What did you do?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
No No a thousand times no. At least not for something that he actually cares about a legit distance. I have done 2 races in the last year or two where they said its a 5k! At one of them we start running, hit mile 3, looking for the finish line, thinking it has to be right there, or just around that corner we should be able to see it. But it wasn't. Kept going, and going, and around mile 3.3 or so, boom. There is the finish line. As a bunch of us were sitting around the finish area, we were all saying "It seemed long. My Garmin said it was long, did yours?" We, ended up that this "3.1mi" course was really "3.3mi". The organizers said "Ooops. Guess we needed to verify beyond MapMyRun." Not a huge deal if we knew about it in advance, but you could see some of these guys kicking into high gear at mile 3, and then burn out at 3.15 or so and slow down as they finished. Sure, use MapMyRun as an estimate, but for Nick, he needs to have it be legit and official. Otherwise he will have that nagging doubt. = Þ
Not to come across argumentative, but in this case, I would MMR it since he has a Garmin. I have had MMR be up to 3/10ths off over a 15 mile run, but since my watch said 14.71, I turned at my finish and ran .29 more.

If you think about it, over the 50 mile course, if you drive this route, you most likely are not going to be taking the same lane, cut corners, sidewalks etc that you would if you drove. The distance could potentially be much greater or much less over 50 miles or it might even out. It is the same example that when they measure a distanced race correctly, it is the shortest distance on the road a runner could take. Once in the crowd, you take turns wider than you want etc, and in Nashville this past year, I actually ran 26.55 miles instead of 26.2.

The only fail safe is a garmin (or something equivalent). Id drive or satellite it, but use my watch for 100% accuracy.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
It was supposed to be last Saturday, so I rescheduled for this coming Saturday. Have to get some supplies tomorrow and going to drive the route to make sure my mileage is correct.

Good luck! I'll be thinking of ya!

5K this morning on the treadmill in 25:29.

My fastest 5K yet, treadmill or road.

Fantastic! Good for you!

Not to come across argumentative, but in this case, I would MMR it since he has a Garmin. I have had MMR be up to 3/10ths off over a 15 mile run, but since my watch said 14.71, I turned at my finish and ran .29 more.

If you think about it, over the 50 mile course, if you drive this route, you most likely are not going to be taking the same lane, cut corners, sidewalks etc that you would if you drove. The distance could potentially be much greater or much less over 50 miles or it might even out. It is the same example that when they measure a distanced race correctly, it is the shortest distance on the road a runner could take. Once in the crowd, you take turns wider than you want etc, and in Nashville this past year, I actually ran 26.55 miles instead of 26.2.

The only fail safe is a garmin (or something equivalent). Id drive or satellite it, but use my watch for 100% accuracy.

I would agree with this with one caveat. I've run in heavily tree'd areas where my satellite reception kept getting knocked out intermittently so I knew my total mileage was off on the watch. As long as Nick will have clear reception all along his chosen route, he should be OK though.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
I would agree with this with one caveat. I've run in heavily tree'd areas where my satellite reception kept getting knocked out intermittently so I knew my total mileage was off on the watch. As long as Nick will have clear reception all along his chosen route, he should be OK though.
I have only had that happen one time. It was running through the tunnel at the Talladega Superspeedway that lets cars into the infield. It is probably thicker with concrete than a war bunker. The rest of the day, my watch was .2 off. Drove me nuts. :lol:

Ill see if my future trail run gets knocked out a little coming up in November.


Well-Known Member
6 miles at 9:45 per mile.

First run in the new shoes. Had them too tight for the first 3 miles, stopped and adjusted, and they were good for the next three. I think I will go with the new ones for the 12 miler tomorrow.

Ran without the Garmin this morning, which was kind of a nice change.


Well-Known Member
I ran 10.5 miles this morning including 5.25 with THE MACHINE
(aka DonaldDuck aka Nick)



RunDisney Addict
I ran the Madison Mini Marathon!

We got rained on.....hard...the first 2 1/2 miles....and that was after a 90 minute delay for lightning before the race even started.

We had great 5k, 5 mile, and 10k splits, but then my wife had some major cramping in her right knee that wouldn't allow her to run, and she could barely walk on it.

We walked the last 4 miles, but it was still an experience I'll never surrender. To see her eyes fill with tears and determination as she crossed the finish line.

It was priceless.



Well-Known Member
I ran the Madison Mini Marathon!

We got rained on.....hard...the first 2 1/2 miles....and that was after a 90 minute delay for lightning before the race even started.

We had great 5k, 5 mile, and 10k splits, but then my wife had some major cramping in her right knee that wouldn't allow her to run, and she could barely walk on it.

We walked the last 4 miles, but it was still an experience I'll never surrender. To see her eyes fill with tears and determination as she crossed the finish line.

It was priceless.


Congrats to both of you!

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
I will be posting a full run report later, but here are some numbers from yesterday's Irascible B-----d Ultra:

50.11 miles
9hrs 01mins 50secs (started at 3:58am)
5,196 calories burned
6 blisters
1 toenail lost (to go along with my other 7 missing nails!)
0 (zero) walking breaks

Stay tuned for the full report, pics and video...Coryna, you're hilarious! Much love right at ya!

Cheers folks...


Well-Known Member
I will be posting a full run report later, but here are some numbers from yesterday's Irascible B-----d Ultra:

50.11 miles
9hrs 01mins 50secs (started at 3:58am)
5,196 calories burned
6 blisters
1 toenail lost (to go along with my other 7 missing nails!)
0 (zero) walking breaks

Stay tuned for the full report, pics and video...Coryna, you're hilarious! Much love right at ya!

Cheers folks...
You forgot to mention 0 (zero) falls & cursing on the boardwalk...:lol:
How are the ankles feeling today?


Well-Known Member
50 miles in 9 hours? That's insane! :eek:

I suffered through 5.25 miles this AM. 74F at start, 97% humidity. I usually hit my second wind at 4 miles but today I hit a wall and my legs got heavy. Not a good day. I trudged through it and my time was average though.

6 more weeks until F&W?


RunDisney Addict
I will be posting a full run report later, but here are some numbers from yesterday's Irascible B-----d Ultra:

50.11 miles
9hrs 01mins 50secs (started at 3:58am)
5,196 calories burned
6 blisters
1 toenail lost (to go along with my other 7 missing nails!)
0 (zero) walking breaks

Stay tuned for the full report, pics and video...Coryna, you're hilarious! Much love right at ya!

Cheers folks...

Congrats! I think that calls for a few IPA's, doesn't it?


Active Member
Incredible run Nick! I would probably try a solo 50
miler, but there there not many good places to run
around where I Live.

This morning I completed 17 miles, which is the
longest distance I have ran since I started running
2 years ago.

Donald Duck

Tonga Toast Killer
IBU 50 mile report

Ok, I'll try to keep this short but detailed:
Gear: Raidlight European set up pack with 2 liter bladder and two 750mL bottles attached to the shoulders, custom front balanced vest, Garmin 301 and 305 as a back up, Hoka ultra trail shoes, Petzl MYO headlamp, Zensa leg sleeves, all black...
Started out at 3:58am. My neighbor down the street met up with me (56 year old yoga instructor) and ran 13 miles with me on the boardwalks up through Asbury Park and Deal. Ran another couple of miles to Long Branch where a woman screams out the window of her car, "NICK! HAHA!" Yes, it was Coryna (fmingo)! She parked her car in the yuppie plaza of Pier Village, took a quick video of our start together and off we went, heading north towards Sandy Hook, my halfway point. Coryna ran 5.25 miles with me and they were the best miles out of the 50. Thanks again! We are running together again, SOON!
The fronts of my ankles were getting soar from the stiff tongue of my Hokas. I almost took my knife and cut the tops off right there. Coryna (loved our conversations BTW), headed back to her car when we reached Sea Bright. I hit my halfway point about 6 miles later in Sandy Hook and started heading back. I was feeling good with exception to my ankles. No fatigue and good form. Alternating between Clif double expresso and strawberry gels and hard pretzels. My wife had my drop bag in her car and met me at a couple of points during the run to refill my water and Gatorade.
I could feel the blisters starting around mile 26.
Around mile 34, I was having trouble getting food/gels down, and just kept sipping water.
Mile 36-37 my stomache turned and getting food down meant I would be throwing it up right after, so I opted for the water and the salt/electrolytes from my S-caps and gatorade.
Mile 40-45, my stomach hurt, and I just wanted to puke. Pushed through and got back home, dropped to my knees in the driveway and laughed uncontrollably. Had a beer bottle belt buckle engraved "IRASCIBLE B-----D ULTRAMARATHON 50 MILE SOLO FINISHER. I have one for Coryna as well that says PACER. Since I have trouble posting pics with our little forum, you can check FaceBook. If you're not "friends" with me, just search my name Nicholas Bautista, and send a request.


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