wdwmagic singles


New Member
Original Poster
I think that there should be a singles area where we could meet other disney freaks like ourselves. Sometimes its hard to find people because they really don't care about disney and they think that your crazy for spending hours online talking about disney world. So I was thinking for all the singles to post there age/______/location and maybe we could meet people in our area with the same interests.

Its just a thought. thought it might be fun.

I'm 22/M/NY


The Mom

Premium Member
I'm 25, 5'8", 125 lbs, long blonde hair, and am an attorney in Atlanta.

Seriously, I'm a middle aged matron, vertically challenged, a bit plump, and have more than my fair share of grey hairs. Oh, and I've been married for 25 years!

I think that's the major problem....you are too dependent on others being honest...and let's face it, you can never be sure. I also think all of the members would feel horrible if anything bad were to happen to someone through posting here.

There is PMing available to those who care to meet other posters on a more personal level....I feel that's enough.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by The Mom
I'm 25, 5'8", 125 lbs, long blonde hair, and am an attorney in Atlanta.

LOL! Well done, Mom! You sure had me fooled! ;)

And sadly, we have already seen a few people around here who were less than honest about what they were about...


Very true...

I know some of you have found love on the internet but if one of my friends came and told me about some guy she met in cyberspace...I would be very worried about her. You really have to be careful these days...girls especially...and we have some very young people on this board. I would hate for WDWMagic to end up on the news because of some sicko (and with the amount of members we have, there is bound to be a sicko somewhere!).

I COULD be the girl in my avatar. Or, I could be a 78 year old beer-bellied Luxembourger named Larry with a comb-over and gingivitis, and that girl in the picture is my granddaughter.

Ahh, fun with the internet!

I'm sorry, Josh. I do think you have a very good idea and it's sad that we have to be so careful. Maybe I should just shut my yap! I can't join this club anyway.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Erika
Very true...

I know some of you have found love on the internet but if one of my friends came and told me about some guy she met in cyberspace...I would be very worried about her. You really have to be careful these days...girls especially...and we have some very young people on this board. I would hate for WDWMagic to end up on the news because of some sicko (and with the amount of members we have, there is bound to be a sicko somewhere!).

I COULD be the girl in my avatar. Or, I could be a 78 year old beer-bellied Luxembourger named Larry with a comb-over and gingivitis, and that girl in the picture is my granddaughter.

Ahh, fun with the internet!

I'm sorry, Josh. I do think you have a very good idea and it's sad that we have to be so careful. Maybe I should just shut my yap! I can't join this club anyway.

Good point Larry. :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by Erika
Very true...

I know some of you have found love on the internet but if one of my friends came and told me about some guy she met in cyberspace...I would be very worried about her. You really have to be careful these days...girls especially...and we have some very young people on this board. I would hate for WDWMagic to end up on the news because of some sicko (and with the amount of members we have, there is bound to be a sicko somewhere!).

I COULD be the girl in my avatar. Or, I could be a 78 year old beer-bellied Luxembourger named Larry with a comb-over and gingivitis, and that girl in the picture is my granddaughter.

Ahh, fun with the internet!

I'm sorry, Josh. I do think you have a very good idea and it's sad that we have to be so careful. Maybe I should just shut my yap! I can't join this club anyway.

Just to set the record striaght, I really do look like my avatar. I get my wings caught in the doorway whrn I get to work in the mornings, but people accept me for who I am. :hammer:


New Member
Originally posted by The Mom

Seriously, I'm a middle aged matron, vertically challenged, a bit plump, and have more than my fair share of grey hairs. Oh, and I've been married for 25 years!

WOW...you sound GORGEOUS....if you're interested, I look a little like Broderick Crawford, 10-4? Can we meet over cocktails some time?:kiss:

(....ps: if ya wanna pretend to be someone more perfect than yourself, take it to a fantasy chat...INTEGRITY is king here, all others hit the road!) :fork:


New Member
Originally posted by Erika

I COULD be the girl in my avatar. Or, I could be a 78 year old beer-bellied Luxembourger named Larry with a comb-over and gingivitis, and that girl in the picture is my granddaughter.

Erika....I'm just checking.....in your avatar....which one is YOU?:animwink:

(...second thought, don't bust my bubble...I'll just assume you're the sexy thing on the right):kiss:


New Member
Original Poster
i'm sorry no one thinks this is a good idea. I'm just sick of all the trash in chat rooms and things like that but I can see your point about being careful. I didn't even really think about that. Its sad that is this day and age you have to be that careful.

Thanks for your responses.



Well-Known Member
I'll post here...but there is another "single" (I think) on these forums for me...let's just see if she bites when I cast my line out...

YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! (and NO, I didn't meet her online :) )



New Member
Originally posted by Erika
Very true...

I know some of you have found love on the internet but if one of my friends came and told me about some guy she met in cyberspace...I would be very worried about her. You really have to be careful these days...girls especially...and we have some very young people on this board. I would hate for WDWMagic to end up on the news because of some sicko (and with the amount of members we have, there is bound to be a sicko somewhere!).

I COULD be the girl in my avatar. Or, I could be a 78 year old beer-bellied Luxembourger named Larry with a comb-over and gingivitis, and that girl in the picture is my granddaughter.

Ahh, fun with the internet!

I'm sorry, Josh. I do think you have a very good idea and it's sad that we have to be so careful. Maybe I should just shut my yap! I can't join this club anyway.



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by Erika
I COULD be the girl in my avatar. Or, I could be a 78 year old beer-bellied Luxembourger named Larry with a comb-over and gingivitis, and that girl in the picture is my granddaughter.

Hi Larry:wave:

My sister is a dental hygenist.....maybe she could help you with that ginivitis problem....oh and your granddaughter....she is quite charming...and she helps poor animals in her spare time...? How nice she must be:)


New Member
LMAO this is amusing considering Kelly and I were joking around about starting a WDWMagic Dating service after a few people asked us to.

This was when I was dating someone and wanted everyone else to be happy though LOL. (not that I dont' want everyone else to be happy but it's a looonnng story lol).

Hmm... I agree that it can be risky. I've learned a long time ago not to trust many people at all... they have a tendancy to not tell the truth.


New Member
I dont think Id date anyone from Online..but its always fun to flirt! :kiss:

Im a 15 year old tall burnette tan irish chick if anyones interested..haha



Trophy Husband
I'm a fat, married old man.

I like Italian motorcycles, Rolling Rock and Japanese movies with people in rubber suits stepping on cardboard buildings.

I tend to leave my dirty laundry lying on the bedroom floor, and I have underwear with holes large enough to drive a Buick through and elastic that makes a sickening "crunch" sound when you pull on it.

I generally just leave the toilet paper roll on the back of the toilet rather than actually putting it on the roller.

I can't even imagine spending more money on an engagement ring than a really good sound system.

There are times, after I've had the right combination of beer and Mexican food that I do things in the bathroom that should be considered a crime against nature.

How's that for "truth in advertising":D


Originally posted by DMC-12

Hi Larry:wave:

My sister is a dental hygenist.....maybe she could help you with that ginivitis problem...

*scratches butt*

BUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRP! Hey, thanks, man *farts*

I'll give her a call REAL soon

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