What are your "waiting in line" pet peeves?


Well-Known Member
I get annoyed when Guests are treated too much like cattle. There's a fine line between staying in CM character and ushering Guests through a queue and downright corralling tGuests into corners and squashing them against eachother all for the sake of cramming as many people into an area as possible. Oh I hate being cattled around while on vacation.


New Member
DDuckFan130 said:
Just to reply to this one, we all have cell phones (5 cell phones) and they all have clocks...yet we have watches too :p. Seriously, setting up a meeting time and place doesn't always work. Things come up and some of the party might get stuck in a show or ride. In our case, if my parents are stuck at the Beauty and the Beast show and we were supposed to meet outside after riding ToT, we say we're going on to RnRC and we'll call them when we get out.

Of course, we're not the kind to scream into our phones and let everyone hear the conversation or talk while we're on attractions. We always try to be as polite as possible so no one around hears us. I think if you can hear our conversation, the subject of personal space comes into play. Back up people :lookaroun

My parents feel better knowing that they can reach us at our cell phones to let us know they're on their way to said meeting place and when they're there. Just my opinion :wave:

i tend to txt anyway...


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
i tend to txt anyway...
My parents don't know the meaning of "txting" :animwink:

Seriously, they do, but they wouldn't know how to do it and life is so much more simpler when you press a couple of numbers and dial. Yes, when we're on rides or whatever text messaging is fine. I just don't take my phone out in rides anyway because I'm not going to ruin the HM pre-show for others by taking out my cell and blinding those around me with the light of it :p.


Account Suspended
My other pet peeve:

Girls who wear tank tops to the parks that should NOT be wearing tank tops! :hurl: I mean, no offense but PLEASE have some decency and cover yourself up. Believe me, no one will find it appealing!

Another pet peeve:
Teenage girls who scream at the top of their lungs while riding ToT! PLEASE I would like to get this ringing out of my ears sometime soon.

Another pet peeve:
Large foreign tour groups! Thats as much as I'm gonna say


Well-Known Member
2 said:
Another pet peeve:
Teenage girls who scream at the top of their lungs while riding ToT! PLEASE I would like to get this ringing out of my ears sometime soon.

Sorry :lookaroun

My sister and I scream. But not to be annoying. Just because it comes out instinctively and it's fun. It's no fun when the elevator is quiet IMHO :lol: I did warn someone who rode with us last time that we'd scream. He asked if it was obnoxious...I told him he'd have to wait and hear :drevil:


New Member
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people get all worked up because they have to wait a few minutes in the fast pass return line. People should understand that a fast pass does not necessarily guarentee being able to walk right on the ride. The wait is almost always minimal so be patiant people. The worst was when this woman behind me while waiting in the fast pass return line at LMA started swearing and complaining for all to hear when they announced that the fast passs don't provide a shorter wait (they just guarentee a seat). It's a show, with a specific starting starting time for everyone. What did they expect? I really don't understand how some people can be so ignorant.


New Member
2 said:
Another pet peeve:
Teenage girls who scream at the top of their lungs while riding ToT! PLEASE I would like to get this ringing out of my ears sometime soon.

It doesn't bother me too much when people scream on rides that are supposed to make you scream. What's really annoying is people who scream on rides that aren't supposed to be scarey. This happened to me on TTA. An entire family - adults and kids- screamed at the top of their lungs every time the cars entered a building. It echoed off the walls to make it extra loud. I thought my eardrums were going to burst. The same thing happened on Winnie the Pooh - two teenage girls behind us screamed the entire time.


Active Member
I hate when these 2 things happens anywhere, not just at Disney World:

When people decide to start a new line and ignore the existing one. Like if I'm waiting in a line to see a character, somebody comes along and stands a few feet across from me, i'm thinking, "i know they don't think they're thinking of cutting in front of those of us in line." and then someone else comes along and gets behind this person and thinks they're the line. i just give them dirty looks.


When people act like getting into an attraction is a matter of life and death and they walk right through families, seperating parents from their kids. So, then I'm trying to watch where my kid is going, getting nervous, trying to reconnect with him while trying to push my way back in front of these people who are now giving me dirty looks, thinking i'm trying to cut them. Idiots.


Well-Known Member
queue jumpers!

i was standing in the animal kingdom in the safari line and the time that was overhead as i was entering the queue said 65 minutes so i thought im in no hurry so i waited.it turned out that i had been waiting 110 minutes. when i was right by the person who asks you how many people are in your party this man and woman (both about 25+) pushed in front of me , after thinking about what i should do -as i was by myself- i gently tapped the man on the shoulder he shouted in my face "you wonna talk to me" keep in mind he was taller than me and bigger than me but i stayed my ground and just said "yeah im talking to you, you have just pushed in front of me and everyone else and im not having it", so i pushed my way in front of them and people behind me did the same as me.i was very calm saying this to the couple and everyone in the 2 lines was looking at me but i didnt care that couple had no right pushing in front of me. it was really hot out and as i was saying it to them i was thinking i would of said something to anyone who did that if i was standing in any other line in any park because i had waited all that time and these people decided to push in front of me instead of waiting in the queue.

it may sound as if ive got a big mouth but i was just sticking up for myself as i would do anywhere. wouldnt you do the same?


Well-Known Member
1. Parents that can't control their kids (or choose not to) annoy me. (the kids do when they aren't behaving - I can't help it! I'm a teacher! I like control!)

2. Obnoxious teens who do things to destroy the queue scenery. We've called the park security on a group that was climbing through the trees/bushes/setting of ToT - pulling things off, messing things up, etc.

*and it does seem that people cut in ToT ALL THE TIME once you get in a line after the elevator. It's wide, so people just push past!

I probably used to annoy people on rides/attactions. I loved to sing along with the tiki birds in the ORIGINAL show, sing Yo, HO, Yo, HO, on pirates, etc.


New Member
My Pet peeve in Lines?

The Brazilian tour groups . I can't stand them. They fall upon every attraction like a cloud of parasites, waving that darn tour group flag in your face, cutting in line, screaming, not having control over their group members, and just being ignorant of everything.

They drive me insane every time I go to wdw


After having read all the posts in this thread yesterday, I ventured to EPCOT today, with all the suggestions, pet peeves, observances in the back of my head.

Luckly it wasn't too bad..... I only had to use the elbow 3 times. :lol:

But the "best" were 4 teenaged, non-English-speaking girls, sitting on the banisters in the preload area of Soarin' yakking away (they were in row C2). When the preshow/instructions started, they presumably ignored it. I was this close to shushing them when the show ended and the door opened. They then tried to move into the ride along with the people in row C1, but those people managed to make them stop and wait. Then then wouldn't move at all, thinking the CM would come back and tell them to go in, so we (in row C3) had to tell them to go in.....

Of course, since they ignored the preshow, now they're trying to use the child crotch-strap and failing miserably - all 4 of them then started yelling "HELP! HELP!" at the CM....... :brick:

I still managed to have a good time! :)
People who just stand there....while the line is moving...and they daze off for a few minutes...and then get mad when others pass them...LMAO. This happened to me yesterday in the HM. Brazilian Tour groups...lmao. They were hundreds this week...it was insane...I have pictures to prove it...lol. I also despise when people complain that the fast pass line is not moving very fast due to the fact that a handicapped person is being put on the ride...that is extremely cruel. Does "waiting in line" for bus transportation count? People that get aggrevated when they have to wait a few minutes before boarding the bus because a disabled person have to be taken inside it first...I encountered this a lot in my past trip these last couple of days....


Well-Known Member
Parents of obnovious kids

I really can't stand it when parents say nothing to their young kids about their rude behavior. Once we were in line for Buzz Lightyear, and this little boy in front of us was just totally obnoxious - hitting people, spitting, climbing up the wall, - you name it. When we got on the ride, he and his mother were directly in front of us, so as soon as they turned on the guns, I shot mom first, then the little boy. I didn't score any points for it, but boy did that feel good!:rolleyes:

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
Nemo14 said:
I really can't stand it when parents say nothing to their young kids about their rude behavior. Once we were in line for Buzz Lightyear, and this little boy in front of us was just totally obnoxious - hitting people, spitting, climbing up the wall, - you name it. When we got on the ride, he and his mother were directly in front of us, so as soon as they turned on the guns, I shot mom first, then the little boy. I didn't score any points for it, but boy did that feel good!:rolleyes:
Yay! I'm not the only person who shoots people. I've gotten points for it a few times o_0

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