned at my finish and ran .29 more.

If you think about it, over the 50 mile course, if you drive this route, you most likely are not going to be taking the same lane, cut corners, sidewalks etc that you would if you drove. The distance could potentially be much greater or much less over 50 miles or it might even out. It is the same example that when they measure a distanced race correctly, it is the shortest distance on the road a runner could take. Once in the crowd, you take turns wider than you want etc, and in Nashville this past year, I actually ran 26.55 miles instead of 26.2.

The only fail safe is a garmin (or something equivalent). Id drive or satellite it, but use my watch for 100% accuracy.

I agree completely with only trusting a GPS watch.

Nothing personal against MMR, but they (at least when I have used it) seem to take the driving path. So it is on par with driving it. So using sidewalks vs the middle of the road cuts off a bunch each time. I've had it be off a 1/3 mile on an 8mi run. Not familiar with how Nick was planning his run and his support along the way, but ending up 2 mi off over the course of his run would be killer.

But anyways, sounds like he finished, hopefully it went well for him. Puts my piddly 18 mi LSD on Sunday to shame.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I agree completely with only trusting a GPS watch.

Nothing personal against MMR, but they (at least when I have used it) seem to take the driving path. So it is on par with driving it. So using sidewalks vs the middle of the road cuts off a bunch each time. I've had it be off a 1/3 mile on an 8mi run. Not familiar with how Nick was planning his run and his support along the way, but ending up 2 mi off over the course of his run would be killer.

But anyways, sounds like he finished, hopefully it went well for him. Puts my piddly 18 mi LSD on Sunday to shame.
I have had it put some funky back and forth overlay when plotting points. That cause my 16 mile to actually be 15.64. I remembered this yesterday. So, when I got done, my time was 4 some odd minutes faster than last time. I was so excited, until I got curious and went to look at the route (this was before my Garmin). I found the glitch. I was pretty P'O'd. Not that MMR screwed up, but I didnt runa full 16 like I supposed too. :lol:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
You know it Brother!
(Not to mention the mace in my water-belt-:lol:)
:lol: You just look like you could kick somebody's a__ if you needed to tap into that side of your defense personality. That is a good thing of course.

3 miles yesterday in 100 degree day. 8:29 pace. Start a schedule today so I took it easy saturday on the lake and drank a lot of Corona. :slurp:

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
You know it Brother!
(Not to mention the mace in my water-belt-:lol:)

Jeez, I wasn't even thinking about any of this! If a cop stopped me because I was dressed in all black out in the early morning, and asked me to empty my vest and pack, I guess the garbage bag, duct tape, knife, etc...would have looked suspicious! "they are for running emergencies, really!"

18.75 miles this morning, yes, even after an ultra. I'll post a "what I learned from running two ultras..." later on. Going to post some video on fb later as well.

Cheers folks.


Well-Known Member
:lol: You just look like you could kick somebody's a__ if you needed to tap into that side of your defense personality. That is a good thing of course.

3 miles yesterday in 100 degree day. 8:29 pace. Start a schedule today so I took it easy saturday on the lake and drank a lot of Corona. :slurp:

Props for those miles. That temp is pretty nasty.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I ran 10.5 miles this morning including 5.25 with THE MACHINE
(aka DonaldDuck aka Nick)


How cool! Love the photo!

I ran the Madison Mini Marathon!

We got rained on.....hard...the first 2 1/2 miles....and that was after a 90 minute delay for lightning before the race even started.

We had great 5k, 5 mile, and 10k splits, but then my wife had some major cramping in her right knee that wouldn't allow her to run, and she could barely walk on it.

We walked the last 4 miles, but it was still an experience I'll never surrender. To see her eyes fill with tears and determination as she crossed the finish line.

It was priceless.

Congratulations to both of you. Sounds like quite an experience.

I will be posting a full run report later, but here are some numbers from yesterday's Irascible B-----d Ultra:

50.11 miles
9hrs 01mins 50secs (started at 3:58am)
5,196 calories burned
6 blisters
1 toenail lost (to go along with my other 7 missing nails!)
0 (zero) walking breaks

Stay tuned for the full report, pics and video...Coryna, you're hilarious! Much love right at ya!

Cheers folks...

Geez Louise! Did you add on the .11 just to show off?! :lol: Seriously, Nick, that is one hell of an accomplishment.

This morning I completed 17 miles, which is the longest distance I have ran since I started running 2 years ago.

The first time you go any distance is truly memorable and a major achievement. Congratulations to you too.

18.75 miles this morning, yes, even after an ultra. I'll post a "what I learned from running two ultras..." later on. Going to post

And that is why we call you The Machine!

As for me, 8 miles on Saturday morning at a comfortable 9:59 pace. Boy did I have alot of posts to catch up on here today!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Props for those miles. That temp is pretty nasty.
Thanks. I find it very challenging in a not so good way. It is discouraging that 3 miles in that heat feels like 10-15 miles in cool weather. My legs have been so fatigued. Ive been just pushing through looking forward to Fall. Please, where is my cool temps, I have some serious training to do.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Thanks. I find it very challenging in a not so good way. It is discouraging that 3 miles in that heat feels like 10-15 miles in cool weather. My legs have been so fatigued. Ive been just pushing through looking forward to Fall. Please, where is my cool temps, I have some serious training to do.

Today is the first cool day we've had here in ages. I'll try to send some of it down your way. It's in the 70s with a nice breeze. Too bad I can't run outdoors today!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Today is the first cool day we've had here in ages. I'll try to send some of it down your way. It's in the 70s with a nice breeze. Too bad I can't run outdoors today!
Ahhhh, In the 70's! It is 94, heat index of 100. I dont complain since there is nothing you can do about it, but I have been patient for 3 months of this heat.

3 miles today on lunch. Didnt wear a watch. Just ran and looked around the neighborhood with sweat in my eyes.


Well-Known Member
jeez, i wasn't even thinking about any of this! If a cop stopped me because i was dressed in all black out in the early morning, and asked me to empty my vest and pack, i guess the garbage bag, duct tape, knife, etc...would have looked suspicious! "they are for running emergencies, really!"



Well-Known Member
joel_maxwell;4712187 3 miles yesterday in 100 degree day. 8:29 pace. Start a schedule today so I took it easy saturday on the lake and drank a lot of Corona. :slurp:[/QUOTE said:
Good job but be careful. Getting your miles in isn't worth heat-stroke!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
What I Have Learned From Running Two Ultras...

What I Have Learned From Running Two Ultras...

(I have added more pics to my FB page. If you're not freinds with me, search my name, "Nicholas Bautista," and send a request.)

-start out SLOW
-26 miles is freaking easy
-so is 30 miles
-whatever pain or annoyance you may have early on, will only get worse
-it does not matter how you adjust your gear, how you look, how you smell, or if anything is in it's right place on your body...because you will not care after mile 40
-you will be in pain so you might as well ignore it
-it is ALOT of pain
-you have to experiment with foods on the run. What goes down fine at mile 13 or mile 26, will probably make you sick or _____t at mile 37.
-try to laugh
-if anyone is crewing for you, tell them to expect that you will be an a--hole.
-it does not matter how good your running form is or how strong you are...you will be hunched over at mile 46
-25 pounds of gear and water at the begining feels like 125 pounds at mile 46.
-the pain and discomfort is unbelieveable...but the feeling you have when you finish negates that.
-you will look at other runners who run 5k and 10k, and marathons and say, "Come run with me, and see if you're still standing, or conscious..."
Bring on the pain...cheers folks.

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