What are your "waiting in line" pet peeves?


New Member
Our family's line pet peeve came from our trip last year when i needed a motorized scooter our last 2 days cuz I broke my foot(long stupid story)but anyhow we got back to the line for the bus back to the resort at the end of the night and I insisted that the bus driver take a few loads of people before they took me I did not mind waiting. Well after 2 bus loads came and went a family came up with the Daughter in a wheelchair (who had a broken arm) and when we got loaded on the bus she ran to the front seat and did not even sit in her wheel chair. I stayed in my scooter so others would have a place to sit and said that she should of done the same the girls mom then said to me "we just put her in it so we can get to the front of the line she doesn't really need it for her arm". Oh my gosh that made me so angry here I was in lots of pain trying to be happy for the last few days of our vacation and she was trying to use her chair as a get to the front of the line pass!!!:mad:


Well-Known Member
Ralph Wiggum said:
there's nothing wrong with knowing where the exits are to the TOT or the stretching room in the HM as long as you don't knock through people on your way. being in a group of people that recite the lines loudly with the voiceover is a different matter. don't screw rides up for people that may be experiencing it for the first time. you may love the sound of your voice, but I don't.

In the same vein, the teenagers who scream incessantly through THE WHOLE RIDE really ruin it for people. :mad:

lucyanna girl

New Member
During our June trip to WDW my DD and I were shocked to see so many people shout at very young children and mistreat them.
One Father was bending over a very small child shouting "This is my vacation too, it's not all about you!" Duh... its Disney World sir and that's a little person who you are screming at, exactly how old are YOU?
Even worse was the family on the tram leaving MK late one hot night. Father, Mother and three children boarded tram with youngest, a little boy who was around 2 1/2 or 3 years old. Baby had already cried so much his little face was swollen. Mother immediatley up-ended baby and spanked him HARD. She then shouted at him about what would happen when she got him to the car. Father and two older children were on seat in front of Mother and Baby. Older children sat with hands in lap and eyes forward, they knew what was good fo them. Father kept turning around and either pinching or squeesing the baby's hand while he too treatened the little one. Everyone on our car was aware of the situation but when one lady attempted to reason with the Mother telling her the Baby was just hot and sleepy she was told to "mind her own G________ business". People were afraid to say anything else fo fear the parents would get more angry and take it out on the Baby later. DD and I got off at the next stop and moved back to the car where the CM with the microphone was. I begged her to call security to arrest the parents and I would testify against them. She was very young and did not know how to respond. At the next stop the family left the tram with Baby still screaming and parents still threatening him.
I still don't know why I didn't think to get their license plate number and call the police. Just so shocked I guess. DD cried for two hours worrying about that Baby and I still think of him often and wonder what else I could have done to help him.
Sorry, this got really long. But my peeve is parents who don't understand that in the end WDW is all about the little ones and that they get hot and tired and need a little extra understanding.


New Member
I'll be honest and say I haven't read all the entries, just skimmed through and keep seeing the majority say they are peeved by people who try and cut the line. I agree...

Our worst line experience was while we were at Universal Studios, we were waiting in line for the ET ride, and an older man right in front of me in line decided to light up a cigarette in line. I asked him very politely not to smoke in line, around my children. He got very nasty and said I didn't have to be behind him in line. I pointed out the fact that there are designated smoking areas and he should use them, and the rules posted on the wall right beside us clearly stated that smoking was not allowed in lines (or I believe anywhere in that section of the park, which was geared more towards kids). After a heated debate, I decided for the sake of my kids to drop it, and I turned my back to him and talked to my kids quietly. He then butted into our conversation and started with me again, after I tried to drop it (meanwhile, cigarette still in his hand). He refused to put out his cigarette and got right in my face. I thought he was going to hit me. Of course this was the one time in the day my husband was not there with us (he was riding the Mummy) and I'm not one to EVER get in a fight or get loud...I'm usually very quiet and don't cause trouble. But he had me so mad by this point that I refused to back down.

My 13 year old decided to start hacking and coughing like crazy, just to get the point across and it certainly didn't help matters cause he only got more angry. His wife just stood by and looked the other way (I think she was afraid of him too). A park employee walked by and I called her over and asked her to ask him to put out his cigarette. She left to get someone else to talk to him, meanwhile, we were screaming at each other and it wasn't pretty. Finally security arrived and they pulled him aside while we entered the ride, but during the name/passport stupid pointless process entering the ride, he ended up entering and got ahead of us. We intentionally stalled and stayed behind while he boarded the ride, and he ended our encounter by flipping me and my kids off as he rode off on his little bicycle.

I don't have a problem with people who choose to smoke, so don't get me wrong. But I do have a problem with people who don't follow the rules and smoke outside of the designated areas. And I witnessed this many times in all of the Disney parks and US and IoA.


Active Member
my main pet hate is tour groups and espically the ones from brazil, i just love the way they get the one person in the front of the que and then the flag rises and out of nowere you are getting stampeded by about 20 or 30 kids. This year was a group of 6 of us and we were waiting for the new stunt show when out of nowere about 20 kids came up and said they had to get to there party. we didnt move and joined arms making sure they didnt get thorugh. Then just near the seating aera there leader came up to us and said that they have to go with her. We just said that if you want to be with them you will have to go behind us. I have no problem with familys gettin split up it has happened to us and most people are quite friednly enough that if they see that the rest of your party is only 1 space a head of them they will let move up.

Also going back to these tour groups we went to see the late showing of fantasmic this year so we could do ToT and RnR when the queues wouldnt have been that bad. Well when we got there we went to get seats and every row was being filled up from the bottom to the top we got in a row and out of nowere we had about 6 kids who thought that the benches were beds and contined to lie there untill the show started and when people came down to get seats, they said that they were waiting for there party as soon as the show started they got up and sat up and yet no other party members joined them they thought that these benches were meant to beds.


Well-Known Member
edwardtc said:
1. Pregnant gal run over by wheelchair: If I had been your husband, I would have seen to it that whomever did that never got out of a wheelchair! That's BS and NOBODY can get away with that - handicapped or not!

Let me just say that he would have done something but at the moment he was more concerned about my well being since I couldn't get up right away. We were both surprised to see that two CMs saw the whole thing and didn't do anything at all to help us- or at least get the people that ran me over.....But I agree- nobody should get away with that, but in the end I was fine.


Active Member
The reason we haven't seen Illuminations in 4 years is because I will not wait 1 hr. to 1 1/2 hrs. for the show to start camped out in a nice location to have someone show up 5 minutes before show time and step in front of me or try and sit on top of me. It has happened too many times and is extremely frustrating. If you wanted a front row spot, invest the time like we and everyone else around us did.

Once at Disneyland, we found our spot for the evening Christmas parade. The area filled up throughout the course of the hour and everyone was behaving nicely, chatting with each other, waiting for the parade. A family comes up and asks what everyone is waiting for, the CM says a parade in 10 minutes. The family then wants to move to the front of the area and sit down and asks the CM to move the rope so that they can. The CM explains that the rope is there so that the parade can pass by and that she can't move it. Then the people want her to ask everyone to back up so they can get a front row seat. The CM explains that she can't do that and that it wouldn't be fair to all these people who've been waiting for an hour for the parade. The people started looking around the crowd looking for an empty spot when I looked up at them. I made eye contact that clearly said,
"we've been here and hour and I'm not budging". The family next to mine who we'd been chatting with said they gave them a "look" too. The family decided that they should move to the back and find a spot grumbling under their breath that it was not fair they couldn't get to the front since they did not know there would be a parade that night. All the people around me cheered and clapped for the CM for handling the situation politely and professionally.


New Member
I hate it when I'm standing in line and people come up and ask me if I want
something. You know when it is hot they ask you if you want a drink of water,
or when it is near the end of your trip and they ask if you would like some extra money. You know that kind of thing. This happens to other people too,
doesn't it?


New Member
All those hassles with Illuminations and the parades are why I don't really bother to see them anymore. It always ends in frustration about other people.


Last time at Epcot, we found a spot an hour before Illuminations and sat down. My mom sat for a little while but she had to get back up because her legs were starting to hurt her. We were right next to a handicapped section. Half an hour before the show starts, a family comes with a lady on a wheelchair. The lady gets to the handicapped section and her family sits on the other side of the rope, behind us. They decide to go get a bench from I don't know where (that already got to me) and place it behind us so they can get to sit down. They had a few kids with them, ranging about 11-12 years old... or maybe even 8 years old. I am not sure. Five minutes later, the lady on the wheelchair says, "I don't want to be here anymore." She moves out of the handicapped section and sits next to her family. I think she moved because there were mentally challenged folks right next to her. The kids start complaining that they can't see because my mom was standing (remember her legs hurt after sitting on the floor). My mom kindly moved to the side. No problem. Then again I hear more complaining, "M'am, can you please sit on your knees." This time, my mom said, "I am sorry, but I can't sit down." The lady then said, "You have a good evening, okay?" in a sarcastic tone. After the show and we were leaving, the lady said that again in a sarcastic tone. My mom ignored her completely but I gave her a "look".

I am sorry, but she had a perfect view in the handicapped section and if her family sat with her, they would have been fine. We got there an hour before the show and my mom was not about to sit on the floor again just because of them.


Here's another one. We often take my parents, dad is 73 and mom is 68 and dad has had a knee replacement and the second one is very bad and needs surgery. Anyway, Dad gets a wheel chair and Dad weighs about 250 as do I. Needless to say, when people STOP right in front of me, for no reason, ouch. You can't stop a train on a dime. I always watch a distance in front to see when something or a block is occuring, but some people like to cross right in front, especially on Main Street. if you do that, I may not even try to stop. I've seen people do that with strollers too, so it's not always the pusher's fault. However, I have never run anyone over in a line

Also, for the parade pushers: We had gotten front row seats for the Xmas parade in frontier land and some foreigners tried to crowd in front of my kids, ages 5 and 9. I took my hand,(paw), and strongly pushed them back in the crowd and told them, "No way." They left and that was all i really wanted.


Active Member
OH! I thought of another one.

Rain. it happens in central florida about once a day, if not more. Deal with it.

I hate it more than anything when everyone is exiting an attraction (such as it's tough to be a bug or Muppets) and they see it is raining. They then stop, pull out their oversized backpacks, pull out the entire family's poncho set, and procede to not let anyone else out of the theatre until it either stops raining or they get their ponchos on. Meanwhile, the rest of the two hundred or so people are forced to push their way through as to not get caught in the next show's worth of people coming in.

one family even had a small child out PLAYING in the rain, walking down the path from 'it's tough to be a bug', and refused to follow the kid because it was raining and they didn't wait to get wet. Luckily, my dad stopped the little girl from continuing, and turned her back towards her family. As we walked away, the little girl yelled at her family "it is just rain, come play!"

exactly. right on little girl.


Well-Known Member
sleepybear said:
All those hassles with Illuminations and the parades are why I don't really bother to see them anymore. It always ends in frustration about other people.

That's why I don't wait an hour or more to see these shows. We usually start looking for a spot about 10-15 minutes before the show. The exception was Epcot this past July 4th where we found a spot 30 minutes before the show. Usually we luck out since it is just the two of us (My wife and I) and find a spot behind people shorter than us. We've been lucky the last few times and gotten behind really nice families. In fact, we chatted with a family from Missouri the entire 30 minutes before the July 4th Illuminations. They were more than happy to let us stand behind their children who were shorter than us anyway. This led to a perfect view for us and them. We also helped them keep anyone else out of the spot.

So, I guess I don't see the point in waiting an hour or an hour and a half to see one of these shows. We usually spend our time seeing the sights and look for a spot later.
I should also note that I have never ever stood in front of someone else who is already there.


Well-Known Member
FanofDinsey1981 said:
OH! I thought of another one.
Rain. it happens in central florida about once a day, if not more. Deal with it.

Good point! I don't even bring a poncho to the parks anymore. It takes so long to get it out and put it away when you don't need it anymore. It also feels much nastier than just getting a little wet. I will carry an umbrella sometimes, but I never carry a poncho anymore. Like you said, a little rain never hurt anyone.


Well-Known Member
One thing that happened to us while waiting for something so start really upset me.

Back in 1993 on our honeymoon about an hour prior to SpectroMagic's start my wife and I stood up on the porch by Tony's Town Square. We stood by the railing so we would have a good view. These two older couples sat down on the bench behind us. We waited for the hour and as it was about to start they started asking us to move. They said they were waiting for an hour to see the show. We explained so were we and that was why we had been standing there. They said they did not know that and said we should leave. We did not and they harrassed us until we did. It was not worth fighting over but to this day has bugged us....


Well-Known Member
I agree we had the right to stay and could have if we wanted to. The issue was they would not shut up about it and we would not have enjoyed the show anyway. So we could have stayed and not had fun just to stick it to them (sometimes wish we did) or we could take advantage of low lines and try the show another time, which we did.

Either way though, they were wrong for giving us a hard time...

TAC said:
Nope. I wouldn't have moved, unless a CM asked me to. I say TOUGH!

It's the same BS nowadays at concerts. I, and I realize others, spend large amounts of money to see concerts. I like to stand, and I'm only 5' 6". I get "into a show" more when I stand. People behind me have complained and harassed me as well - "I can't see." My reply: "Stand up and you'll be able to see." 'One time, this one guy called the usher over. The usher told him that as long as I am standing in front of my seat, I can sit or stand.


Well-Known Member
Hmm...my pet peeves...hyperactive little kids that jump all around and/or kick/hit their siblings or even kids not even in their group (these types of kids annoy me in general, but especially when they're in front or behind me in queue), people who stand way too close to you, and loud, obnoxious people (in particular, some teenagers...but some adults can fit into that catagory as well).


Premium Member
I agree with the people that suddenly stop in front of you while walking down the sidewalk.

I also don't like the walkie talkies and walkie talkie cell phones. I realize that you are trying to keep in contact with your party, but I really don't care to hear your whole conversation. Maybe select a meeting time and place and invest in watches instead.


New Member
Too many Pet Peeves

Oh I don't know where to start!
1: Loud teenagers who act like they haven't seen each other in 50 years and have to scream and act like monkeys EVERYWHERE they go.
2: Stepping on Feet. I have had 5 foot surgerys so I wear tennis shoes a lot to protect my now sensitive feet. And it seems that every Stroller, foot, wheelchair finds my shoes and totally kills my feet for the day. People need to control those strollers.
3: Cutting in line. It seems that once the line gets long- like out of the chains or real queue, people think that it's a free for all and they can get in line no matter where it ends. Also the 1 person in line that ends up with 8 people.
4: Fastpass Cutters. I HATE people who stand in front of the fastpass window for an hour before their time hoping the the CM will let them on early. They block the way for others and I'd hate to be that CM turning them down every 2 seconds.
5: Soarin's queue. I agree with that the queue walkway is too long. At the california queue it has a really really long walk down to the ride. It seems that if there are any kids behind you when you start walking. They will run as fast as they can and cut in front of you. And the PARENTS who are miles behind you EXPECT to be where there kids are, not bring them back to there correct place in line. I HATE THAT!!!
6: Kids on shoulders. I hate when parents put there kids on their shoulders when they are in perfect view of the parades and shows and have NO reason to put them up there. I hate when people are disrespectful to everyone behind them.

okay I'll stop cause I can go on forever!! But Disney is too happy of a place to rush around and ruin other peoples day.

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