What are your "waiting in line" pet peeves?

Although this did not take place in WDW it did p*** me off! On my first visit to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure, My family and I where waiting in Line for the Duddly Doo Right Log Flume. Suddenly we saw these two kides appear behind the people behind us. THen suddenly you heard this very large Black woman Scream from way behind. "We're Coming just save our spots." I was amazed by how many people stood to the side and alloud what looked like 14 People in their group shove foreward to the two little kids. Once the group got there the two little kids jetted ahead even foreward and the Big lady yelled again. and of course they tried to squeeze by us. so us and the family behind us told the lady she could not pass. she started bad talking the lady behind us and screaming that she had to get to her kids. My dad was very annoyed and called over one of the Mounty security guards. he came and evaluated the situation and left. Then a voice came over the speakers saying the ride is broken down and would everyone please file out of line. We all walked towards the exit when a huge group of security guards confronted the large group. We where curiouse what was going to happen and my dad wanted to talk to the security guard. But suddenly the whole group scattered. They all ran away. I kept thinking about the bad security allowing them to get away. but when we talked to the guard he said he didn't want to do anything in line b/c the group was all black and he felt it would cause a big scene. I think we waited 30 min for them to get the ride back and running before we got onto the ride. The guard even gave us free "Fastlane Tickets" on any ride we wanted to ride.

sry for the long story. But it was just an example of how rude people are and how the other people allowed it. It only takes one person to stand up and say NO this will ultimately stop the rudeness. Hopefully.

I just felt bad for the woman behind us because she was in Tears when the ride shut down because the lady was badgering her.

another thing that bothers me is when everyone sits in the Hub at MK waiting for the fireworks. and when the music goes on they stand in fron of you sitting. it's not like the fireworks are at eye level people. it can be viewed from sitting on the ground. but of course the people crowd together forcing you to stand also. Urgh. Just be lazy like me and relax!!!


Well-Known Member
As mentioned before, a lot of time when someone getes whacked by strollers, the person being hit can be at fault. We put our daughter in a stroller and people cut you off trying to get through a crowd and step right in front of you. Also crowds can stop sudenly and sometimes you have a run in.

Not saying that is what happened with you, but just saying it does happen.

Also the walking talkies are sometimes nessessary. Things take longer sometimes than expected and you need to call someone. I do prefer cell phones though as the conversation is one sided for those around you, not having to hear the other half....

SpeedFigure said:
Oh I don't know where to start!
1: Loud teenagers who act like they haven't seen each other in 50 years and have to scream and act like monkeys EVERYWHERE they go.
2: Stepping on Feet. I have had 5 foot surgerys so I wear tennis shoes a lot to protect my now sensitive feet. And it seems that every Stroller, foot, wheelchair finds my shoes and totally kills my feet for the day. People need to control those strollers.
3: Cutting in line. It seems that once the line gets long- like out of the chains or real queue, people think that it's a free for all and they can get in line no matter where it ends. Also the 1 person in line that ends up with 8 people.
4: Fastpass Cutters. I HATE people who stand in front of the fastpass window for an hour before their time hoping the the CM will let them on early. They block the way for others and I'd hate to be that CM turning them down every 2 seconds.
5: Soarin's queue. I agree with that the queue walkway is too long. At the california queue it has a really really long walk down to the ride. It seems that if there are any kids behind you when you start walking. They will run as fast as they can and cut in front of you. And the PARENTS who are miles behind you EXPECT to be where there kids are, not bring them back to there correct place in line. I HATE THAT!!!
6: Kids on shoulders. I hate when parents put there kids on their shoulders when they are in perfect view of the parades and shows and have NO reason to put them up there. I hate when people are disrespectful to everyone behind them.

okay I'll stop cause I can go on forever!! But Disney is too happy of a place to rush around and ruin other peoples day.


New Member
my story might take the cake. when i was there july 5-10 with 5 friends, we were in line to ride the tea cups. well we were gonna split up and ride 3 per cup. then this lady with her two daughters made her way up the line saying she was meeting somone. then halfway up she changed her story and had to ask the CM a question about the times guide. then she asked her daughters if they wanted to ride and they did. me and my friends just made the cut off. but we when we loaded, there wasnt enough teacups (because of the lady and her 2 kids) so me and 2 of my friends waited and rode the next time, which wasnt going to be as fun as with the others. well this time, the lady got off the ride, but her two kids stayed. all in all, in was fun and lead for some funny pictures, but if we all rode the same time, it would have been more enjoyable, since the others who rode first, were disappointed just as we were.


New Member
One word....


I'm not standing in line to breathe your carcinogenic secondhand smoke with more than 4,000 chemicals! I was in line for SM last week and had the "pleasure" of being just a few feet from a chain smoker who didn't care that he nearly burned the little girl behind him.


Well-Known Member
ajrwdwgirl said:
I agree with the people that suddenly stop in front of you while walking down the sidewalk.

I also don't like the walkie talkies and walkie talkie cell phones. I realize that you are trying to keep in contact with your party, but I really don't care to hear your whole conversation. Maybe select a meeting time and place and invest in watches instead.
Just to reply to this one, we all have cell phones (5 cell phones) and they all have clocks...yet we have watches too :p. Seriously, setting up a meeting time and place doesn't always work. Things come up and some of the party might get stuck in a show or ride. In our case, if my parents are stuck at the Beauty and the Beast show and we were supposed to meet outside after riding ToT, we say we're going on to RnRC and we'll call them when we get out.

Of course, we're not the kind to scream into our phones and let everyone hear the conversation or talk while we're on attractions. We always try to be as polite as possible so no one around hears us. I think if you can hear our conversation, the subject of personal space comes into play. Back up people :lookaroun

My parents feel better knowing that they can reach us at our cell phones to let us know they're on their way to said meeting place and when they're there. Just my opinion :wave:


Premium Member
Original Poster
SpenceMan01 said:
It sounds like someone should make WDW t-shirts ala Cedar Point's "Line jumping is not a sporting event" shirts.

LOL - I would love to wear one of those.

I can't believe some of these stories. What makes people act so stupid?


Premium Member
JUst so you know, everytime I got to hear someone else's walkie talkie conversation they were behind me in line.

And I don't know my family has taken many vacations to WDW when my sis and I were teenagers and we never needed the cell phones or walkie talkies. My parents trusted us to go off on our own and to be responsible enough to make it back to a spot at a certain time. I guess we always took the time into consideration when getting in lines so we wouldn't be late. It wasn't too bad waiting in a spot for someone and enjoying the scenery.

But this thread is supposed to be about pet peeves and as posted earlier a peeve of mine is the walkie talkies. I just don't think they are necessary. That is my opinion and I'm sticking with it!


Active Member
People who try to push in front of you on Main Street USA 5 minutes before the parade begins after you've been sitting there for an hour. Then when you call them on it, they pretend not to speak English. Who would have known that 4 years of Spanish classes in High School would come in handy!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
ajrwdwgirl said:
JUst so you know, everytime I got to hear someone else's walkie talkie conversation they were behind me in line.

And I don't know my family has taken many vacations to WDW when my sis and I were teenagers and we never needed the cell phones or walkie talkies. My parents trusted us to go off on our own and to be responsible enough to make it back to a spot at a certain time. I guess we always took the time into consideration when getting in lines so we wouldn't be late. It wasn't too bad waiting in a spot for someone and enjoying the scenery.

But this thread is supposed to be about pet peeves and as posted earlier a peeve of mine is the walkie talkies. I just don't think they are necessary. That is my opinion and I'm sticking with it!
:lol: I wasn't trying to knock you at all. Everyone is definitely entitled to their opinions, and I completely understand yours. I was just bringing in my opinion and our personal experiences. I also remember the days before cell phones. But back then we were too young to be separated anyway :p. Cell phones may be bad in certain aspects, but at WDW they are really useful. You stick to your opinion, I stick to mine :lol:

Anyway, like I've said before, everyone has pretty much said my own pet peeves. The smelly people, line cutters...bla bla bla. Whatever :lol:


Well-Known Member
DDuckFan130 said:
Anyway, like I've said before, everyone has pretty much said my own pet peeves. The smelly people, line cutters...bla bla bla. Whatever :lol:

Not to mention the smelly line cutters......


New Member
We always use Cell phones, but we put them on vibrate mode and then just send text messages among our family members. That way, no matter who is in what attraction or show, they can know they got a message by feeling the vibration, but nobody else is aware and therefore, nobody else is annoyed.

It's worked great the last 3 times we were down there.


Well-Known Member
TomDisney said:
People who try to push in front of you on Main Street USA 5 minutes before the parade begins after you've been sitting there for an hour. Then when you call them on it, they pretend not to speak English. Who would have known that 4 years of Spanish classes in High School would come in handy!! :lol:
I love how that can be turned around :lol:. Being bilingual is lovely, isn't it? My first language was Spanish, but once I entered Kindergarten at 4 years old, that quickly changed. English is my main language, but sometimes people at WDW don't think that. Sometimes I'll be standing in line with my family speaking Spanish to them, and some people around us think Spanish is our only language. They proceed to talk loudly in English and not necessarily make fun of us, but say things that are "inside jokes" that they assume we won't understand. What do we do? We start talking in English...they start to whisper again. Um...ok :lol:


Last time my family and I went to Animal Kingdom we waited to see the parade. Of course it was HOT that day...:brick: ...so we were waiting in line around 25 min before the parade started...next thing u know, a foreign family comes up..unlatched the rope from the post..and cut in front of everyone..they then latched the rope back to the post and acted like they didnt do anything. Then during the entire parade they kept leaning over the entire rope so they messed up some picture oppurtunities. We tried calling them out on the whole ordeal but they supposedly didnt understand English....yea right.


New Member
DDuckFan130 said:
I love how that can be turned around :lol:. Being bilingual is lovely, isn't it? My first language was Spanish, but once I entered Kindergarten at 4 years old, that quickly changed. English is my main language, but sometimes people at WDW don't think that. Sometimes I'll be standing in line with my family speaking Spanish to them, and some people around us think Spanish is our only language....

I get the opposite…they see me and think I don’t speak Spanish, but little do they know I understand everything they say...Luckily no one has complained about us being stinky.( that I know of) :lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member
stranger said:
I get the opposite…they see me and think I don’t speak Spanish, but little do they know I understand everything they say...Luckily no one has complained about us being stinky.( that I know of) :lookaroun :lol:
That's because you don't look Latina amiga :p. So you've got that working for you :lol:
There's nothing worse than the guy (or girl) in front of you "floating an air biscuit*" just as the line moves a few feet and you find yourself stood in their gaseous emmissions :eek:

* NB breaking wind


Well-Known Member
crazy_for_wdw said:
There's nothing worse than the guy (or girl) in front of you "floating an air biscuit*" just as the line moves a few feet and you find yourself stood in their gaseous emmissions :eek:

* NB breaking wind

Oops, sorry about that.... :animwink:


New Member
DDuckFan130 said:
That's because you don't look Latina amiga :p. So you've got that working for you :lol:

Their faces are priceless when they hear me speak spanish. I love the element of suprise. :lol:


New Member
crazy_for_wdw said:
There's nothing worse than the guy (or girl) in front of you "floating an air biscuit*" just as the line moves a few feet and you find yourself stood in their gaseous emmissions :eek:

* NB breaking wind


It's worst when you're in doors. (Like the elevators in the Haunted Mansion) :hurl:

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