WDW Picture of the Day (Continued)


New Member
Here are some more from Splash Mountain...


Frontierland CM

New Member
Beautiful picture. Don't know if I am such a fan of the characters on their castle though. It seems to throw off the perspective of it being a very tall castle. Ours which seems to be a little heftier didn't have such a big problem with handling all the characters, but this one being so dainty, it seems a bit overwhelming. Does anybody else agree or is it just me? But again beautiful picture.

The characters and the 15 on the front are for the 15th anniversary celebration. It got dark around 11pm when I was in Paris, so I didn't get to see any fireworks, but each character is holding a candle, and they lit them up in a night show called "Candleabration"


Well-Known Member
flower, do you go by yourself to the world? do you collect those dolls? and do you make all of your own shirts to wear while youre there?

Hello :) Yes I go to the world by myself, most of the time. Going solo is fun :) Also yes I love to collect dolls :) I ordered one of my photo shirts from walmart. I just emailed them the picture and after I got my shirt, I took it to this place in the mall and told them what I wanted the shirt to say :) I went to this same place in the mall for my other photo shirts and they put my picture on a shirt and I told them what I wanted the shirt to say and everything :) I have also ordered some of my shirts online and I purchased some in Disney.


Well-Known Member
What a cute picture. Although I have no idea who the green mouse is in the background. I only know Perla (in purple) and Susie (in blue).

Thank You :sohappy: The little Mouse in the green dress is Suzy :) The dress that Suzy wears is a Green/Blue dress :) I have noticed that sometimes when I look at the dress my eyes see blue and other times my eyes see green :p

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