Weird or strange people in WDW


Well-Known Member
I actually can see the point of this...some what...I mean I'm staying at Deluxe resort my upcoming trip but I may end up eating cereal for breakfast in the room a couple days to save some money. However given they spent 15 or so minutes just toasting bread...time is money. I may not have gone that far to save money...who knows. Funny story though.


Maybe one of them was .... POWDERED TOAST MAN !!!!

Did one yell, "Quick, man! Cling tenaciously to my buttocks! "



New Member
Well, I haven't seen too many weird people...annoying, yes, but not weird.
Pins are ok.
I don't quite get dressing inappropriately for the weather (or age/size/etc) but figure I can always look the other way (and maybe they don't have mirrors at home or hotel).
Knowing lots of facts is also ok.
Standing in line while it is really hot and crowded and sharing with everyone, who are within, oh, say anywhere in that part of Florida, your extensive knowledge of all things Disney is annoying and not ok. :zipit:



Would make a hysterical photo contest too!!!

I can honestly say I have never seen anyone I thought overly strange at any of parks. However, I did see a woman at Typhoon Lagoon who was rather strange in the wave pool.

She would wade into the wave pool only to about mid shin depth. When the siren went off and the wave started coming, she ran out of the water to the beach area. Then, once the wave had passed, she would go back in. She looked like a sandpiper on a beach!!!

Now this is very weird but what made it OVERLY weird is the fact she did this for about 45 minutes!!!


Well-Known Member

Would make a hysterical photo contest too!!!

I can honestly say I have never seen anyone I thought overly strange at any of parks. However, I did see a woman at Typhoon Lagoon who was rather strange in the wave pool.

She would wade into the wave pool only to about mid shin depth. When the siren went off and the wave started coming, she ran out of the water to the beach area. Then, once the wave had passed, she would go back in. She looked like a sandpiper on a beach!!!

Now this is very weird but what made it OVERLY weird is the fact she did this for about 45 minutes!!!

If she started pecking for sand crabs in the concrete, then that would be REALLY weird.



Well-Known Member
I dare say that any popular public venue is going to attract its share of strange people, but often the expensive places, like Disney, are priced too high for the truly strange people to frequent. After all, if they are strange in the parks, they're probably strange in the workplace, and are probably not able to afford Disney. Exceptions, of course, exist; but most truly strange people that I have encountered have a very hard time holding down a job. Of course, they may have sources of income other than traditional work, or they may scrimp and save to be there.

I once ran into an odd fellow at the bar at the Polynesian who claimed to have been an engineer at Disney. I asked where Disney got its electricity from, and he told me that giant turbines at the bottom of seven seas lagoon generate much of it. I have since determined that this is pure hogwash, but other things he told me, such as the old wave machine that was shut down becuase it eroded the Polynesian's beach, ended up being real. And that US Steel got a large chunk of shared Disney revenue in return for the steel in the parks and the Contemporary. Those were apparently true, so I am still wondering.

I would agree that the know-it-alls, the awful parents who constantly yell at their kids, and the-people-who-just-stood-in-a-long-line-for-food-and-then-finally-take-the-time-to-decide-what-they-want-once-they-are-in-front, are irritating and thereby strange. But the people who are way too into it, like the single men who stalk the princesses, are a bit scary wierd in my book. I've seen them, and second-guess my daughter's eventual desire to work at disney some day.

Burning Metal

New Member
The strangest thing I've seen was just this past August. There was a guy in the restroom at the Sci-Fi Drive In who was shaving at one of the sinks...that was strange enough but I went back in there about 1/2 hr. later and he was washing his feet in the sink!

Larry Mondello

Well-Known Member
I'm all for live and let live. But just for laughs, who are the weirdest or strangest people you've met in WDW :shrug:

For me it was probably the guy who decided to join me at a table outside the ice cream shop on Main St and take out his notebook. He proceeded to tell me all the toilets he'd visited and recorded in his notebook throughout WDW :lookaroun

For all you bathroom aficionado's, enjoy


New Member
What I saw was more gross if anything but i was VERY wierded out by it lol.

I saw a woman on the bus from AK to POP and she had a small towel and was wiping her neck because she was sweating a lot (it was EXTREMELY hot that day...) None the less, after she finished wiping herself she then decided to lick her towel numerous times!!!! :lookaroun

Let's just say a lot of people on the bus were not too happy with that sight.


I can understand toweling off somewhat...that's not the weird part...the weird part is the licking!


Well-Known Member
What I saw was more gross if anything but i was VERY wierded out by it lol.

I saw a woman on the bus from AK to POP and she had a small towel and was wiping her neck because she was sweating a lot (it was EXTREMELY hot that day...) None the less, after she finished wiping herself she then decided to lick her towel numerous times!!!! :lookaroun

Let's just say a lot of people on the bus were not too happy with that sight.


I can understand toweling off somewhat...that's not the weird part...the weird part is the licking!

It's saltily delicious....

Maybe she was part deer.


Active Member
Well, I don't normally think of people as weird but this did seem so-

I call them 'The Toast Family'.
For several days while we were eating breakfast in the food court at Port Orleans Riverside, we would see a family come in carrying an entire loaf of bread.
Father, mother, and two children about grammar shool age.

They sat down at a table and then took the bread to the self-serve toasters and spent 15 or so minutes toasting it all.
Then they went back to the table, got some of the free condiments of butter and jelly, and put it on the toast.
That was their breakfast.
I don't think they actually bought anything at the food court.

Now you might say, OK they were just saving money on breakfast.
Consider though that Port Orleans Riverside is a Moderate resort.
It seems that someone on a very tight budget would have first saved money by staying at a Value resort.

You could call them smart or weird; depends on how you look at.
It was odd, though.

I have too much pride to save that kind of money. Why not by a box of snack cakes or for heaven's sake bring your own toaster and hide your freakshow in the privacy of your own room!


Well-Known Member
I dare say that any popular public venue is going to attract its share of strange people, but often the expensive places, like Disney, are priced too high for the truly strange people to frequent. After all, if they are strange in the parks, they're probably strange in the workplace, and are probably not able to afford Disney.

Yes, I feel like the caliber of people at Disney is WAY above some that I have seen at Busch Gardens or Six Flags, not that I dont enjoy those parks, but I am sure you know what I mean. They, and the people who attend them, arent Disney.

Now, I am a solid middle class girl and by no means an elitist, but I think the Disney wackadoodles are in their mildest form...except maybe for bathroom guy. :p


Well-Known Member
How about the dude who decided to stand at the front of the bus and tell everyone where to sit!?! He wanted to fit as many people on the bus as possible b/c we had been waiting for awhile. My husband and I, two kids, and two strollers were taking up two seats and he asked us to move in to make room for someone else... I was like, are you freakin' kidding!?!

Everybody on the bus wanted to tell him shut up and sit down!

He was more annoying than weird!


last year a lady came up to me and asked if i could take her daughter on Big Thunder Mountain cos she didnt want to go on it, didnt really know what to say so i told her i couldnt cos i had dinner reservevations in like 10mins and that she should go see a CM at the ride.


New Member
Last year I was in the Norway pavillion in Epcot, my family is Swedish but I was born here in the U.S. so I can see how I could be mistaken as Norwiegan. Anyways, a strange man approached me and started yelling at me for being out of uniform and that he had been waiting for over a half hour to be waited on at the souviner cart and that I should loose my job:veryconfu apperently he thought I was suppose to be working the stand in Norway, he was totally nuts lol.

Mrs. Jobson

Active Member
The strangest thing I've seen was just this past August. There was a guy in the restroom at the Sci-Fi Drive In who was shaving at one of the sinks...that was strange enough but I went back in there about 1/2 hr. later and he was washing his feet in the sink!


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