WDW Picture of the Day (Part 3)

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forbidden donut

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Indiana Jones Stunt Show



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The rainbow shot of WS and the Dusk shot of WS are Unbelievably GORGEOUS!!!! Great work!!!! How did you manage to get so much of the scenery in one shot?? I usually cant get that many countries in a single shot!!!! Belle


Well-Known Member

GREAT SHOT keekee!! you really captured the lighting. here's mine:
this was our guide on our steam train tour. he was amazing! not only was he knowledgable about the trains, he was an encyclopedia on all things disney- the man, the company, the parks...... i (like many others on the boards) have done my fair share of homework on all things disney, and he certainly made the trip worth while!
(sorry about the blur- i guess we were moving though, i didn't realize it at the time and its the only pic i had of him)



Well-Known Member
Oh my gosh, that's beautiful!!

Great Shot!!!!!!

sooo...looks like the rainbow starts in America and ends in Mexico...hmmm....must be some Aztec gold hidden at the end of that one

Awesome shot - well done! Soooooo beautiful :sohappy:.

DING DING DING DING. We have a winner. That shot is unbelievable. May I use it as my wallpaper on my computer?

The rainbow shot of WS and the Dusk shot of WS are Unbelievably GORGEOUS!!!! Great work!!!! How did you manage to get so much of the scenery in one shot?? I usually cant get that many countries in a single shot!!!! Belle

Thanks for all the great comments. I was leaving Epcot and I saw the rainbow in the sky a I just had to photograph it. Mickifan17, of course you may us it for your wallpaper. As for how I got the shot; It's actually 11 separate images that were stitched together with Windows Live Photo Gallery.

Here's one of Main Street taken on April 3rd:


Well-Known Member
KeeKee - Great One from EPCOT!!! The lighting you captured in that shot really makes the picture feel so realistic. :sohappy:

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